Healthy Eating 11/17/04


Hi Everyone,

4:20am PS Shoulders, Floor Legs and Abs. Pretty tired this morning so glad the rotation day was short.

I went home last night and did Candlelight yoga. I liked it, it is different than other yoga workouts I did but felt so relaxed afterwards. Tonight I may try another yoga workout. Depends on how I feel.

Eating hasn't been the greatest, yes what I put down is what I eat but it is what is not written down that hurts. I also feel so fat today and that is probably because it is TTOM.

B - hb egg, toast w/peanut butter
S - hb egg, cheese
L - soup or salad
S - ?
D - big green salad with shrimp

Hi All -

Pilates this morning. I smooshed a finger with a 10 pound dumb bell yesterday and it's not pretty. I'll have to take it easy for a few days. I bought Power Yoga with Bryan Kest and previewed the beginner portion. Even that looks a bit hard. I'll give it a try later or tomorrow. Ronda - your shrimp salad sounds good. I think I'll try that today -

B - Protein Shake
S - FF Yogurt and orange
L - Spinach salad with shrimp
S - FF cottage cheese with kiwi fruit
D - Lentil soup

Hi everyone!
I'm a long time lurker and was wondering if I could join your check in. I'm currently using the BFL method for eating. I really need the accountability of a check in. I really enjoy reading your posts and hope to join you soon!
>Hi everyone!
>I'm a long time lurker and was wondering if I could join your
>check in. I'm currently using the BFL method for eating. I
>really need the accountability of a check in. I really enjoy
>reading your posts and hope to join you soon!

Hi Charlotte,
Please join, the more the merrier. Right now I am in a rut of eating. My menus look good but I need to really get back on track of getting the sweets gone. For some reason I just had a handful of M&Ms, maybe TTOM is going to kill me this week. How are you doing with BFL? I keep going back and forth in my mind of going back on the program. I should, I really need to.

Good morning,

I've been out from work with a sick kid these past two days, I missed checking in with you ladies.

6 am 10-10-10

B - coffee
S - protein shake
L - salad, chicken
S - peanut butter toast, tea
D - pork chops, vegie

Ate terribly the past 3 days; so much for my 2 lb weight loss. Oh well - hoping to harness things before Thanksgiving.

Have a good one.
Shopgirl :)
Hi Ladies!

Rhonda: Always at TTOM time you have cravings. I used to just give into them b/c I would feel worse if I didn't:p So just forget about it don't beat yourself up over it & start anew.

Tonight's workout is PS Legs but only the bodybar part & then PLB stability ball part only. I already worked my legs on Sat. using S&H so this is just a continuation from that workout}( Also will do ARX}(

Today's a high carb day for me so this is what I'll be eating:

Meal 1: oatmeal w/pb + banana + coffee
Meal 2: egg mini bagel w/baked salmon salad + white tea
Meal 3: tilapia/sweet potato/broccoli, green beans & corn + apple
Meal 4: cottage cheese w/blueberries & praline pecan granola (this is GOOD!) (this meal should've been chicken/potato/veggies but I have hardly any chicken left so had to improvise:( )
Meal 5: bbq chicken/sundried tomato & spinach couscous/mixed veggies

Hope everyone's day is a good one!! Kathy:D
Hi all! 5:00 IMAX 2 for me. I don't know if it's because I'm getting in better shape or if I just wasn't giving it "my all" today (although it felt like I was), but my recovery times were so much better this morning.

B - Protein Shake
S - Oatmeal with Banana
S - Protein Bar
L - Spinach salad with chicken
S - Apple
D - Chicken, baked sweet potato chips and broccoli
S - Cottage Cheese

Have a great day!

Hi Kathy!

Can you tell me where you find praline pecan granola and what brand it is? I used to buy it at Wild Oats, and then they quit carrying it. I haven't been able to find it since, and I loved it! It's really good mixed with yogurt! Thanks!
PS SLA went GREAT, I think I need to up my weights again.

