Has anyone started Christmas shopping yet?


I bought my first gift today. Found my youngest a V Smile Pocket system that I thought he would love. Why not! I figured if I had waited closer to Christmas that I wouldn't find it.

Has anyone else started? I know, I'm crazy! ;-)
No, you're not the only crazy one! I'm starting too. It makes it easier, financially, if I can spread it out over several months instead of all in December.
I haven't started quite yet, but plan to start working on it. I've had ideas popping around in my head for a bit. Last year I waited and I'm not going through that hassle again. I want to enjoy the time of year this time without pushy crowds and empty shelves!


Wow Sabrina, you're early! I haven't started yet. Come to think of it, the husband hasn't been deserving this year, so maybe just before Christmas I'm gonna buy myself the most expensive piece of jewelry that catches my eye.;-)

LOL Pinky! I used to work with a woman who bought herself a mink one year, wrapped it and put it under the tree marked from her husband.

Do you all go crazy at Christmas? I went crazy on Sophie last year. Nothing huge, but lots of things. I think I need to tone it down a bit. Because of our family situation, she ends up getting FOUR Christmases. With me and my SO, with her Dad, with her Grandma and Grandpa and with my family. By the end of it, she's pretty much had it with opening presents.
Our kids get a lot too. We get for them, my mom, my DH's parents, my brother, my SIL. Grandparents(or great grandparents in the kids' case) are all gone. My ex-stepfather gets them a little something too. They get more than there share. I am cutting back some this year since there was so much last year. They are getting into wanting more expensive things now though so there is less under the tree.
I tend to go crazy with my niece and nephew cause it's just so much fun....

My DH is the worst present buyer. Last Xmas I got two - TWO - back scrubbers and one of those eye thingees that people wear after binge drinking. A CD that I already had. 2 fridge magnet note pads. You get the idea.

I'm hoping DH's get better at buying gifts as the years roll on....:7


I'm thinking about not doing gifts for Christmas this year. I mean, not in the over-the-top spend-too-much-money tons-of-presents-under-the-tree way. It just gets so stressful trying to come up with gift ideas, and then come up with money to buy them all. If I can get DH to agree, maybe we'll just give each other one gift, and ask that our families do the same. I'm thinking of not even putting up a Christmas tree or decorations this year. I hate having to take it all down and clean it all up after all is said and done. It's not that I lack the Christmas spirit, I just hate how commercialized it has become. I'd rather just spend time with friends and family, drinking hot chocolate, playing board games, or watching movies...
Many people will start this early...not me though...by the time Christmas time actually came around I'd either forget where I put the gift when it came time to wrap it or I'd just forget I bought it entirely! :p
I used to do a lot of crafts. I have narrowed my crafting down to just making 3 dimensional ornaments out of faceted beads and fishing line. The family likes the things I make, so they request that for Christmas every year. My latest creation is a nutcracker since that is what I collect.:) Of course for my kids they get almost everything they ask my husband for. For those we do buy for, it is done mostly starting in November.
I SHOULD start now! Every year, I tell myself I'm going to start early but I usually wait until the last minute. I'll probably start around december! I'm such a procrastinator!x(
I have started already. I feel somewhat guilty though because I bought my mom the first two seasons of Curb Your Enthusiam and I've opened them and have been enjoying them with various people!

If I don't tell him exactly what to buy my husband is the worst gift giver too. Last year he got me one of those trees you hang bananas on and this plastic thing you put bagels in so you can slice them. He did also get me the new camera lens I told him I wanted though.

For my kids I buy stuff all year long and put them somewhere out of sight. I always come across some things after Christmas because I forget everything I have bought.
About as near as I've come is saying, "Oh, Jeez, I should start my Christmas shopping." I have started putting money away for it, though. I have an account not linked to my others, so I use that - I tend to forget money is there.
>I have started already. I feel somewhat guilty though
>because I bought my mom the first two seasons of Curb Your
>Enthusiam and I've opened them and have been enjoying them
>with various people!
>If I don't tell him exactly what to buy my husband is the
>worst gift giver too. Last year he got me one of those trees
>you hang bananas on and this plastic thing you put bagels in
>so you can slice them. He did also get me the new camera lens
>I told him I wanted though.
>For my kids I buy stuff all year long and put them somewhere
>out of sight. I always come across some things after
>Christmas because I forget everything I have bought.

Elaine I love Curb Your Enthusiasm!! That is one of the best shows ever. I can't wait until it comes back on again. I hope it does come back on again. I have all the first 2 seasons on DVD. Hilarious!

No, we usually wait until the last week before Christmas. I do avoid the Malls though as if it is a disease. I hate shopping in there around that time so I shop on the internet.

Shoot! If I were to start early it would only cause me alot of work. See my kids are forever changing their minds and they will tell me one thing and change their minds a month later. If I bought things early like my husband wants me to, then I would be doing alot of returning. I usually do mine the weekend that everyone shops after thanksgiving. I get a high off of it!

I know call me crazy!!


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