Has anyone stopped mid-Meso then started over??


Hi everyone!

I have been sick for about 2 weeks now and am FINALLY feeling better.

I was up to disc 8 when I got sick and now I'm trying to decide if I should pick up where I left off or just start over with M1 W1.

Any comments/suggestions welcome!! TIA!!
I was out sick for ten days about that stage of Meso 1, no strength training at all.

Since I felt pretty weak at first, I inserted the Pyramid upperbody up-only premix and the timesaver Gym Style Legs premix, done at lighter than usual weights. Those are familiar workouts and the premix/lighter weights helped me keep from overdoing it. That plus a day or two of increasingly intense cardio was enough to get my endurance back on track, and I continued from where I left off in STS. I did have to pause halfway through my first disk for an extra ten minutes of rest, to get my HR down, but after that there was no difficulty.

It's worked out well. I'm on the six month plan, about to start the second rep of M1W4.
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We were having some inside work done on our house and since I wasn't up for someone, even though he is a friend, watching me exercise I didn't work out for 3 weeks so I started over last week and changed it to a 6 month rotation cause I just love STS and feel better the second time through the workout when I am a little more familiar with what's coming. I kind of hated starting over but that was just a mind thing for me. Once I got going, it didn't matter that I was at back square one just as long as I was on the board!!!!!!!
Thanks for your input ladies!

Vicki: I think I might do the same thing, start over with a 6 month rotation. I guess I'll get over that "square one" thing in my mind, too!
Hi Melissa-

My original plan was to do STS all the way through, then retest 1RM, then do the whole STS cycle again, basically the goal of 2 times before Labor Day. I made it through meso 1 and the first week of meso 2, but was pulled away for unexpected business trips and my schedule going forward with work is changing as well. So to accomodate I am going to start again with meso 1, doing the 4 weeks, then I am going to do meso 2 for 8 weeks then meso 3 for 8 weeks alternating squat rack weeks and plyo weeks for legs. This way I still get to finish my goal just in a different pattern that will build in some flexibility for my work. I will miss checking in with everyone along the way, but I will still read to keep inspired and connected to everyone else who is crazy enough to take on this program. :D

I got sick at Disc 7. It was kind of a bummer, but I was out completely for 2 weeks, then still felt weak. So I did back up and started again. I figured since I'd already done two weeks of work, that would give me additional recovery time. It worked out really well. Now I'm onto Meso 2 and wow! Maybe I should get sick again for another break!

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