Hello, everyone! Missed you!

Hey, you guys!!! I have missed this board SO MUCH! I decided to devote this summer completely to my kids while they were home; they are growing so fast (Mariah is already started puberty) and pretty soon they won't want me around so I am taking advantage to instill a legacy for them while I can. We spent most of our time at parks, getting together with other families and friends, traveling to visit family... so I haven't been around. We have had such a blast, though! They start school on Monday ;( Time goes FAST, doesn't it? Where did the summer go?

Now we have some BIG, EXCITING NEWS! We got a dog! She is the sweetest, most loving, affectionate, playful, and TRAINABLE puppy in the world! We rescued her from the shelter about a month ago, and as soon as I took her out of her kennel, I knew she was the one. We had been looking for a dog the whole summer, but none of them fit when we saw them. Many rescues wanted us to have a fence, but that wasn't an option for us, and the dogs that we saw at the shelters (we visited eight) just didn't fit... you know what I mean? The first thing she did was lay on her back for us to rub her belly, and when Layne laid down next to her, she turned and laid her paws on his chest and started licking him. When the kids held her leash, she was incredibly gentle, she was so much more interested in us than anything else going on around her, including the other dogs and she passed her temperament test with flying colors. Perfect! She was 6 months when we adopted her, and we are pretty sure that she was abused ;( She was an owner surrender, kept outside her whole life, she never barks and she cowers whenever she thinks that she is in trouble. She is a doberman/pitbull mix, so we think that whoever had her before thought that they could turn her into a vicious dog by neglect and abuse and the got rid of her when they realized that she wouldn't turn mean; the fact that they named her Mary Jane and that pit bulls are big with drug dealers tells us something (though I don't want to assume the worst of people, but that would be the logical conclusion, don't you think? MAKES ME SO MAD!!!)
She is FANTASTIC! She loves the kids and she follows us around wherever we go. She loves to curl up next to us on the coach or in our beds, she LOVES to run with me and at the dog park with other dogs (she has two best friends), she likes cats and rabbits; actually, there hasn't been anything that she hasn't gotten along with. It is so exciting to see the kids with her; I have such great memories of dogs when I was growing up. They are the best friends in the world and give the greatest lessons on unconditional love and companionship. The first thing the kids look for when they get home is Lucy (that is her new name - named by Mariah!) so that they can give her a treat and play with her. So far, she has learned sit, stay, lay down, down, no, turn around, come and shake. She is so smart, and for only 7 months old she is so calm and will even do tricks for the kids. :D She is so happy, and so are we. Even DH likes her (he baby talks her and kisses her lips), and he didn't want a dog at all.
Here are some pictures that we have taken of her the past couple of weeks. I think we may look into rescueing a Golden Retriever, too, so you may see pictures of one soon! :p

adoring Layne
playing with Mariah

cuddling with Mariah

kissing away Logan's tears
Nice to see you back. What adorable pictures.
Dobermans and pitbulls are only mean if you make them that way.
She sure looks loved.
Your kids are adorable.
Makes me want a dog if i was home more.
Take care of the kids , enjoy them they are only young once.


For heaven's sake, I have missed you so much! I hope you'll be able to post more now that your kids are going back to school. You always have so much of value to offer.

Your pooch is precious. I love her markings! I admire folks who rescue dogs from certain death at the shelter. If I ever decide to get another dog that's probably what I'll do.

Welcome back!:*
Congratulations on your new family member! She is just beautiful - you can tell how sweet she is just by her pictures! She is lucky to be in such a loving home!
Welcome back!!!!

Absolutely love your pictures. Your dog is very fortunate indeed! What a sweety she is.

lucy is beautiful and so lucky to have found such a great family. your children are going to have great memories when they are older too with her around. she has the best features of both breeds. her coat is absolutly gorgeous (i love the brindle coloring for a pit bull the most) and she has the pretty, sleek features and sweet face of a doberman. i had dobermans, and they are the sweetest dogs i have every owned. you children are beautiful too. good luck with lucy, and enjoy the remainder of your summer.
Welcome back! Great pictures! She looks like a wonderful addition to you family! What a sweet face! :)

Hey Missy!

I'm so glad things are working out for your family and Lucy. There was never really a doubt in my mind when you told me about her. She is such a pretty dog. One of my sweetest pit bulls was brindle. But then all of my pit bulls have been so very sweet, as you know. :)

You are such a great mom. So many mom's are ready to get their kids back to school the first week they're out for the summer. But not you! Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mom.

I look forward to your return when you have more time.

Take care,


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

MISSY!!!! I've been thinking so much about you, wondering where and how you are! I'm glad you're back. And what a great reason to take some time away:)

Your new family member is beautiful. I love the pic of her and Mariah cudding. So sweet!

