Heavy Lifting Results/Gym/Video

I'm curious to know how close you can come to getting results from heavy lifting through videos as opposed to going to a gym? I've never really worked out in a gym for any long amount of time so I wonder how close to getting the same type of muscle development can you get at home with videos? I know that Cathe probably works out at a gym I wonder how often? I do know you can get good results from videos but I wonder if there is any comparison if your working hard in the gym as opposed to at home? Anybody know?
Assuming you have enough heavy metal at home you can have very easily gym quality workouts (and results) at home too.
For the longest time a belonged to a gym but now we made my basement a gym and I only workout at home. The result is even better, since I have more time for working out and I don't depend on the gym's schedule.
Honestly, with Cathe's tapes you can have a true gym quality workout at home.

Just MHO.
I am curious too. I am not up to using Cathe's weights that she uses in her videos yet.... I use about half her poundage or a little more these days. So I have a ways to go before I start to feel limited.

But, sometimes I feel like how am I truly going to be able to lift heavy without a squat rack, a bench press bench with rack, and something to work my back, like the lat pulldowns in the gym...sometimes I feel like I can't get a good back workout at home.

I am sure it is up to your mental attitude...some people just drift around the gym and don't really get any intensity. With Cathe's videos at least you have someone coaching you. On the other hand, after a while I am not sure I will be able to get all that poundage up and over my head to squat, etc.

There are lots of creative ways to get the poundage up. Some of us use weighted vests for squats, thereby reducing the amount of weight you have to lift over your head. I can lift about 55 lbs. safely over my head on a barbell, but can squate about 75 lbs. So I wear a 35 lb. vest, and lift 40 pounds on the bb. I have to say that working out at home has definitely given me better results than I ever had at the gym, and I do believe the key to that is consistency. My "gym" is always open, the towels are fresh and the sweat on the equipment belongs only to me!:)
Thanks for all the replies. Good, I'm glad that we are all getting a very good workout. Home is just much more convenient for me. Thank you to all you ladies who responded.
I also workout mainly at home. But when I do have a chance to go to the gym, I always use the machines instead of free weights just to mix things up a little. Like the lat pull downs, leg press, leg curls etc. Nice to do for a change every now and then.

I haven't been to a gym to workout in 20 years. I have always worked out at home doing either free weights or Cathe. I figured I wasn't really a gym person. I have gotten great results over the years and have had people ask me what gym I belonged too!...:)...Carole
My cardio fitness is better now than it ever was when I went to the gym or did basic aerobic classes. Cathe's cardio videos with intervals, blasts, plyometric moves, etc work me harder than I ever have before. Yet at the same time it's more enjoyable working out with Cathe.

Edited to add: Sorry I just realized your question was about weights!
I just went to the doctor about my knee (possible torn meniscus) and we were talking about working out and recovery, etc. The doctor said, "Well, obviously you have access to a gym..." I told him that no, I worked out at home! He was stunned! :D
I went to a gym a long time ago, own a bowflex, a ski machine, a treadmill, an excercise bike, etc., and I use to run every day. But, I have gotten the best results from working out at home to Cathe. Honestly I never imagined that I would have the muscle tone and the strength that I have. Before people knew I worked out only if I told them I did - now they ask me "what gym do you go to?" And I love to tell them.

Wow! That is a compliment!! I never expected so many replies to that question but I'm glad all of you did reply. I think it's great to know that we do get some of the same type of compliments that people who go to a gym get or even better compliments. Truthfully my husband has been working out at a gym for years and my mother and sister always make the comment, to me, that maybe he should start working out with me. Thanks guys.

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