Help! Vacation! How to workout?


Hi all! Hope you are doing good!

I need some serious help! I am going on vacation to Florida this Friday and I am so worried about how I am going to workout! I am staying with my 84 year old grandma who doesn't even own a VCR and cooks like a gourmet southern chef! I will wake every morning to the smell of homemade eVERYTHING! The food part I think I can handle. I think I am going to pack a ton of protein bars, etc and then eat them when she is not around so she doesn't get her feelings hurt. She is one of those grandma's who insists that everyone eats... ALL DAY LONG!!!!!

Okay, now for the 2nd dilemma! How am I going to get in cardio? I bought some resistance bands today and a book that explains the moves so I think I will be able to at least get in some strength work.

I could run... but am not much of a runner. Plus, there are aligator's all over the place because they live in the boonies and they farm tropical fish. Aligator's are real attracted to their fish ponds.

I could probably run a couple days but the crime is also really high around there so if the alligator's don't get me the muggers will. It really isn't that safe to run early in the morning before everyone else gets up.

My question is..... do you think I will be alright without a week of any cardio? I have finally started to see some good results thanks to a recent S&H rotation and clean eating and cathe cardio! I just don't want to lose it. Plus I know I am going to eat more there than I ever do here! My southern family cooks all the time! And it is soooooooo good!

The only possible option I have is working out a family member's house like my aunt/uncle's or cousins. However, ya' know that is always awkwarD!

Do you think the resistance bands will be enough? What other cardio could I possibly do????

Help please!!!!!!!!!

I would say -- enjoy your vacation! However, if you feel you HAVE to workout, here's a suggestion.

I heard this in Video Fitness forum. I thought it is good thing, and I might try it myself if I am on vacation and need some cardio. Here it goes...

You make an audio tape of your favorite 'no-equipment' needed cardio, i.e. MIC hi-lo, CTX Kickbox or Cardio Kicks. Then using a walkman, you play the audio tape... hopefully you'll get all the moves from Cathe's queing and from previous experience (sort of having the combo memorized). I guess you could also use Cathe's step workout, but do it without the step (lower intensity).

Have fun!

What I do on vacations, besides look for opportunites to walk a lot or run, which you may not be able to do in this case is do a 30 minute mini-workout just to keep my circulation going and perk me up a bit. I'm sure I still lose fitness on vacation but this helps:

Every other day I do 50 squats, 25 lunges on each side and 25 plie squats without any weight. I do 20 manly pushups, 5 minutes worth of ab work and 25 dips off of some suitable chair or piano bench or something. If possible I do 40 or 50 calf raises off of a stair. This way every muscle gets a bit of attention except biceps, shoulders and upper back.

Then I do some stretches and "call it a day".
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-02 AT 06:24AM (Est)[/font][p]1) Find the nearest mall

2) Call to see what time they open for walkers

3) Go to the mall every morning and WALK. There's your cardio.

Believe me, walking can be very sufficient for cardio if you walk properly and fast enough. Don't try to window shop, and don't stroll - get serious and shop later.

Second suggestion - grandma will get over it if you don't eat her cooking all day. I have a 97 year old aunt who tries to force feed everyone, except me. She knows it won't work. Remember this: No one makes grandma do what grandma doesn't want to do, so don't let her do it to you. You teach people how to treat you, in the words of Dr. Phil.

It IS possible to decline food in a polite way.

Just Do It! :)
Maybe a jumprope would work for your cardio. You could take your walkman and listen to some good music while you jump. With a jumprope, you could maybe just jump for 15 minutes or so and then go out for a fast walk or jog. Or the fact that jumproping is so intense, you may not want anymore than just the 10 or 15 minute jump session. The idea about the tape made off of workouts is a good one that I had never thought of! I think I will try that one next time I go out of town! All of the above ideas are good ones that I will have to try!

I just got back from vacation a month ago (Vegas). I walked at least 7 miles a day, sometimes twice. I didn't do any weights that week, I didn't run or anything. I just took it easy with brisk walks. It felt like heaven! I actually lost a couple of pounds and came back ready to jump back into my regular workouts! But, I realize that it was much easier to walk where I was! There were no alligators! But have fun and enjoy your vacation!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-02 AT 00:13AM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks so much for all of your ideas! I think you are all right! I am on vacation... so live it up a little. I am also going to tell my grandma about my clean eating. My cousin said she should be fine and that she has tons of veggies in the house and in the garden. Sometimes communication is the best!

Also, I found out tonight my cousin goes to the YMCA!!!!!!! So, at least a couple days we will head over there, they even have a daycare for my 2 year old :) However, unfortunately I will be stuck to the cardio machines as they are getting their floors redone in the aerobic room. However... no complaints here! Maybe a treadmill will do my butt good :)

I am also going to try using a jump rope for a backup in case we don't make it to the gym. I think the idea of recording the tape of Cathe is excellent too!!!

I love the mall idea as well! I just won't be able to take my wallet. Otherwise I won't be able to control myself :)

Thanks so much! Now I am getting so excited!


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