Help.....My milk supply is down


I have been a lurker for quite some time, I'm usually too shy to post, but I need help. My little one is four months old, and the other day she just started pulling away from my breast and screaming. The doctor said it was probably her sore throat and she just didn't feel like it. I gave her some of my frozen supply and she acted like she was starving. I thought maybe I just ate something she didn't like so I tried to pump....NOTHING CAME OUT. So next feeding I gave her some formula and just pumped and I only got 1-1/2 oz total from both breast. Needless to say I am panicing. She has been breast fed exclusively after a long hard battle in the first few weeks. I really want to breast feed if at all possible, because I know it is the best for her. Right now I am breastfeeding then giving her a formula bottle as a chaser. Then double pumping both sides for 10 minutes to try to increase my supply. A nurse suggested I get a perscription for something to increase my milk, but I am a little afraid of any drug that increases hormone production. Have any of you had this problem? Has anyone been able to get their milk volume to increase? Suggestions please.
I normally don't post, but I thought I'd help a fellow BFer if I could. I have breastfed both my daughters. The first one for one year and the second one six months so far. I fought with supply issues with my first daughter (I work full time and pump). Fortunately, I have access to a lactation consultant through my work.

When I was having a supploy problem, the first thing the LC seemed to zero in on was diet. You must make sure and get enough to eat. Protein at every meal. I have read on other forums that oatmeal really helps with supply. Drink plenty of water. Although I have never had to do it, I understand there are over the counter supplements that can help as well as prescription medicine (perhaps someone else can help you with that).

All the diet stuff aside, I'd suggest a little patience. You haven't said how long this has gone on, but if it is only a day or so it could be a phase she is going through. I would resist supplementing unless absolutely necessary. I have used pumping rooms at work and it seems that the ladies who supplement follow a slippery slope. It only makes the supply go down even more.

Another thing to keep in mind that it is not uncommon for you to be able to pump A LOT less than your baby can coax out of your breast. Plus, if you are stressing about how much milk is coming out, it can also decrease how much you get. So unless your daughter is crying and fussing she is probably getting enough to eat.

These are just ideas. I hope things improve for you soon. Keep us posted!
I nursed both my babies too.I know that you need to drink a constant supply of liquids,and make sure that you are eating enough.As far as the nurses suggestion,I wouldnt worry about getting a perscription,sounds like some wierd advice,IMO.Also,keep pumping your breasts if baby doesnt want to nurse,that will help to keep your supply from drying out.And lastly,try to get plent of rest!;)
I applaud you for nursing,and keep at it!I nursed my daughter till she was 1 1/2 yrs and my son for 2 yrs.It really does get easier with time.
Good luck!
Hi there,

I have not had this problem, but I know some women who have had similar issues to you. I would consult a lactation specialist if I were you. Also, maybe contact the La Leche League--they might have suggestions. I have heard that the herb "fenugreek" (spelling?) has been helpful for some women with milk supply problems and you can get that at health food stores.

Another thing, in addition to making sure you are eating and drinking enough and getting enough rest, are you breastfeeding her frequently? and through the night? a friend of mine who had a problem similar to yours was told by her lactation specialist to nurse the baby frequently even through the night . She was told to wake the baby for night time feedings even if her baby was sleeping. This brought her milk supply back up.

Sorry for the disorganized rambling post. Please keep us posted.

take care
I sympathize with you whole-heartedly. I BF my 2nd daughter until her first birthday. It can be a struggle at times. I was able to pump enough at work to feed her the next day....but I drank water like a fiend. I mean I constantly made myself drink as much as I could. I know at one point I wasn't expressing much milk, but as soon as I increased my water, I was able to express more.

I supplemented BF with only 1 large can of dry supplement. I kept it on hand if I wasn't able to express enough. Everybody's body is different so what worked for me may not help you a bit.

I never took anything to increase my milk supply...just drank probably 4 times as much as I typically do. I hope you find what works for you and do enjoy your little one...mine is now 3.

Hi there! Our babies must be about the same age. Don't you just love being a Mom?!? I"m so glad you posted. I have some thoughts.

