Hello All


Hello everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself, because hopefully I'll stick around. :) I have dablled in Cathe videos in the past, and absolutely love her videos for their quality, freshness, and her wonderful personality. I have also lurked here on and off, but haven't stayed around.

Right now, I've decided I need the videos (so treated myself to a few more and have the hardcore series, not yet opened :) ) because my current work hours don't let me get to the gym very easily. (I leave for work around 6:30 am and get home around 9:30 pm). So Cathe it is! And honestly, I'm very excited about it.

I've been an advanced exerciser in the past, but right now would say I'm an intermediate level, getting back into shape. I lost about 90 lbs, and have managed to keep it off for coming up on 4 years. BUT! Having been away from exercise for a while, the softness and sagginess is starting to sink in and I will banish it again! Not to mention a general feeling of being weak...how I miss being fit and feeling so dynamic!

So...you all have been inspiration to me in my lurking days...I've seen so many pictures of beautiful, healthy, fit women and it's very ispiring. So...this is getting too long, and I apologize. But all of you, as well Cathe and her crew, are great inspirations. Thank you all, and I hope you'll have me around. :)
welcome, I've only been posting & in the forums since December but have found them to be so helpful & with all the knowledge of everyone on this site, you've got a question, someone will have an answer for you!
Everyone is so nice here, so welcome & stick around!!! :)
Hi LadyUnix,
Welcome! This is an inspiring place. I've learned so much from all the people who post here.
Congratulations on maintaining your weight loss. Great job!
Keep us posted on what workouts you find you like best.

You will be back to feeling "dynamic" in no time!! I'm getting over the flu myself and know what you mean that it's no fun not to feel like your old self when exercising.
Howdy do lady! Congratulations on the weight loss and especially for the maintainance. That has always been my downfall. That's quite a work schedule you have. When do you plan on fitting in a workout? Or are those long hours temporary? Nice to meet you.
Welcome out of lurk-dom! ^^^^^^^^^5 on the pounds lost! Shoot if you can do that you can do anything! Hope to see you posting often!:7
I'm a newbie too!I've been absolutely intrigued by this site since december....its addictive!Everybody is really nice and eager to help!
And its full of info!And congradulation on the weight loss!!

Welcome back!!
I love the forums and support from everyone! You can great tid-bits too! I've learned alot.
I too, work long hours, sometimes I find it hard to excerise. But, these forums have helped me stay motivated. I hope it works for you too.

Keep up the great work:)

Welcome to Cathe Forums. WOW! Congratulations on losing 90 pounds. That is awesome! You are an inspiration to me already, look what you have accomplished! Would love to know how you lost all that weight. Please share. Glad you will be continuing your journey of being fit and healthy. We can sure use your expertise here on all the forums.

Glad to have you around,


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Thank you for all the welcomes and congratulations :)

To answer one question: my goal is to get up early sometimes and to workout late at night other times. We'll see how doable it is, but since it is very important to me, and I do enjoy it...hopefully I'll be able to get a decent number of workouts in per week. Although certainly not as much as I would hope.

Janie....to answer your question. I certainly wouldnt' consider myself an expert on weight loss, but I can give you my particular background and tell you what worked for me.

Skinny kid, since puberty struggling with the odd 20-lbs, lost and regained, etc. Managed to lose weight after my babies with little problem, however. Then...for some reason, unknown to me, my weight skyrocked in my mid to late 20-s. The odd 20 lbs became 90.

Several false starts at losing weight. My eating habits, from childhood, were ALWAYS poor. All junk, or meat and potatoes. When I got a clue about not starving myself along with consistent exercise
(exercise was never a problem for me, but extreme caloric deficit while exercising to try to lose weight was a problem), it became to come off....very, very slowly. At a rate of about 2-4 lbs a month.

At that point, I was doing the "classic" firms. It really helped with my getting in good cardio shape and with muscle endurance and beginning to get a decent base for strength. BUT, I noticed, when I stopped with the firms and swam 1 - 1.5 miles 4-5 times a week, the weight dropped off at 2 lbs per week. I was in heaven. And my fitness level skyrocketed.

Eventually, at the end, I had to mix it up with kickbocking and step classes, as my body was becoming too used to the swimming. I also started incorporating pure strength training as opposed to the firm style training.

Other info that might be pertinent: I was in my mid 30-s when I lost the weight. (and certainly scared it was "my last chance" to lose the weight!). I have a true hour-glass figure, and I thnk my body type is mostly between meso/endo. Years of rotten and irregular eating patterns had certainly damaged my metabolism, but now...I really think I eat more than I did during my overweight years.

Hope that helps for you. I know some overweight people start a weigh loss program, and the pounds drop off immediately, and for others it's amore frustrating and slower process. I feel extremely lucky that things eventually "kicked in" for me.

Maintenance hasn't been a huge issue, because I learned to restrain my eating and have (hopefully) changed my eating habits for good. however, I have to recognize that the tendency to over-indulge with food (addiction?) will always be there and I have to be wary of it.

Life is just better when you're fit and healthy. :) So good luck to you and to everyone.

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