Help me choose Shock Cardio DVDs!


I had planned to wait for the downloads of Shock Cardio but after seeing the clips, I want me some instant gratification. So I've decided to treat myself to some new Cathe from totalfitnessdvds (reasonably priced on international postage).

I cant decide!

I know for sure that I want Travel Fit. I love what Cathe does with the band from Gym Styles and I see new moves plus old favorites.

I cant decide between MMA Fusion, MMA Boxing, MMA Kick Box and Cardio Core. I like the roll-back-on-the-floor-to-standing move in the clips of both MMA Fusion and Cardio Core. They look like something you may do in a martial arts class. I also love the look for the drills in the other MMA workouts. So for those who have done these 4 workous, which are your top picks? Which are most different / unique compared to the rest of STS Cardio, or to Cathe's past workouts? I no longer can do ultra intense workouts but can handle high-intermediate to low-advanced, so which are manageable on intensity?
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