Hope to see you around a bit more:)
Well well...I was wondering where you went and disappeared to Ms. Missy!!!! Glad to hear back from you and love hearing about your new dog....aw, how cute! Glad you are enjoying your summer with your children. So good to hear from you.

Anne, Michelle, Carolyn Jane, Jeanette, Smartyjones, Kathryn, Jo, SuzyQ, Shelley, Dani, Dianna, and Charlotte...
Thanks for the warm welcomes!!! It feels so good to see you guys posting again, and I can't wait to catch up on what I missed... alright, I know it hasn't been THAT long, but I still want to know what has been going on with everyone. :7

Dianna, I used to read those, too, and when DH chose that book from the library I was so excited - silly I know, but I was! She said that was her favorite book so far. I tried to find my favorite R.L. Stine book from my childhood, but they are all out of print now. ;( all they have is Goosebumps, but as long as she is reading my favorite childhood author that is just alright with me! :D

Anne, I agree with you about them growing up so fast! We never get this time back, so I want to make the most of it, for sure! I agree with you about making certain breeds mean - but did you know that you can also make them spoiled rotten? That is what we are in the process of doing right now! ;)

MICHELE, SHELLEY, DANI!!! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME!!!

Suz, thank you SOSOSOSOSOSOSO much for all of your input and advice on raising pit bulls and for proving that they can make the greatest dogs known to man when you train them right and give them lots of love and have a great alpha in the pack. She is the epitome of a pit bull; she is almost always obedient, she is so easy to train, she is incredibly affectionate, is great with the kids (she gets so excited when Layne and Mariah's friends come over and she follows them around), and has great enthusiasm and energy! I am so happy that we have her. Dan and I feel that so far she is the best dog that either one of us has had as far as loyalty, temperament and obedience. And the best part is that she gets along so well with other dogs. We take her to the dog park and she has never had a problem with any other dogs, but she does annoy some of the older ones with her zeal and energy lol!

Smartyjones, did you doberman like to lean on you alot? Lucy always has to be leaning in to me when she is next to me, and she follows me and my daughter around everywhere we go, it really is so loving!

Charlotte, you crazy woman, what the heck are you up to?

Carolyn Jane, Jeanette, Kathryn, Jo... she IS very sweet! She has the best of both breeds as far as looks go, but I wish that you could see how SHINY her coat is - it is really amazing!

This isn't an ad or anything *steps on soapbox, and I know that several people have already adopted rescue or shelter dogs, but I really want to encourage anybody who is looking for a new pet to stay away from pet shops and animal mills and adopt a rescued dog... they can make the best, most loyal pets and they are the ones who needs love the most. *steps off soapbox

Shelley, didn't Gilbert come from a rescue or a shelter?

I know this was really long winded, sorry, but I have a lot of catching up to do! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I will see you guys tomorrow! :) :) :) :) :)
Love your pics and what a sweet dog.

You sound like a great Mom and so wonderful to spend the time with your kids. True they grow so fast. You know what I've found, if you have a close family they actually still like being with you when they are older :) I've been very happily suprised by that!

Good luck with the back to school routine !

There you are!!!! I have missed our great (and somtimes heated :)) conversations! I was wondering if you got lost in all of your flowers. The last I heard from you was when you were gardening. Speaking of flowers, you would be proud of mine. They are doing really well this year...surprisingly!

Tyler started K last Thursday. So far so good, with the exception of some quirks the teachers do that I don't agree with. (Such as a "trouble center" where kids have to right there name over and over. Stupid....disciplining with academics is hardly effective!!)I will be having some talks with the principal about that one!

Glad to see you will be back!

Hey Missy!

Yes, Gilbert was a rescued dog. He came from a First Nations Reserve where his owner had tied him and his brother to their doghouse and moved. He is such a sweetheart! You know when they first found him, he didn't know how to wag his tail? And he is just NOW starting to give kisses (we've had him since October).

The love from rescued dogs is unparalleled. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.:)
I had been wondering where you disappeared to girl! Glad you enjoyed the summer with your kids! Your dog is BEAUTIFUL! Good luck with her! The pics are great!:+
OMG .. GORGEOUS! the kids and the dog!!

She looks just like my stray pit mix we have .. except larger .. our Sally is smaller .. but her markings and face looks just like your new baby!

.. they must have similar personalities too .. b/c Sally "leans" on us too .. like she just can't get close enough. And she flips over and wants her tummy rubbed ALL of the time. And tries to steal lots of kisses all the time .. would not hurt a fly .. just sweet.

We too figured someone raised her to fight and she would not .. she is a wonderful loving dog .. as I am sure you have found one of your own in this one!

Congrats!!!:7 :7

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