have alot of weight to lose

Hey Cruncholi.

Gym...surely you jest!!! LOL...we do have a track of sorts...

Deposit is about the size of Mayberry RFD...and way way behind the times...not a bad thing necessarily! So, I will be making my own gym...which is OK...I don't care for gyms myself much either...the support group is nice but I think this website is wonderful in that regard too.

I am currently moving from the mountain top, up by Oquaga Lake, into town so am in sort of a flux...but am anxious for the change and to get back on track. Have a lot of weight to lose and am off to good start, mentally and physically. It is nice having someone close by to share with.

Are you working locally? What type of law?

I graduated from Michigan State University (way back when) in business and work for a small and growing compnay in Deposit. I am an artist by nature though and the job pays the bills...we have some nice things coming up hopefully in the art area with some people coming in from NYC and hoping to start a little art community here...which would be absolutely wonderful...

We also have a live theatre group here that performs once a month (Theatricks by Starlight) and if you would like to come we would love to have you...I can hold a complimentary ticket for you...let me know and I will send you the schedule....they are great fun!!! I am usually in the ticket booth.

Well, guess that is all for now...hope to talk to you again.

Hi Kathleen,

I thought maybe you went to a gym in Binghamton. That is where I will be working beginning at the end of the month. Supposedly there are some decent gyms there, but I do not know of any firsthand.

I will be working for a general practice firm, mostly doing architectural malpractice and construction law, mixed with some other random stuff--whatever happens to come my way!

Anyway, I would love to have a schedule of your productions--my boyfriend and I are always looking to get out in the area. The options are somewhat limited around here! My e-mail address is [email protected].

Good luck with your weight loss--you can do it! I recently lost about 13 pounds just by working out--no dieting!

Bye for now,
Hey Cruncholi

There is a very good gym in Vestal. My x-boyfriend used to work out there regularly. It is something he did know a lot about. It is right next to the Red Lobster on the Parkway. There are others around...not a lot though...and I am not familiar with them so you might check them out also. There is also a YMCA but don't know what they have for facilities.

One thing I have wanted to look into but haven't yet is the new facility at the Windsor Highscool which wouldn't be far for you. They have been working on a new athletic center and I guess their weight room is very nice and open to the public...also they are having an indoor pool which I wouldn't mind traveling to...swimming is one thing I did enjoy in Michigan which is sorely lacking in this area also.

Now, as to the arts!!! If you would like to send your mailing address to my e-mail ([email protected]) I will send you off a flyer for this months production and a couple free tickets. Deposit isn't too far a drive and the State Theatre is right downtown...all three blocks of it!!! It should be a fun play this month...and it is very casual and low-key...nothing hoity toity!!!

There is also a blues festival coming up in Norwich which you might like. I don't have the dates but it is sometime this month....quite a big deal I guess, although I have never been, but hope to go this year.

So, just a few suggestions...and congrats on your new job...sounds very interesting...

Talk to you soon..


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