have alot of weight to lose


New Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-01 AT 01:08PM (Est)[/font][p]Going to be brief put a post on ask cathe regarding my needing to lose 100 pounds already got good suggestions from cari thanks cari so not repeating too much info. She suggested interval training I work with a trainer 3 times per week since march upper body one day lower body next day full body last day trying to get up to seven days with walking and five days of aerobics with weekends for strength but will take any suggestions for variation on theme. want to keep as many cario days as possible. My schedule consists of work, practicing, lessons and working out not much time for anything else. When I lose I lose fast want to keep it off this time and start to be more independent. Not into dancy or heavy choreography though maybe someone can change my mind thanks.
You sound like you are right on track. When you dedicate yourself to exercising, you can be assured you can keep the weight off. I don't think of any of Cathe's tapes as dancy or heavy in the choreography department although some are more complex than others. Since you mention having little time, I would recommend that you occasionally take a day for yourself to see a movie or go shopping just to free your mind. There is also an "Eating Clean Challenge" going on on this website. Check out the post and join. The combination of exercise and a clean diet is unsurpassed when it comes to embracing that fitness lifestyle. And you know if you ever feel you need support, you're in the right place.

Just keep up the good work and love and respect yourself for the wonderful and fit person you already are!

I love Interval Max. The choreography is basic but the intensity is unbelivable. BodyMax is another good one.It's a two for one' both cardio and strength training. I also love Cardio Kicks. Cathe's workouts are fantastic. As far as I'm concerned, no one comes close. If you just picked one off the top of your head, you'd be in for a great workout. Her strength training tapes are fabulous too. What kind of workouts do you like? Do you prefer hi/lo, step, interval training? There are many, many posts regarding her various tapes. They are all good. I used Collage Videos rating system and chose tapes they described as Moderate. (I didn't order them from Colage. Cathe gives a much better discount.) I am choreographicaly challenged:). I have Maximum Intensity Strength (MIS),Maximum Intensity Cardio (MIC),IntervalMax and BodyMax as well as Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max and The Cross Train Express. I gives two thumbs up to all of these and there are so many more!
Good luck! You are going to love Cathe's workouts!

aLL OF THE TAPES AFOREMENTIONED ARE GREAT!! but!! iF IT WERE ME--and I,too, had 70# to lose at the beginning (which I did lose and have kept off for 20 years): those tapes are way too intimidating. If you are set on Cathe--who (please remember, is targeted for an advanced exerciser) try the Wedding Video and/or mega Step Blast on a 6" step at first. good beginner tapes are offered by Charlene Prickett and the first Reebok Step tape is basic and a good start.

Don't start with your most advanced tapes: you'll be too overwhelmed.
Thanks check the "wedding video" it seemed like something I could do my trainer wants me to do two more days of strength training and coupled with some other cardio so thats 6 days of walking 5 days of aerobics 3 full days of strength and 1 day upper and 1 day lower. I would like to try interval training and I might do the 1st half on the video and alternate with charlene Pricketts low impact high intensity. 1 week 3 days of cp the next week 3 days of cf.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-01 AT 12:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi! I hope you are feeling great about your committment to getting and staying healthy!

I wanted to mention videofitness.com. I'm not sure if you are familiar with that website--it has a huge amount of information on fitness videos, and a great group of people. There are check-ins there for every level of fitness, which could give you ideas for tapes that may be of interest to you. There is a whole list of different instructors, and reviews by regular people!

I'm a little concerned that if you try to tackle Cathe first, you may get frustrated or overwhelmed. I would hate to see that happen, because her tapes are wonderful. I know that if I had started out with her stuff, I would have felt very overwhelmed! Now, you CAN modify Cathe's stuff, but I think you might be better off starting with some more basic step tapes, especially if you have never done step before. Please checkout videofitness.com!

Some tapes I really liked when I was just starting out included anything by Kathy Smith and most of the Reebok tapes. You'll find comments on these and so many others.

