Helloooooo EctoChicks! 10/21-10/27

Julie, pressing a forty pound kindergartener is an amazingly effective workout and getting up and down from the floor about 75 times is great for the glutes! Unfortunately, none of these things seem to help the belly but I do love it, I do!

Malissa, the one thing I love about Slow Heavy is it's only 8 reps so I know the set will end before I keel over. My legs are very wobbly after running and doing legs but I like that! :D Besides which I only use forty pounds on my barbell. Cathe has 50 on hers!
She's such an animal!

Reading this thread, I think there must be a strong correlation between being an ecto and having a great sense of humor. I am sitting here smiling at these posts!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-02 AT 10:50AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Malissa,

That's the way I'm interpreting it. I've never done any of Cathe's step workouts - traitorous words, I know - so if I wanted to do cardio/step - I don't - her advanced workouts wouldn't be the place for me to start.

I'm asking Santa for Vol. 3 as a definite and Vol. 2 if he's feeling generous. I'm really looking forward to the new workouts, but I'm not as desperate for them as some folks are. I'm still getting plenty of challenge out of CTX UB, Leaner Legs and Power Hour - my newer purchases.

You won't regret ordering CTX UB. It's a fantastic workout and I've read nothing but rave reviews about it from other members. It's on my agenda for this evening!

**I have to eat crow - Cathe is using a 25 pound barbell on the crazy eights - not 35 like I've been saying. I must have been delirious with fatigue!

Angela :-D
Hi gals!

I'm late posting in(what's new)but I made it. I'm continuing on with my PS: Series, this is week 4 for me. Had to repeat wk 4 because I was sick last week with that awful stomach virus. My birthday is tomorrow and as a gift to myself I want to buy Cathes upperbody workouts, the compilation one from the CTX series and LL? What do y'all think? After the PS:series I'll like to try just splitting lower and upperbody as a rotation for awhile.

Pfive!!! Way to go on the 5k. Going from 35 to 28:55 is cutting alot off from your time. See what compentition can do? Oh gosh, I need to get my butt moving.

Welcome Malissa and Bobbi. It's great to have ya.

Briee, how long have you've been doing Cathe? You are like the entergizer bunnie. Keep going and going, and going with those push ups. You're strong.

Have to good week ladies!
Thanks Julie! It's been a wonderful day. I have alot of dear friends which I'm thankful for. Oh, and I'm 30. I hope this doesn't mean I have to grow up now. :p
I've been doing Cathe for approximately 4 1/2 months, but reading her forum for the past year. I just had a baby 6 months ago and kept up with the "fit moms" site daily and then hopped over to here once baby was born. I was doing Francesca Gerns weight lifting III video (3 days per week as heavy as I could) and the FIRM not so tough aerobics on the alternate days) from my 6th month of preg till the birth and then exactly 14 days later began again. What an awesome birth, I was doing squats with #30 pound bar bell on the day that I delivered, and had NO aches and pains this time. (this was baby number 5). I'd have to say I've been going full force for these past 4 months. I always did 120 pushups (3 sets of 40) with the francesca gern tapes. The reason for this is that I'm a full fledged push up hater and I am determined to like them and you know what "I DO" now!!!! The more you do the easier they get!!!!

Now Angela, regarding Cathe's step tapes, you traitor, JK, I'm going to confess to you ectos my first encounter with Cathe. (Boy am I braindead) I just wanted PH and MIS so I ordered 3 PH, 1 MIS, and 1 Rhythmic step, intending to sell the extra PH's on ebay and the RS on ebay (I wanted the tape discount of course). I got the tapes and of course was absolutely taken with PH, it's still my fav tape. I sold the xtra PH's on ebay and when I went to list RS, I decided to preview it (I thought I hated step aerobics). I put it in and began trying it "a little" then the steps began to "consume" me, I just had to master it and I realized that I had been rewinding and playing it for 3 hours. Sweat was pouring down me and I was having the time of my life!!! I called my 12 year old downstairs to try it too and he said "it's like hopscotch for adults". He thought it was so much fun too. Needless to say, I have never looked back. I went right up and ordered 8 more tapes and it went from there. This is the only forum I visit, I am a true Cathe convert. Try a Cathe step tape Angela, you just may be suprised with how much fun it is on cardio days (but keep all those weight days going, cause we all know these are the key, right????) Just my opinion of course!!!

Hi Georgia!

Belated Happy Birthday to you! :)

Thanks so much for the encouragement regarding my first 5K experience. I can't wait to do another one! I wold really like to join a running club as running alone at the Y can be lonely at times. I plan to attend the Team In Training meeting on Teusday so we'll see. I would like to join them but don't really want to be a part of a group that requires fund raising from its members. I am just not the fund raiser type. I don't mind donating or volunteering but I really don't want to ask people or my company to sponsor me. Know what I mean?

There's a race this evening I may go and watch. Although I have a feeling that once I get there, it would be in my best interests to be dressed and ready to run just in case. I've been having headaches all week and signals of an oncoming migraine, so we'll see. I plan to take medication for it and rest, get up around 3 p.m. and take it from there.

Being with a group is fun. Takes some getting used to - the running in the midst of a group - gosh I thought I'd trip the person in front of me or get tripped by a runner behind me.

Next week one of the girls in the office I ran with last Saturday, we're going to start running for a half hour after work in the business complex we work in. I get off at 5:30, she's off at 8 - so she's planning to take a late break at 5:30. So we'll jog, do some sprints then head back to the office - just for motivation and hopefully making improvements too!

I'll keep you posted. Today I plan to pisk up the lastest issue of Running Times - they have training charts for 5K's, 10K's and marathons. Don't know if I'll ever do a marathon but who knows! :)

Talk to you next week when we check in! And thanks for checking up on me!

Have a good weekend!

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