Help me choose (please?)!!!


Okay, after being on here for a few days, I've decided I need to add to my Cathe library. I have Body Max, KPC, Step Blast, Imax 3 and KickMax. I'm thinking of adding Muscle Max, Core Max and Volume 1 of the Intensity Series that includes Imax 2 and Cardio and Weights.

Does anyone have any input or alternate suggestions? I do mostly cardio and need to add some weight training.

This is like choosing paint colours. So many it boggles the mind!
You say you need more weights so I would recommend Muscle Max its a FUN full body workout that just FLYS by.

Hope this helps:)

Take Care,
Based on what you have I think your selections are excellent (Muscle Max is my current favorite) and I love Imax 2.

If you are looking for some more variety however, you might consider High Step Challenge and/or Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance (and still get Core Max). No matter what you do you can't go wrong!

:) :)

Edited to add: I guess it depends on how much you can spend! :)

Given what you currently have for cardio (including step) workouts, instead of going for I-Max 2 + Cardio-Weights, consider getting the Pyramid Upper / Lower Body DVD from the Intensity Series. That would give you an additional set of weight training routines to keep the body boredom at bay, with premixes that you can tailor to however long you want your sessions to go.

I agree.......I love PUB/PLB. But I have not tried anything else except the slow and heavy series, and muscle endurance. All are great, but I like the pyamids. Hope this helps some. Good luck!

I'm also for the Pyramids idea. You already have an Imax workout, and C&W, being part cardio, is more of a circuit workout than a weight training workout.

Since you're thinking of getting Muscle Max, where you work the entire body in one sitting, the Pyramids would be a good way for you to start working in splits. They would also be a nice complement to Core Max.

Other weight training workouts I would recommend are the Pure Strength Series, Max. Intensity Strength and Power Hour. These are older workouts but they give results.


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