I think that wearing a 20 lb weighted vest throughout CLX made all the difference in the world for me. My legs are strong and adding the weight allowed me to get my upper body weight right while still challenging my lower body.
Plus, I saw nice changes in my legs from working my legs three times a week with CLX. I have to add a second leg workout in for STS. The challenge is to find the right weight for upper and lower body.
Plus, I added pushups to CLX, but I add pushups to all my weight workouts that don't have enough of them (even Cathe's).
I like them both....apples and oranges. JMHO.
Did you do CLX after completing STS?
I loved CLX before STS. I thought I could go back to it but was sadly mistaken. It just doesn't have the same intensity.
SNM posted something in response to working a body part once a week. It's not how many times a week you work a body part, it's how intense you work it..
I added Plyo Legs as a second leg day in meso cycle 1, but for hypertrophy I felt one leg day would be better. I was getting enough leg work from my kickboxing and hi/lo workouts.
CLX was perfect for me prior to STS. All I'm saying is that I've outgrown the program as-is.
I'm using Cathe's 10lb vest. I have a heavier vest, but it's so uncomfortable!