Oh my gosh, y'all are going nuts today!! I couldn't believe how many posts there were.
Well, after another sleep deprived night, I think DH and I have made a big decision. I am going to try to go back to work after the baby. But the intention would be to go back to the firm but right away start looking for an in-house job at a company like DH has. If I don't find one after a few months, I will go to part-time at the firm and keep looking for a while longer. If I don't find one after a long time on part-time, then it is obviously not meant to be. The best time to look for an in-house job is around your 4th to 5th year. After I get back from my maternity leave, I will be starting my 4th year. So if I don't find a job during that time, it is probably not going to happen as easily.
DH has just been liking his job so much, and if I found a job like his, I think I would like it much more than what I am doing now. The hours are much more regular and it is less stressful. He is finally able to come home and relax after work and on the weekends. If I could find something like that, then it would really be doable to be a working mother.
However, I have two big concerns.
1. It is hard to find a good job at a company. My DH was really lucky that his job fell into his lap. He is brilliant so I am not surprised, but he also had the advantage of doing a big project for this particular company while he was at the firm so he was sort of a shoe in. I don't have any clients that I work with right now that I could do that with (my major client right now is representing a bankrupt company, not helpful!!). It is not that I wouldn't be qualified for these jobs, it is just that there are limited opportunities with lots of qualified people wanting the same jobs. So I will just have to use a recruiter and keep searching for the right one.
2. I am so scared of not being able to find the right nanny. I know that people leave their kids with nannies every day and nothing goes wrong, but it still scares me. I grew up in a cheap day care and I obviously turned out find and don't have any negative memories. I just don't know why I am so afraid of someone else raising my child.
Anyway, sorry for the novel. I have just been up all night worrying about these things. The worst that could really happen is that I look for a job for a year and don't find one and then I just stay home after that.
Any of course if I go back to work, I will probably workout less!! That is always an consideration.