Heart Rate "Survey"


I'm curious as to what people's heart rates are like. I know it can be like comparing weight and stuff like that and everyone is different, but I'm still curious.

What is your heart rate like during one of your most difficult workouts (for example, during Imax 2 the last time I did it mine hit 196). What's an average heart rate for you? If I'm doing a steady workout and pushing kinda hard but not killing myself, mine is around mid 170's. This probably isn't an easy question to answer but I'd love for you to try. Oh - and how long have you been working out? I've been working out for about 25 years and I work out pretty hard. While most people can talk away when we're riding, it's all I can do to breathe! Luckily I ride with some pretty Chatty Cathys.

Mine is usually at least 20 beats higher than most people I ride with and it was always like that when I ran as well. Of course on yesterday's ride having mine 40 beats higher than the racer guy I was riding with (his was 120 and mine was 178) was not the norm. :) So any professional athletes need not answer this little survey. That might just depress me. :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

RE: Heart Rate

Good question. When I'm doing the toughest IMAX, my HR reaches 180--that would be the very highest. I've read that if one takes one's HR at the highest, and then a minute later, it should be at least 30 beats less as an indication of a healthy heart. But I too, am interested in others' responses since according to my age (49) I shouldn't be gettin my HR up that high.
RE: Heart Rate

After recently replacing the batteries in my HRM (looong overdue, I missed it so much!) I can tell you that during the hardest workouts, say intervals 4,5,6 in Imax3 my HR runs about 180 max (and that's really pushing it). I did Bootcamp this morning and only broke 170 on the terminator climbers.
Steady state, usually runs in the 150's, unless I'm running and then it's about 160.
My resting HR is usually below 50 and so I sometimes have to try and intentionally make it higher when I go to give blood so that they don't have to go look up the code to put on my sheet, lol!
I'm 24 years old and I've been working out with Cathe for about 2 yrs. Before that I was woefully out of shape:p
But HR is a pretty individual thing, and so long as you're working at a level that feels good to you, then it doesn't matter quite so much. As you said, professional athletes, different story!
RE: Heart Rate

My resting heart rate is in the lower 50's. Its really hard for me to get my heart rate up. When I do workouts like IMAX 2 or Body Max, the highest mine gets is around 160-162. I like keeping it between 130 and 145 to say in my fat burning mode.
RE: Heart Rate

My resting HR is about 45. When I'm doing a higher intensity step workout such as IMAX3 my HR might get to 150 on the blasts but most of the time it's in the range of 125 - 135. Running OTOH I can usually maintain a steady state of 135 - 150. Though my resting HR has lowered by about 10 bpm since I started working out as intensely as I do now, my HR has always been in the lower range. I think it's genetic more than anything.
RE: Heart Rate

My resting heart rate is 65 bpm and during IMax 3 (or the KM blasts) I can get it up to 165, but that's pretty much max unless I'm way up in altitude on a steep hill. On a run, I'm usually around 155, steady.
RE: Heart Rate

My resting is about 55. In Imaxes its similar to Trutons. During the blasts I have seen it as high as 150. But steady at 125-135. In running uphill I have seen it as high as 175 but my max is 183 so if I am running real fast it will go there...:)..Most of my runs average about 146-150...
RE: Heart Rate

I always wear a heart rate monitor, so I'm in control. Since I'm 50 years old, I try to keep my heart rate between 135-155 during cardio.
RE: Heart Rate

During IMAXES my peak is in the 170's and my average is in the 140's.

During Cathe's other cardio the average is still in the 140's but the peak is in the 160's.
RE: Heart Rate

my birthday is coming up and I am getting the Polar F6. These kind of posts make me want to get older faster and faster. Until my birthday, that is.
RE: Heart Rate

My resting HR is 50, and during a tough blast I range between 195-205. I start breathing heavier and breaking a sweat around 160-170, so when I'm doing a steady state, longer type cardio I try to range 160-180. After a blast my HR drops around 30 bpms in 30-45 seconds. It's crazy how different everyone is! It really is more confusing then anything else to compare! BTW, I'm 28, so that plays into it as well.

RE: Heart Rate

My RHR is around 53 and the highest I usually go during, say, an Imax 3 blast, is about 150. For steady state, I usually stay in the 130 - 140 range. Running it's usually a bit higher, up around 150.
RE: Heart Rate

Hi Susan,

My resting heart rate is around 62. During my most difficult workouts, it goes up to 160-165. I usually do two cardio workouts per week in this zone. And I do another three cardio workouts in the 140-150 zone. During interval workouts, my heart rate vasolates from 113 to 140. :)
RE: Heart Rate

Steady state for me is 140-150. When doing the IMAX's peaks are 170-180.

My RHr is 50.

I also have naturally low blood pressure and then it is even lower due to fitness. I wonder if blood pressure can be a factor.

I know that for my age I should not be working out at the higher end of my range but what is a person to do? Stop doing intense workouts just because a chart tells me that I'm not suppose to go higher than say, 150?

HR monitoring can be so confusing. I keep all of my readings and chart them just for my own personal use.
RE: Heart Rate

I never really paid much attention to my heart rate until I recently started using the Cardio Coach workouts. I find that when I'm working my hardest (level 4) it peaks in the mid-170s to 180.

I think if I worked to get it too much higher, I would throw up. BTW, I'm 37.
RE: Heart Rate

I don't know, nor do I care. :) My max heart rate is incredibly high (did a max heart rate test with my running club many years back, and my max was just over 200, as I recall - 202? Can't remember the exact value, but it was way high), so any auto calculation of "ranges" are totally bogus for me, and I can go by perceived exertion just as easily as going by a number being spit out at me. I've read in a few places that perceived exertion is as good as, if not better, than HR anyway, so I'm happy to be in this situation. :)

Given your numbers, I'd say that you have a high max rate as well, so I wouldn't sweat your high numbers if I were you. If you aren't feeling like you are killing yourself, then you aren't, regardless of what your monitor is telling you.

RE: Heart Rate

My resting HR last time I check (it's been a while) was 42. High intensity for me is around 160-170. Occasionally when I run it gets in the lower 170s but that's REALLY pushing it.
RE: Heart Rate

What a varied group we have! I figured as much but was hoping that there were a couple people whose HR's were as high as mine and found there are some even higher! :) Misery loves company, right?

I forgot to mention I'm 43 and my resting HR is around 60 (I always want it to be lower but it is what it is - I've never taken it before I hop out of bed - who can remember THAT?). My blood pressure is really low. My HR recovers very quickly and I know this is the most important thing. And I absolutely ignore those blanket recommendations and the 220 minus your age junk. I just use what I know as far as where mine should be for a good workout.

Thanks for all of your responses. It's so interesting to see all of the differences.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

RE: Heart Rate

Here's mine:

steady state-130-140 (when running it's alot higher, 150-160+.)

I'm 43.
RE: Heart Rate

My heartrate:

Resting: 59 bpm
Highest during Imax's: 158 bpm
Steady State run: 156 bpm
Hill running: 175+ bpm
High (feel like puke in the bucket:D ): 183+ bpm

Kathy G

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