HELP! Over 50 and fat!


Hi eveyone! I hope quarantine is treating you well! I recently turned 53 and have been doing Cathe workouts since my twenties. I typically workout 45-60 min per day 6 days per week and do 3 day split and 3 days of cardio and a full body here or there and take about 12,000 to 15,000 steps per day. I have been blessed with a great metabolism, have always worked out regularly since my teens and have never struggled with my weight...until now. I recently looked at a picture of me and my daughter and my arms are fat sausages, my thighs have gained inches and I now have a belly! I have never had a belly...ever. I look like I am wearing a layer of fat and my clothes are super tight. I realize that hormones are the issue and my diet has to change in some fundamental way (no fun). I generally eat quite well (Smoothies in the Vitamix not too much bread/flour products (max 2 per day)) but now I am starting to think that I need to get rid of everything but the cleanest diet which is incredibly hard to maintain and really reduce my calories. Has anyone struggled with this and come up with a plan that really worked and that they could stick with? I was at one of Cathe's roadtrips for the first time last year and so regret not asking her this question. Help! I want to be comfortable in my own skin again and recognize the person in the mirror.
Please look up Chef AJ (You can find her on YouTube and she has a free 14 week class 'Feel Fabulous Over 40' online where there is TONS of info). She also aligns with Alan Goldhammer and Doug Lisle. IT IS THE FOOD! I had been thin all my life, but with a "soft" layer on me that I thought was just from being a woman. When I accidentally fell into their way of eating 100%, I trimmed up without trying and was firm with cut lines...again without changing anything else.

During this whole lockdown, Chef AJ has been doing several YouTube videos per her channel has gotten "messy" with hundreds of videos. While those videos can be interesting, it is her older videos from before the lockdown that have the valuable lose weight info (she discusses topics and does QnA). Usually called "Weightloss Wednesday". Just binge some of her videos (along with Alan Goldhammer and Doug Lisle) to find out the WHAT to eat and WHY. (Doug Lisle's video "The Cram Circuit" is also helpful explaining WHY we crave bad food).

If you want a background of Chef AJ, Please watch her YouTube video "From Fat Vegan to Skinny Bitch". I highly recommend it.
Please look up Chef AJ (You can find her on YouTube and she has a free 14 week class 'Feel Fabulous Over 40' online where there is TONS of info). She also aligns with Alan Goldhammer and Doug Lisle. IT IS THE FOOD! I had been thin all my life, but with a "soft" layer on me that I thought was just from being a woman. When I accidentally fell into their way of eating 100%, I trimmed up without trying and was firm with cut lines...again without changing anything else.

During this whole lockdown, Chef AJ has been doing several YouTube videos per her channel has gotten "messy" with hundreds of videos. While those videos can be interesting, it is her older videos from before the lockdown that have the valuable lose weight info (she discusses topics and does QnA). Usually called "Weightloss Wednesday". Just binge some of her videos (along with Alan Goldhammer and Doug Lisle) to find out the WHAT to eat and WHY. (Doug Lisle's video "The Cram Circuit" is also helpful explaining WHY we crave bad food).

If you want a background of Chef AJ, Please watch her YouTube video "From Fat Vegan to Skinny Bitch". I highly recommend it.
Thank you for the information. I'll definitely look them up. Thanks!
Thanks Gobias! It looks like Chef AJ recommends cutting out flour, sugar, fat and salt? Is that correct?

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