Hello hope everyone is well


Hi everyone! I haven't been over here much but wanted to say hi!

Not sure who is here from when I use to post but wanted to say we got great news on my son! He had the brain aneurysm and seizure disorder. Diagnosis and first episode was 2.5 years ago.

At his annual brain CT Scan and consultation with the brain surgeon last Thursday they said he didn't need to come back for at least 2 years! The aneurysm is stabilized and may have in fact shrunk! On Friday rhe nuerologist said his siezures are officially "controlled".

Many of you supported us and sent your thoughts and prayers over this time and wanted to say THANKS! Icing on the cake was last week he got into his 2nd choice college!

Workout wise I'm on the 2nd round of x - doubles with TJ.
After this is done I'm going to do a cathe rotation :) looking forward to it!

O here is a picturetrail thread if you are interested


- Robyn
Hi there Robyn. I wasn't around when you were posting about your son, but I just wanted to say that is spectacular news.

I did want to say that you were very welcoming when you were doing your first round of the X. I must say that as much improvement that you have had with the first round, the second round pictures, WOW. You look GREAT and so much younger. I hope I can look that good on my second round. What and inspiration. After this week, I will be a graduate on the first round. I feel so much stronger. It is a great program. Thank you for keeping us updated.

CONGRATS Lea!!! That's awesome!

More than the how I look I was most excited about the fact I can now do chinups and pull ups! What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment!

The looking younger - that I'll take!!!! I just had a bday and have a HUGE age hang up! So thanks!

Feel free to PM me anytime!

Sorry for the late response!
Congratulations on your results Robyn !! You look awesome !!!
Congrats on the pullups and chinups because I think they are the hardest exercises around. So how many can you do ???

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