My little moo sometimes doesn't seem interested in BFing, but that's all he's getting. I know that sounds mean... but think of our primitive foremothers...what did they do their babies didn't feel like nursing? I agree w/dr that maybe your little moo's throat was sore,...but keep it up and I'm confident that your milk supply will continue to meet yourlittle moo's needs. It could have also been something you ate. :eek:)

Here's some more thoughts. Fenugreek is an herb that's often recommended to help build milk supply up. Some over-the-counter meds & Rx's interfere with your milk supply. Have you been taking anything new? Oatmeal is also boasted to increase milk supply.

As for pumping and not getting much, I think maybe you were stressed (am I right?) and therefore your let down wasn't as strong as normal. I am pumping while I'm at work & first thing every morning. The early morning pumping is just back up. So far I have about 80 or so bags stored in freezer. I"m told that somewhere around 6 mos that babys sometimes don't want to BF anymore b/c they're more interested in looking around while they eat. I don't know if this is true, but I want some backup just in case. If it proves not to be true, maybe I can donate some milk. ;o)

Anyway, I hope this helps. It's nice to hear from you, don't be a stranger!!!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Everybody has given you great advice. I just wanted to add my opinion. When my first son was born I tried breastfeeding him but because of various problems I gave up after about a month. I didn't want to stop because I felt guilty, like I was a bad mother and not doing what was best for him, but when I did stop I felt such relief. I realized what stress I was putting myself through and when I finally gave into formula feeding I believe both of us were much happier. I don't believe my son "suffers" any ill effects from being bottle fed. He's never sick, doesn't have any allergies, and is one of the top students in his class. When I gave birth with my second son I didn't even try to breastfeed. I was going to school full-time and working part-time. I'm now pregnant with my third child and still debating if I want to breast or bottle feed.

I said all of this because I don't want you to feel guilty if for some reason you're unable to continue breastfeeding. You're baby will be just as healty and happy with a bottle. I'm not saying you should give up but I feel you shouldn't be too hard on yourself either.

EDD 10-4-04
Hi ~ Because I am a strong advocate of nursing (I breastfed 2 girls for a year each) I want to give you suggestions on something that can be a real challenge at times!!! If it's truly a low milk supply (as the doctor said, she could be struggling with a sore throat & then swallowing would really bother her), then I would highly suggest taking fenugreek. As someone else recommended, this works to naturally increase your milk supply. However, when you go to buy it in a health food store, the bottle won't tell you how much to take (this isn't the main usage for fenugreek) --- so, start taking 3 pills 3x's/day. A mild side-effect is that you may start smelling like maple syrup. Yes, it sounds bizarre, but it's not harmful (just slightly strange!:) You'll know within a couple days if it works for you. Also, keep in mind that as babies start getting older, they become 1) more interested in their surroundings while nursing, 2) they get frustrated if the milk isn't coming out fast enough, and 3) they may not need to nurse as frequently b/c they're taking in more solids. When I nursed my first daughter, I was part of my hospital's breastfeeding support group & the lactation consultant taught me so much! I would also recommend visiting the website: Good Luck & Hope this helps! ;-)
I don't even usually look at this forum, simply because mine are 7 and 9, but this caught my eye. I couldn't agree with Jacque more. Our situations were very similar. You are made to feel like a horrible mother if you don't breastfeed. I was stressed and unhappy because the health profession was strongly encouraging me to breastfeed. My baby and I were much happier when I gave her formula. I had no guilt feelings what so ever. Both have been bottlefed and are healthy and intelligent kids. Do what makes life easier.

Isn't your baby just about ready to start with cereal? That could be some of the problem. Breast milk isn't as filling. Cereal may help.

Good Luck!
Thank you all so much for your suggestions and support. I have had a hard time with this since the beginning. I wonder if bf is so natural, why is it soooo HARD? And what on earth did our forefathers do who did not have formula to supplement with? I worry because she is still so small. We have struggled with weight and feeding issues since day one. I am trying all your advice. Wish me luck.

Keep us posted. :eek:)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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