Have you been diagnosed as hypothyroid?

Have you been diagnosed as hypothyroid?

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It seems like so many women I know are hypothyroid, and some men too. I thought it might be interesting to see what the percentages are here. I'm voting "yes".
My doctor diagnosed me a year ago with hypothyroidism and I take Levoxyl times a day. Mine is not totally out of control,but enough to take something for it. You are right Nancy, almost every friend I have has it. Very strange. My doctor says it is environmental and poor eating. It can also be genetic.

I have recently been diagnosed as Hypoythyroid and I also take Levoxyl 50mcg's per day..just started about 2 weeks ago. I noticed a huge change almost instantly after starting the medication..I can't believe the difference in the way I feel..Huge difference! I am not tired all the time, I am happier, I enjoy my workouts again, I don't fall asleep as soon as I lay down on the couch at night to watch tv, I feel like hanging out and talking to my friends, I feel like leaving the house, I have a sex drive, I can think clearer, I can remember things more, I can pay attention better, I don't eat mindlessly, I find that I am not as hungry...huge change!

Only one problem is that when I go to sleep I can only sleep for about 4 hours at a time, and then I wake up and can't get back to sleep again..I am hoping that this will change after my body adjusts to the medication.
The good news is that I don't feel as if I only slept for 4 hours, I feel like I have slept for a full 8 hours and I feel very well rested when I awaken..freaky!

I decided to not take my medication on Thursday morning due to lack of sleep and a bladder infection and bad reaction to some antibiotics wed night.. and by Thursday at 5:00 pm I was asleep on the couch hard exhausted (I don't remember anything, blacked out I think..LOL) till like 5:30 am Friday morning...first time I have slept more than 4 hours in 2 weeks. Took my medication Friday morning and I went to bed last night at like 10:30pm and was up at 2:30am this morning...go figure.

For me the medication has made a HUGE change for the better..I would have never belieived that I could feel this good again...NEVER! It is as if someone has turned the light on in my life and I am alive again...I really think that I was dead before..it sure felt like it.

I voted no to hypothyroidism... never had any problems but my sister is hypothyroid, was diagnosed about 5 or 6 years ago. The doctor who diagnosed her told her there is a band that run across the region where we live (the south in NC) that has an increased rate of hypothyroidism which they suspect comes from the Three Mile Island incident in the 70's. Anybody else ever heard this?
I have it and take Levothyroxine (a generic) .175 mg. My sister also has it and my dad was hyperthyroid. I know several other people who have it so I agree that it seems to be more common.

I was diagnosed about 9 1/2 years ago after the birth of my 2nd child. I've heard that a lot of women are diagnosed after giving birth. I also take Levoxyl every day.

For older generations I have heard several times that the testing for the atom bomb was the cause, so yes, I have heard about a connection between radiation and thyroid conditions. I tend to believe there is some environmental cause.

By the way, it just occurred to me that this poll is substantially flawed. People who are not affected by thyroid disease probably aren't going to even open the thread, while those who are affected are going to be curious. So my poll is unlikely to be representative of anything. Still, it's interesting to see how many Catheites are affected.

In the school I teach at out of 80 teachers 11 of us, that I know of, are taking thyroid medicine. Two because they had to have thier thyroid removed due to cancer scare. I've been wondering about this, thanks for doing a little research. It is already looking interesting. Could there be a stress connection, you think?
I asked my doctor to check my thyroid at my last exam because I have put on some weight recently, am tired and sluggish. I thought I had the symptons, but the test came back negative. I have heard there is an even more exact blood test if the first one comes back negative. I didn't go into all that, but maybe I will at my next exam. I am also fast approaching menopausal age, so maybe that has something to do with my symptons also.
I voted "no".

However, my sister who is only 15 months older than me was recently diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease. She's waiting to have a nuclear med scan to check a lump in her neck as well. In the meantime, the doc threw out Hashimoto and/or Graves Disease in addition to the autoimmune td. :-( I guess I'll be going for a blood test soon since it's hereditary. She did have Hodgkin's Lymphoma and her doc said she may have always had this, but the radiation brought it "out". I feel so bad for her. :-(

I was finally diagnosed last April after having been told for years that my labs were "normal." I finally made an appointment with a doctor who's willing to treat symptoms rather than labs and he started me on synthroid. He asked me to get copies of my previous bloodwork and I discovered that, though my TSH was in the normal range, my Free T4 has been at the lowest end of normal since 1999. I was stunned that considering I have so many symptoms of thyroid disease my former doctor didn't feel that my low free T4 numbers warranted a closer look. Instead she just made me feel like the fatigue and inability to lose weight were all in my head.

The synthroid made me feel a little better, but my T3s were still low, so my new doctor supplemented my synthroid with a low dose of Armour thyroid, which has both T4 and T3. Since then, I switched to Armour only and even though I'm still trying to find the right dose (at 2 grains or 120mg right now) I'm feeling MUCH better! No more brain fog, fatigue, I'm not freezing all the time, less depression, PMS has improved...I'm still struggling to lose weight, but somehow I think the new DVDs are going to help me change that! }(

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