Have you ever chopped wood before?


I just recently learned myself with a log splitter, which is easier to use than an ax. We are going to get a different kind soon, and I was remembering how great of a workout it can be. Plus, it makes me feel like a real country girl again, though we don't live in the country now, just using the heck out of our fireplace this winter.
Lord no! I recently acquired a house and have started cleaning gutters out. I haven't graduated to splitting logs yet!

I always have this image that there should be a hunky male, stripped to the waist in my yard splitting logs in a manly fashion, his expansive, bronzed back glistening with sweat, while I watch from the doorway in my negligee with a glass of wine, licking my lips appreciatively.

So, you see, splitting logs has, for me, never been a practical endeavour, always more of a fantasy......

I have chopped wood a couple of times, mainly to clear fallen trees from my yard not actually for firewood. It's a great workout!

You can mimic the movement by getting an old tire and a sledgehammer and beating the heck out of the tire.
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When I was in high school living in northern Michigan in the woods on the big lake, I chopped wood with an ax. Great workout for a city chic.
I've chopped a lot of wood with axe and wood splitter - I saw it as exercise ;)

I like Claire's version soooo much better.... Wow, wonder where I can find one of them.
Lord no! I recently acquired a house and have started cleaning gutters out. I haven't graduated to splitting logs yet!

I always have this image that there should be a hunky male, stripped to the waist in my yard splitting logs in a manly fashion, his expansive, bronzed back glistening with sweat, while I watch from the doorway in my negligee with a glass of wine, licking my lips appreciatively.

So, you see, splitting logs has, for me, never been a practical endeavour, always more of a fantasy......


Oh my, oh my ;) :eek::eek:. I like this...a lot ;).

Oh ya, back to the topic at hand. I have never chopped wood, and I really have no desire to do so. It seems like it would be one heck of a workout though! Enjoy :)

I've always been absolutely afraid of starting a fire, for camping or in a fireplace. When I would try to light matches or even a lighter, I usually can't get the coordination right. So lately I've been learning about how to build the fire in the fireplace, or get it going from embers, keep it going, so we can be warm. It's a sense of pride and independence from the gas company :) We still need the heat on, but using a combination of fire wood and electric space heaters I can keep from paying an arm and a leg this winter.

It was an experience learning how to chop the wood from my guy. I'm watching him, with
that idea in my head, but I still needed to be serious, and pay attention to the technique.

We're getting the whole family into it. Learning how to chop the wood, build the fire, stack it and so on. Brings back memories, growing up we had a wood furnace for the house. It's been interesting reading the different reactions, lol.

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