HATE - Aug 17

{b><font color=red size=+5>I HATE LEARNING NEW THINGS!!! I'm trying a different bracket. Pooh.[/b]</font}
>{b><font color=red size=+5>I HATE LEARNING NEW THINGS!!! I'm
>trying a different bracket. Pooh.[/b]</font}

It's all in the brackets -- LMAO!

Use the SQUARE brackets -- these things [] -- LMAO!!!
It looks like you used this bracket{ instead of this one [. I've done that a lot. I tend to use the wavy bracket a lot so I'm used to hitting the shift key every time I want to use a bracket. Don't ever use <> -- they won't work at all.

Just try cutting and pasting my "SQUIRREL" up there and see if that works.
August, maybe you should just stick with the very high tech emoticons. LOL.

Jennifer, I'm so glad about your dad. My dad died of pancreatic cancer 10 years ago, almost to the day. It was terrible.

Michele, don't worry. DH is doing most of the driving and will stop if he needs a nap and I can't take over. Worry more about me being able to fall asleep once we get there, since I'll be pumped full of late night caffeine.

[font size=+4][font color=green]HEY AUGUST! NANNY NANNY POO POO!!![/font]
[font color=darkgrey size=+2]SQUIRRELS[/font]

Up above is Michele's SQUIRRELS.

Now I will change the text only.

[font color=darkgrey size=+2]MOFO WORK, DANG YOU, WORK!!! POO POO POO![/font]
[MARQUEE loop="infinite" BGCOLOR="azure" width="600"][font color=hotpink face="MS Serif" size=+1]PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT...[/MARQUEE][/font]

Now I CAN'T DO IT -- lmao!


Augie - I'm so [font siz=+4]PROUD[/font] of you:)
I knew August could figure it out.

Now, Michele, your crawler has the HTML directions showing up on it on my computer, in front of your message. Did you forget the first square bracket?
Okay, so this is [font color=blue size=+2]TOTALLY[/font] different from what we're doing now, but let me hear your take on this.

ADULT : Feed about 1/2 can per 6-8 lbs. of body weight per day
KITTEN : Feed up to twice the adult amount to kittens

What kind of instruction is [font color=black size=+2]THIS?[/font]

So if my squirrels are about 4pds, how much do they get? 1/2 can?

Professor Michele, Professor Robin, do I have to take this class?

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