Help me come up with a name for my Personal Training ne...


New Member
Hello everyone,
As a personal trainer, I've decided to go the extra mile and publish a one or two page newsletter each month for my clients and prospective clients. I also teach group fitness, so I would be distributing the newsletter to them as well.

I need a name for it. If you have any ideas, please post here.

LOL, all the news that's fit to print?? LOL!!!

(I'm going to be LOL about that idea all day, sorry! LOL LOL :+ )
How about:

Lookin' Good Gazette
Muscle Monthly (or Monthly Muscle)
Linda's Fitness Tips
Lift and Leap with Linda!

As you can tell, I'm a fan of alliteration. :) Hope that helps.
RE: Help me come up with a name for my Personal Trainin...

Do you have a trademark name for your classes or a title for your personal training business?

Alil more info about you and your style of training would be helpful in giving you a more personal touch to your newsletter ;-)
Linda, what do you want to put IN the newsletter? Tips on form, or what?? It sounds like a fun idea and a big grand plan!!! Have fun! I'm sure your clients will appreciate it.
Hi Linda,

How about...


or does that sound too pornographic? :)

I think your newsletter is a fab idea! Good luck with it!

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