Hello, Brenda - do give CTX a try. It hasn't maintained its immense popularity for nothing. The cardio+single-muscle-group approach might be just the set-up for you.
Also, if you have the Hard Core Series in its entirety, please check out the "Faux CTX Hard Core Rotation" (I think that's the title of it) that I cooked up on . . . well, the Rotations forum (a stroke of genius that!). It's designed to mimic the cardio + muscle-work set up of CTX but with Hard Cores.
I think each individual exerciser has to poke around to figure out which weight-lifting protocol works best for her. I know it took me several years to refine my own personal method. Keep at it, keep practicing and experimenting and I know you'll find what works for you. It's worth the effort, both for the physical AND the emotional / mental benefits.
Also, if you have the Hard Core Series in its entirety, please check out the "Faux CTX Hard Core Rotation" (I think that's the title of it) that I cooked up on . . . well, the Rotations forum (a stroke of genius that!). It's designed to mimic the cardio + muscle-work set up of CTX but with Hard Cores.
I think each individual exerciser has to poke around to figure out which weight-lifting protocol works best for her. I know it took me several years to refine my own personal method. Keep at it, keep practicing and experimenting and I know you'll find what works for you. It's worth the effort, both for the physical AND the emotional / mental benefits.