1 - irish oatmeal with chocolate protein powder
2 - proten bar
3 - leftover steak, salad veggies
4 - cottage cheese and apple
5 - chicken and something

Feel like I need to analyze my meals a bit when I get a chance. Not sure if my ratios are right and I am not varying things at all...feel like I am in a rut. I suspect it will just be portion adjustment. Have a great day everyone!
Hope you're in better spirits, Rhonda. No use beating yourself up, just do the best you can...:( Everyone's meals look great! Welcome to our new member! :)

This morning, I did IMax 2 + core only premix of Bootcamp. This evening I plan on doing Basic Step before I cook dinner. Geez, I'm starving today for some reason. I'm just going to go with it and eat. ;) It's a little "carby" for me because of all the fruit...but it keeps me out of the sweets!

Meal 1: one egg/eggbeater omelette w/peppers, mushrooms, lite cheese + one WW waffle w/Splenda syrup + 1/2 cup orange juice
Meal 2: protein shake w/banana & pineapple + All Bran Bar
Meal 3: Huge salad w/imitation crab meat & tuna pouch + one Wasa multi-grain cracker w/lite Laughing Cow wedge + small serving of peaches & strawberries (mixed)
Meal 4: Balance Go Mix + tangerine
Meal 5: Steak + 1/2 sweet potato + small salad
Meal 6: cottage cheese w/half a chopped apple & snack box raisins

2 cups coffee w/ff Coffee Mate & Splenda

Kathy G
HI all! last night was a total bust for me. I should ahve known that making cheese burgers and fries would not be good, but I did it anyway, and ate the fries. OH well. It's just one day, right?

B- egg white onlette
S- Small piece of chicken breast W/ green beans
L- Strawberries
S- Protein shake
D- Chicken W/ asparagus and brown rice

Well, I woke up early enough today to get in a morning snack. I just couldn't wait until my usual time to have lunch. I was hungry, so I ate. I'm feeling good now though.
For my workout I think that SJP is in order again today.

Hello again! Thanks for the warm welcome. Rhonda, I haven't tried the BFL exercise regime mainly because my current regime is working well for me. I'll probably give it a go when I hit a slump. I really love the eating plan, however, and consider EFL my " eating bible." Your meals look great to me but if you're snacking, you're obviously not satisfied by those meals. Perhaps you need bigger portions? Or are your taste buds bored and need new recipes? Maybe mixing things up a bit could help.

I'm very inspired by all the people here and hope I can measure up!

For my workout, I did a 2.5 mile run. I mean to do PUB as well but, well, my bed was really warm and cozy so I didn't get up on time.

B: Protein Pancakes
S: Protein Shake
L: Chili with a little low fat chedder cheese (I make huge batches of this stuff and freeze it in individual size containers, works great!)
S: Cottage cheese + Yogurt
D: Italian chicken (EFL)
S: Chocolate oatmeal

Have a great day everyone!
You guys using what for EFL? Is it the cookbook, right? Eating For Life? I have the Body For Life book out of the library, I am reading it. Seems like the recipes would be what I would need for moderate protein, clean eating, clean carbs....yes?

>You guys using what for EFL? Is it the cookbook, right?
>Eating For Life? I have the Body For Life book out of the
>library, I am reading it. Seems like the recipes would be
>what I would need for moderate protein, clean eating, clean

Yes, EFL = Eating for Life. It's a great book. Most of it is recipes but there is also a good section on the eating program itself. It's more complete than BFL and includes another Myth/Fact section. There are also sample menu plans, ways to spice up protein shakes and cooking tips. I highly recommend the book especially if you're in a slump. For the most part, the recipes are easy to prepare although some can take an hour or so. If you'd like some sample recipes, let me know, I'd be happy to provide them.
I would be curious to see some sample recipes. I am also going to try and get it thru my library, as soon as it is done being checked out!


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