Ok, DH and DD have been to Hawaii 3 times in the past 7 years. Once to Maui and twice to Kauai. We would really like to move there in 4 years after DD graduates high school and hopefully still wants to go to collage in Hawaii! We LOVE Kauai but realistically cannot afford to live here. Very expensive and smaller island=less jobs! We are gonna go back this winter and check out the Big Island because through numerous internet searches it seems to be cheaper there and more job opportunities. I am an RN and hopefully could find a job, preferably in dialysis. But to get to the point just wanna hear from anyone who lives there on any island, especially if you have moved from the mainland. how you like it, how expensive to live, etc. Most people laugh at our dream but if we wanna do it, I think we can make a go of it.