Help me Cathe

Hi Cathe,
I am an instructor at a hospital wellness center. I teach hi/lo, body sculpting, step, and water aerobics. Have you ever had burn out? I have been in a funk for a while. Long ago, I could by new music, work out wear, etc... It is not working any longer. Do you do workshops for fitness and wellness centers for instructors? Our coordinators are always asking for suggestions. I will suggest it in a heartbeat:) ;) . I love you and Gay Gasper. You two are instructors' instructors. I learn so much from the two of you..
Thanks again, Adrienne:D
Hi Adrienne! Thanks, you are sweet. I actually haven't traveled to present for a while now. So much going on with Cathe dot Com and my children still being so young. But thank you for asking. How special.

As far as ever experiencing burnout.... Absolutely. It's normal to experience burnout from time to time. You just need to adress why you think its happening and work on finding some solutions. ACE and AFAA have published a few articles on this. Here is one that might help you out. Good luck with everything.

Article One:

After instructing for over 15 years, I know how difficult it can be to teach that third class of the day. Although you've already instructed two classes, an instructor is ill and you are requested to cover for him or her. While you would like to help, your body asks, "How can I instruct another class?" Burnout is common in the group exercise industry. Instructing classes can be physically and mentally challenging and the shortage of certified instructors at some health clubs has pressed most of us to teach more classes per week than we should. These four tips can help you avoid burnout.

1. Change choreography and music selection each week to keep yourself motivated and your class interested. Take advantage of professional magazines, choreography exchanges (if your facility does not have one, initiate one) and Web sites, such as You can purchase music for your classes from sources such as Power Music, Dynamix Music and Musicflex.

2. Fine-tune your attitude--mindset is everything. When you do not feel like teaching, counteract this mood by telling yourself, "I am going to teach a great class." Walk in the room, introduce yourself to the students and announce you have a great class planned! Your "fake" enthusiasm will actually motivate your body to perform and help you feel better about teaching. Enthusiasm is contagious and you may even infect yourself.

3. Learn to say no or compromise. If you are physically exhausted and unable to teach an extra class say, "I'm sorry I can't assist you today, but keep me in mind for next time." If you have taught two step classes that day and are asked to instruct a third, inquire if you may change the format to a strength-training class. Remember, AFAA recommends that experienced instructors teach no more than 12 classes per week. Stay within these safety guidelines.

4. Adjust your performance level if you plan to teach more than your normal weekly class load. For example, if you normally instruct two step classes per week using two risers and know you will teach four this week, use one riser as an alternative. If you instruct a strength-training or toning class four days in a row, use light weights. Instruct your classes for all exercise levels by presenting a lower- and higher-intensity version of an exercise, but work between those versions. Continually remind your participants to work at their levels and occasionally demonstrate the higher- and lower-intensity versions.

Instructing group exercise classes can be challenging and rewarding. If you take time to nurture your body and soul, you may enjoy it for years. I am as enthusiastic today as I was 15 years ago. I keep classes fresh, new and occasionally use my mind to change my outlook. I hope you learn to do the same. Enjoy your next class to the fullest.

Donna Brizzi-Benedict, M.S., retired president of Fitness Resource, is a fitness consultant for L&T Health and Fitness. She heads the group exercise training for staff and interns as well as sits on the group exercise committee. Brizzi-Benedict is a speaker, presenter, trainer and author. For conference or presentation information, contact her at [email protected].
Thank you Cathe

I printed this out to refer back to, and to share at our Studio.
I will also share it with my Y where I know some of volunteers
teaching classes experience burn out from time to time.

Great question, thanks Brigitte:)
I was very excited to read this thread. I love the music that's been on your shows (fittv) but I don't get to have a TV around much let along the DVDs.

I followed your buyers' guide link to B&K Howe CATHE VOL 1, but it wasn't there. I also google searched it to no avail.

any help on finding this volume?

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