Has anyone tried...??


The new FIRM videos yet? The package which contains "BodySculpt" and "CardioSculpt"?? I am trying to decide whether to invest in these videos, but are not sure if they are beginner videos or if advanced exercisers can use them too? Or if anyone likes them? I guess since I saw an infomercial for them, I thought it might be targeted more for beginners. What about "Maximum Body Shaping" with Tracey Long.....and good results from any of these?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cathe videos, but wanted to add back in some great Firm workouts too. I love Tough Tape (one of my fav's).

Thanks and Happy Easter everyone!
Hi Sarah,
I have the new Firm kit and I really like it. I like the new set, the music, and especially the lead instructors. I also like the fanny lifter. However, I would rate these videos as intermediate not advanced. Not as hard as say "Firm Strength" or "Tough Tape". I believe some advanced firmies were quite disappointed so hopefully you'll get more opinions to help you decide. I, however, do not intend to part with them anytime soon! I am also a big fan of Lisa Kay and Allie Del Rio, so keep that in mind too. For whatever reason, they help to motivate me.

Good luck.
I've tried the Firm- not the package though. Did you see the infomercial??
I have 3 older tapes which aren't too tough cardio wise (years ago, I thought they were though- Cathe really shapes us up!). You use light weights for a lot of them, which can be awkward cause they do fast reps. It's ok to supplement a routine though. You won't feel like you just burnt 1,000 calories though! I do them when I'm tired. Just add Cathe tapes or tough cario like running.
Hi Sara:
I have found the best Firm Series tapes are the first 5 original ones. The first double set made w/Tracy Long are good but once the Firm got into the Variety Series it was as challenging. I still use firm. I like the "Firm Parts" "Standing Legs" for extra leg training, sometimes I do that with no weights if I did an actual leg training the day before. The "Floor Work" is also good.Firm from what I heard was either under some kind of Law Suit or something because their tapes were very advanced and people were getting injured (Don't quote me but I think thats why the made their tapes less challenging)
i don't think there was any such lawsuit

i think their tapes got easier because they were trying to market them to a wider audience. also, they've have various marketing deals with different companies, which caused the firm to change the style and intensity of their videos.

the firm has had legal issues. several years ago, they sued shape for saying that vol. 3 was not aerobic. in retrospect, it turns out shape was wrong, but i don't know how the suit ended. i think there has also been some legal problems with their various distributers over licensing deals and video rights.

i'm pretty sure, though, that they've never been sued because their tapes caused too many injuries.

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