Hate kickboxing


Haven't liked the previous Cathe kickboxing tapes. Just can't seem to get inti it. Does that mean I won't like Kickbox Max?
Honestly, probably not. If you don't like KPC you probably won't like Kickmax (I don't have cardio kicks so I can't compare). Kickmax is approx. 30 mins kicking and punching drills but they are less intense (IMO) than KPC and focus on accuracy rather than speed. The drills that follow aren't really kickboxing but more about high impact jumping (jacks, tuck jumps, etc). The leg drills are great and are designed to improve kick height and accuracy, and pretty much fry your legs...

I love kickboxing over step (I have to force myself to do IMAX 3) so if you don't like kickbox I wouldn't bother buying it.
I have to agree with CurlyQ. If you don't like the previous ones, it's not likely worth you spending your money on Kick Max.
It's OK to not like kickboxing. It's just not for you! Don't bother buying any kickbox DVD's. Save the cash for what you do like!

another one that thinks if you don't like KPC you probably won't like kick max... i actually like cathe's kickbox in this order: cardio kicks, KPC and kick max (cardio kicks being my favorite)

i do like the leg drills.. however i don't think i'd suggest getting it for just those...

i'm really not thrilled with some of the combos (arm/leg drills) of kickmax... i prefer KPC's combos much better

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I agree with you on some of the arm/leg drills of Kick Max. I just did it for the first time yesterday. I figured while doing it that I would just have to get used to it because it is different than KPC. I do like KPC's combos, as well. I don't have Cardio Kicks. Does that come on DVD? I'll have to check that out. Is the intensity there like KM?

I'm not one much for step, either. I've tried Step Blast, Step, Pump and Jump ( my favorite because it's not just step) and Imax 2. My knees ache after I finish almost all step work outs. However, I can jump around with all the other workouts and not have any problems with my knees....weird, huh?

Getting back to Kick Max....I was sore (from the glutes down) about an hour after completing the work out. Then I rolled over this morning to get out of bed....Yikes! It's all good, however! It's exactly where I need to be working it! I will definitely do all or just the Cardio blast/leg drills once a week!

Have a great weekend! Dallas
I LOVE kickboxing, but I'm not at all fond of Kick Max. The pivots and the jumping drill don't seem very "kickbox" style to me.

So maybe you might like it?
CurlyQ, I also am not a fan of kickboxing. I have tried cardio kicks and KPC but I just can't get into them. However, I did Kickmax this morning and I enjoyed it! I was so suprised as I was dreading when this came up in the rotation. I was planning on substituting, but firgured I'd give it a try. There were only 4 actual kickboxing drills. I was able to follow them without too much trouble. Usually I feel totally out of control with my arms swinging in all the wrong directions. What really gets you is the leg drills at the end. OMG, I'm sore now so I can only imagine what tomorrow will bring! So go for it! Phyllis
Personally I hated Kickbox at the start. But from the start I kept trying because I knew it helped me crosstrain. Also It is a great muscle toner, especially in the lower body. Kick Max is similar to KPC so if you really do not like it you probably will not like the other. These workouts have grown on me and I do them to crosstrain with other vids. I feel like if they are uncomfortable they are probably something new that I need to work on that I have not gotten used to.
Diane Sue
I hated kickboxing when I first tried it about six years ago and then about 3 years ago it suddenly clicked with me...I don't know why?!?!? Anyway, don't try to like it if you don't. You don't have to like it! :) :) (But there's always the chance you'll like it!) :)

Hi Jackie, I am a kickboxing fan.I love kickmax, KPC, cardio kicks and the kickbox in the CTX series. If you don't like KPC you probably won't like Kickmax.Why don't you try the Janis Saffell workouts? You can see video clips of her workouts in collage video web site.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
I could copy what Diane Sue (WD) said. I didnt like kickboxing at all, but still I would do is (sometimes). I had KPC for a over a year before I did it. I do however like KM. I like all the tuck jumps and jacks.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Chalk me up as another one who didn't like kickboxing at first, but I keep plugging away at it when it comes up on my rotation. Now that I've done KPC a few times I have to admit it's growing on me. Part of my problem at first was not feeling comfortable kicking toward the back. Now that I've gotten better on the form my HRM shows that I'm getting a better workout from it. Now if I can get the combos in the right order. Sometimes I'm ducking when I should be jabbing (or is it hooking?)LOL
I Feel Your Pain!


I do not like kickbox and never have because I find kickbox to be very, very boring.

I have never loved any of Cathe's kickbox videos, but I can honestly say that the Hardcore Kickbox is great. I mostly use the Premix that does the 10 blasts and then leg conditioning drills.

I can't believe the difference the leg conditioning drills have made in my shape and also in the way I now execute kickbox moves.

I will never love kickbox, but I am going to continue to do it -- because it does great things for the body.

I can handle the small kickbox like moves in the Circuit or step videos, but when I do regular kickbox videos the time just drags.....

A very wise person once told me that the workouts we like least are the ones that probably do us the most good.

I loathe pushups and bicep work. I just say OH NO when it's pushup time.

Conversely, I can do tricep work and leg work for a long time before getting to failure.

In closing, Cathe's kickbox videos are my favorites -- I can't get into Tae Bo or Billy Blanks (although I hold tremendous respect for him). But I will continue to do kickbox at least one time per week.

Hardcore's Kicbox Leg Conditioning Drills are great even if you don't use the rest of the video much.
RE: I Feel Your Pain!

Kickboxing? I can take it or leave it. I do like KickMax better than KP&C because once you get through the boring (IMHO) kicking and punching combinations, you get the blasts and the leg conditioning drills. I'm glad the combinations are short because I lose interest in them really quickly......

"Don't forget to breathe!"
I'm kida the opposite here. About 6 years ago I got addicted to the Tae Bo Live series on pay per view and taped them all and did them faithfully for a couple years. For some reason I lost interest in them and rarely even do kick boxing anymore. I only own Cardio Kicks and I really like it because it's not heavy kick boxing, but KPC, never caught my interset and neither does KM. Now that Billy has his new series out, I wonder if they will be as good or better than the old Live series. But I think I just got plain sick and tired of them and really enjoy more step/circuit vids. I don't think I should purchase any more KB workouts, they seem to lack a long term interest with me.

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