As for The Wedding tape--the choreography in this tape is not too complex, but the intensity is high! I often find that doing a step video on the floor rather than on a step can help you get the moves down without sending your heart into overdrive--that would be a good modification to use if you end up getting this video. The strength portion might be just right for you...it has some upper body weight work--biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest (lots of pushps!), and lunges and floor work for the lower body. Cathe uses 5 lb. weights in this tape.

Anyway, glad to have you around, and good luck!

Wendy :) :)

PS some other tapes I liked as a beginner/intermediate were Reebok circuit challenge with Gin Miller, and another by Gin called Aerostep. Although people are ripping her apart over on another thread (poor Gin!), I really liked these tapes, and you can grow with them! :)
Hi Wendy,
Yes i know about videofitness that is how I was drawn to this site. I will take your suggestion of doing the workout without the step first. I think though from the clip that I saw it might be something I could handle. I like the way charlene Prickett works can't stand the chat though and long the length of her tapes so i will try her as well. the reebok tapes seem too much with jumping. Have also look at Karen voight the boxing and kickboxing of Kathy smith will have to work up to those. any feedback regarding my program would be great. i will post daily to keep me motivated and honest.
Oh, good, I'm glad you know about videofitness.

Remember--you can ALWAYS take jumps out of ANY video. I have knee problems, and I rarely if ever do any high impact moves. All of Cathe's tapes include jumps, hops, skips, etc., but they are still advanced workouts if you take out the propulsion moves. Same goes for any other tape. The key is to MODIFY to your level, whether it is because of injury or your fitness level or just not liking how a move feels.

I'm not familiar with Charlene Prickett, so can't comment...

If you are looking for weight tapes, I would also suggest Kathy Smiths Secrets To A Great Upper Body and Lower Body. These are tapes that you can also grow with. For cardio, her Peak Fat Burning is an interval tape that shows modifications for different fitness levels. Some people get annoyed with her as an instructor, but I liked her in her calmer state! (She gets hyper in some videos).
Keep posting!

I understand the reservations put forth. When I first started using Cathe's tapes, I was definitely an advanced exerciser. More recently, however, I had a bout with depression and more recently still, an injury. I use all of the aforementioned tapes but I do them with little or no impact. Sometimes it's really hard because I love to jump, but I just tell myself all things come to those who wait!

In August, I will be receiving the "12 pack DVD's", which includes Interval Max and BodyMax. If you want the VHS tapes, girlina, they're yours. Just email me your address. Then you can check them out and tackle them when you're ready!


I cannot tell you how your message has made me feel. I am am crying. I have to tell you or maybe i don't how much is associated with weight in this society. I am a pretty talented performer i have not really had to work but so hard things in this field have been easy on some level I have not been relagated to fat girl parts. But I have lost some jobs because i wasn't attractive enough (thin) My personality is such that i am aggressive and people gravitate toward me. The only thing in a sense that keeps me back is the weight. as I speak to you I am about to end a friendship where my weight has been an interesting dynamic. I am not even near where I want to be and my self esteem is soaring. This same friend has been there in the past but I contiue to grow as a person and she does not. Her lack of growth has created feelings in me which are not healthy. i must not only work on my physical being but my spiritual as well. It is time to move on. My friend who is a therapist says the dynamics between us have changed that she doesn't see any future. That makes me sad. But I remember about three years ago when i had a great trainer and the weight was flying off i let her comments stop me. This is someone who wants me to be as afraid as she is. I can't Your gift is a godsend. Bobbi I will keep you posted on my progress. My address is Stephanie Sweeney 244 fifth ave #29153 ny ny 10001. In act once I get one of my cd's out I will send you a copy.Thank you Thank you Thank you
I think it's a crying shame that our society is so thin oriented. It's so shallow and destructive because only a very small percentage of woman are "Hollywood" thin, yet they set the standards. I for one refuse to buy into it! I agree with you that spirituality is a major factor in the kind of growth and healing it takes to do many things, losing weight included. I can get those tapes out tomorrow. My Mother's birthday is coming up and I have a package for her so I'll send them right out. I know you'll think Cathe is awesome. Because she is. It's always helpful to have a goal. Surviving one of Cathe's tapes is something I often aspire to do! How exciting that you live in the Big Apple and are a performer! My husband is a transplanted Bronx boy. I haven't been there in years-since his parents moved to Florida. Definitely keep me posted. Stephanie, I feel in my heart that you will suceed at this and many other things!

