HELP!!! January 2004 Rotation question


Ok - so I am in my cousin's wedding on Oct. 16, and being the OLDEST member of the bridal party, I NEED to kick my butt so I look gooooood in my dress!!!!! Cathe's January 2004 rotation looked like an excellent fat burner, but when I try to pull it up at the VF site, the 5th day says "IMAX & CTX Leaner Legs" - then, underneath, it says "1st" - but there is nothing after that. Does anyone know what this was supposed to say? I can't imagine she wants me to do the full IMAX and full Leaner Legs in one day, does she? I'm thinking she wanted to say "1st 5 intervals only" or something like that.
Can anyone help me?
Oh come on now!!! You could IF Cathe said too! hahaha
Give it a try. It's all good.
Susan C.M.:D
Well, MAYBE I could ...if Cathe said to ... at least I'd feel like I accomplished something for the day, that's for sure!!! LOL

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