Has STS ruined you?


For other lifting programs?

I finished 16 weeks of STS and decided to give my CLX series another go.
I wanted to do full body workouts for the next 8 weeks and maybe a P90X round with some STS mixed in.

Ummm... well, CLX was too easy.:( I had to run through the circuits twice. Once really did nothing for me.
Now I'm wondering how all my other workouts will stand up next to STS?
Cathe just may have to produce STS 2 for all of us!!!
AAAGGGHHHH :eek::eek::eek: LOL
I'm waiting to be ruined!! Hope to order mine soon.

It is by far the best fitness purchase I've made. I feel really good about all the gains I've made in 16 weeks
I did this while creating a calorie deficit.:eek: I can't wait for fall when I do it all over again with increased calories. :D:D
Yup, I feel spoiled!!! I am doing PUB/PLB now, and I am getting bored - I am halfway thru the 3rd of 4 weeks. It's not different everytime!!! Then a month of circuits, a short vacay at end of July, THEN I start STS 6 months in Aug. I can't wait!!!

good thread! i can't imagine doing any other workouts. i'm starting meso 3 soon and will be starting STS all over again after that! i am addicted to STS!
For other lifting programs?

I finished 16 weeks of STS and decided to give my CLX series another go.
I wanted to do full body workouts for the next 8 weeks and maybe a P90X round with some STS mixed in.

Ummm... well, CLX was too easy.:( I had to run through the circuits twice. Once really did nothing for me.
Now I'm wondering how all my other workouts will stand up next to STS?
Cathe just may have to produce STS 2 for all of us!!!

I am with you Cynthia! I finished STS with Cathe and the group a week ago. I started CLX on Sunday and I don't feel "worked." I mean, I was sweating at the end of the workout but I don't feel my muscles were truly fatigued. I am going to really try sticking with the rotation. Hopefully, it will get better!

Thank you for starting this thread, Cynthia! I'm in exactly the same boat as a few of you: finished STS when Cathe did, took a week recovery, now starting a CLX rotation.

It's my first time through with these workouts, so I hesitate to judge right away. But I walked away feeling not very well worked. I threw in a round of unassisted chin ups at the end, to make my back feel like it had been challenged. Mind you, I'm still trying to establish what weights I should be using. However, even when I did hit the right weight load, I still felt as though I could have worked the muscle group more thoroughly with at least another round. I think I could eventually get the right weight for my upper body, but don't think I'll ever be able to lift heavy enough with these multi-muscle group exercises to challenge my legs.

I'm trying to keep in mind, as well, that I just finished Cathe's "strength" mesocycle, where you do 4 sets of everything, in isolation, and am now going back to the first phase of a new periodized program. It shouldn't be feeling the same way. I'm hoping the ensuing weeks feel progressively more challenging, as I learn the routines and determine the correct weight loads for me. I'm also hoping that each phase of this program increases in intensity.

I'll wait until I've seen the layering effect that these workouts have on each other, before really judging the program. I remember not finding the P90X+ workouts terribly hard, until I started to use them in the suggested rotation. That really brought them home!! (hmmm....now I'm starting to consider doing THAT! LOL!).

If you're not feeling anything from the CLX workouts you are simply not lifting heavy enough, plain and simple.
If you're not feeling anything from the CLX workouts you are simply not lifting heavy enough, plain and simple.

I disagree.
I did 7 weeks of CLX prior to STS. It was challenging for me before STS.
I have to give CLX all due respect. It prepared me for STS. However, after completing 16 weeks of STS, my fitness level has increased significantly.

With CLX, I can't lift as heavy doing the compound/combination moves. I can't bench press 80lbs and do leg raises. IMO, it's unsafe.

Burn circuit 1 has 1 set of bench presses, 1 set of flat bench flies, two sets of push ups. That is a lot less work than STS has to offer so the change is drastic.
The rest of the workout is a combination of rear delt work/combined with lower body. My rear delts can only handle 12 lbs- how is that helping my lower body?
For other lifting programs?

