Help Newbie On Board!


Hello Everyone:

I am a newbie and need some advice! I am currently doing MIS 2x a week, is that enough to tone up? Also can one do the ab section to MIS everday? I have never felt my abs hurt so much and I love it! 2x a week on abs does not seem enough for me! Well thank you for caring and sharing!
My Opinion

In my opinion I would do MIS 3x's a week. Abs can be worked everyday BUT Cathe says that it isn't necessary. I think 4-5 times a week is sufficient.


I just answered your question on the Ask Cathe forum. Please check that, maybe you'll find it helpful.
Hi newbie!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-00 AT 10:15AM (EST)</font></center>

I LOVE MIS, glad you're liking it too! MIS was my first strength-training rotation, back in April of 99. . . I started off doing it just once a week because it was killing me! I'd do another, much lighter total body strength tape one other day. After a while I could do MIS two days. I believe Cathe recommends twice a week for this tape, doesn't she? (watch the intro recommendations on the tape, I'm pretty sure she recommends twice a week). I'm sure three days a week would be fine but that's probably a max. To answer your question, is twice a week enough to tone up, YOU BETCHA!!! It sure is. I think Cathe's advice on abs is 4X a week. I about died laughing when you said "I have never felt my abs hurt so much and I love it". I HATE doing abs and mostly avoided them for all of 99! One of my 2000 resolutions was to stop avoiding abs and do abs 3X a week at least (and I HAVE, btw). You are a better woman than I for sure!! I am wondering what your fitness level is. Are you a newbie to fitness, a newbie to Cathe's workouts, or a newbie to the forum? -susan p
Thank YOU

Hi Everyone!

I want to thank you for your advice it really helped. Once again thank you for sharing and caring!
Susan P.....

Hi Susan,

I tried to e mail you the questions you asked me but the e mail was returned stating error. Please e mail if you like!

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