Stephanie, he thinks I'm the lucky one! And I am too. He's such a doll. The tapes are on their way,Stephanie. I look forward to hearing what you think of them! I'd love to hear more about your life as a performer. Keep posting!

hi bobbi
so nice to hear from you. From 6pm to 1:30am I work at a law firm as a proofreader. I am a singer and actress. Right now my focus is singing jazz. If you want to see an old picture of me go to jazzsingers.com. As you will be able to see I am most definely black irish. I have a show tomorrow night. I went to the gym today. I am extremely tired barely made it through my cardio which I did after working the upper body workout. No time to do video today. Had to run errands and after had a two hour rehearsal had just enough time to make it to work. I would like to talk with you about my diet while I am seeing a nutritionist he and I don't always jive. and he can be a little new agie. I am tending to go to the gym on an empty stomach which I guess is good. But I am taking too long to eat and I am trying to do high protein with carbs at one meal but i eat that meal too late. If you want to speak to me e-mail at work [email protected] or at home [email protected]. Speak with you soon. I know that I am sleeping like a rock tonight.
Stephanie, you're beautiful! And accomplished! How awesome! And you are one busy lady! Nutrition is near and dear to my heart.
If you don't see eye to eye with your nutrtionist, dump him! There are several threads which deal with nutrition running in this forum. They all have "Clean Eating " in the subject. I am pretty basic myself. I eat between 1800 and 2200 calories a day. Fifty-five to 60% of calories from Carbs, 20 to 30% from fat and 15 to 20% from protein. I eat lots of whole grains in the form of rice, pasta and whole wheat products. I eat soy too. I know I have some reading material I can send you! YOU'LL have to find the time! By the way, if you struggle to get through your workouts, you might want to eat some carbohydrates a couple of hours before you workout. But I am not surprised you're tired. You have a heck of a schedule! I am Irish also. My maiden name is Bailey. I married a nice Jewish boy from the Bronx!

Keep me posted.

Hello everyone. I am new to this site so this is great!!! Finding like minds. I am in a similar situation with a lot of weight to lose...just coming off a bad two year relationship and taking better care of myself for myself. I am walking two miles in the morning, sometimes more and lifting again, something I used to do. I ordered one of Cathe's tapes but have not received it yet...I had previously just worked out my own routine but thought a video or videos would keep me going since there aren't any gyms or workout partners that I have found in this area. I am starting with her MIS tape because I have lifted before but would like any suggestions from you which tapes you prefer. I prefer walking and hiking for cardio but love weight-lifting. Also, watching the calorie intake which is probably hardest for me since I love to cook. I would love to find a serious workout partner so if any of you are in the Binghamton, NY area and are interested please let me know. I am 50, single, artist, writer, female.

Thanks all.

I relate very much to how relationships can affect our mental state and therefore our physical well being...and how really difficult it is to know when to leave. I am at that stage now...or beyond it...I hope...and taking care of myself and feeling so much better...and promising myself not to let other people affect how I feel about myself...being thankful for my body as it is, strong and healthy, but also making it better so I can enjoy the rest of my life even more. Good luck!!!

Hi Kathleen,
If you would like an on line buddy please e-mail me at [email protected]. I cannot tell you how working out has started to give me strength mentally and physically. I am finding that it has slowed me doen as far as rushing into situations making me take my time to think and making better choices (when to hit and when not to). I am on my way to the gym right now. Two hour session involving walking on treadmill andweight session. Please check out any of mark Fenton's books on walking. Trying to set a goal with that. maybe a half marathon.

Congratulations on being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and get out of your situation. When it comes down to it, when no one else is around all we really have our ourselves to guide and strengthen us. That is why we must take the time to care for ourselves. No one can do that for us. And some days will always be easier than others. I have found this to be a good site because as you know as an artist our world can be so isolating and how many of us are really able to utilize our time effectively. I have found reading the boards and asking questions has given me time to reach out figuratively and literally. Hope to be hearing more from you have a good day.


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