Help! How did everyone work up to Cathe?

I was so excited and psyched when I first found Cathe that I pushed and pushed myself until I could do her workouts without modifications. I don't remember how long it took me for particular workouts but I remember posting the first time I went through Imax without modifying or extra rests b/c I was so proud. I'm sure that sometimes I pushed too hard but I was having a blast. I would say pick a weighted workout and a cardio workout and do a little bit more every time you do it. You are not a weakling and you will all of a sudden be surprised when you make it through to the end of the workouts you are working on.
I have been working out with Cathe for a while and I am still working up to that level. I can keep up with most of the workouts with minor modifications but I really had trouble with my newly acquired IMAX 3. I just keep telling myelf to do what I can and add on a little bit each week. I'm not as motivated to do cardio so I have to get my game face on and keep plugging at it.
The first few I did was strength and weight training. Then I got flusterated and fusterated with the newer Cathes. UNTIL someone suggested to try the older Cathe's. Then it clicked for me. Now I can do the newer ones. I am so excited about that major achievement and not mentioning challenge. I also got a "The Step" so it made it easier to do and understand. I can't wait until the new ones come out, and yes I am soooo addicted! Hope this helps, Annette
Hi! I started working out with Cathe just over a year ago and went through the same thing. High Step Circuit is excellent after Basic Step; if you can do even part of this, you're on your way.

Remember that you don't have to match Cathe's weight in any of her strength workouts. I used to do two sets of two exercises per body part with the Gym Styles, but didn't stress if I could only do one set. I also learned her stepping with The Classics - I think they're the next logical choice after Basic Step.

Let us know how it goes. Take care!

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