I finished 16 weeks of STS and decided to give my CLX series another go.
I wanted to do full body workouts for the next 8 weeks and maybe a P90X round with some STS mixed in.

Ummm... well, CLX was too easy.:( I had to run through the circuits twice. Once really did nothing for me.
Now I'm wondering how all my other workouts will stand up next to STS?
Cathe just may have to produce STS 2 for all of us!!!

I think one of my issues with CLX is that I was already used to lifting like Cathe does in STS, so CLX was a real letdown for me. STS felt like coming home after I dropped CLX after one month.
I think one of my issues with CLX is that I was already used to lifting like Cathe does in STS, so CLX was a real letdown for me. STS felt like coming home after I dropped CLX after one month.

I'm not going to give up on CLX just yet. felt OK going through the circuits twice. Although I added 2 more sets of chest presses and flies without the leg raises and glute raise. My chest is actually sore today because I pushed the weights up.

I'll tell you what shocked me the most.....going to CLX leg work after doing Cathe's tri-sets:eek: OMG, Cathe's tri-sets are the best leg exercises!!
I love to hate them!

I'm not going to do this series for 3 months. My plan is 2 weeks in each cycle. Maybe, if I can stay away from STS that long!
With CLX, I can't lift as heavy doing the compound/combination moves. I can't bench press 80lbs and do leg raises. IMO, it's unsafe.

The rest of the workout is a combination of rear delt work/combined with lower body. My rear delts can only handle 12 lbs- how is that helping my lower body?

The combination moves in CLX was exactly my problem with it. I couldn't lift as much as I needed to for my lower body because I had to lift for upper at the same time. I get that combination exercises burn calories, but I didn't feel like it was challenging my muscles enough or was safe.

I dreaded my CLX workouts by the time I quit- everything except Burn Intervals.
Cynthia I agree with what you are saying. I did STS first and am now starting CLX and my problem is that I can't do the compound moves and lift as heavy a weight as with STS. It feels unsafe. Not only unsafe actually but not possible. I am going to do the rotation tho and look forward to the next 2 phases. Also the workouts are short and I went on to do some cardio and a stretch. I didn't want to go thru the circuit again. Similar conversation going on over at VF yes?
I think that STS has spoiled me too. Why can't we have workout cards to tell us what to lift for all of the other workouts?
Just a comment from another who has used CLX - use a weighted vest to add weight for your legs on the combo moves where you aren't getting a good enough leg workout ? ? ?

I gained great strength with STS and am looking for a little shorter workouts now. Am interested in CLX but first am doing a rotation with KB's and CC's.

I really enjoyed the KB's yesterday - very different to do combo moves instead of isolation. Not really sore as I didn't go heavy since it was my first KB workout. We'll see how it goes.

Now that I have some good muscle tone & strength I'd like to drop a little of the "extra" so the muscle will actually show ! :p ;)
i am doing a 90x+ rotation for a month then p90x+ including b&g,body blast,and gymstle cardio and legs for 2 months.i started it after a week recovery. my heart rate was soaring. i drank 32oz water. in sts drink alot less like 1/2 less or more.

I have been totally spoiled with STS. The funny thing is I was disappointed when Cathe announced the STS Strength, since I LOVE cardio so much - I really wanted cardio with it. I do have all of her other weighted workouts. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED STS!!! I can't say enough about what it has done for me. I achieved more than I ever dreamed of achieving with this program.

I know I will not purchase any other strength workouts. This series will keep me happy for years to come. I normally pre-order Amy Bento's workouts, I won't be with this next series. I do not need any other weight workouts. STS fits the bill for me by far.

Cathe - keep spoiling us will you?

I think that wearing a 20 lb weighted vest throughout CLX made all the difference in the world for me. My legs are strong and adding the weight allowed me to get my upper body weight right while still challenging my lower body.
Plus, I saw nice changes in my legs from working my legs three times a week with CLX. I have to add a second leg workout in for STS. The challenge is to find the right weight for upper and lower body.

Plus, I added pushups to CLX, but I add pushups to all my weight workouts that don't have enough of them (even Cathe's).

I like them both....apples and oranges. JMHO:).

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