Has anyone sold all their none Cathe videos?


I find that mine (mainly Firms and Fitprimes) are just collecting dust. They seem so boring anymore. Has anyone just gone all Cathe and missed the others? Should I keep them just in case? I don't have all of Cathe's and I was thinking if I sold some of my others, I could get the CTX series on DVD. and the S&H series on DVD.

Has anyone done this and regretted or was it the best move you ever made?
My non-Cathe tapes are collecting dust, too. All of 2002 I did an average of 4 Cathe tapes and 2 non-Cathe tapes a week but since I received the IS series, it's been only Cathe 2003.

I don't know what to do with my Firms/FitPrimes - I hate to get rid of them because "I might get into an accident and cannot work out with Cathe for a longer period of time" - then those intermediate/advanced workouts would come in handy.

Every now and then I throw in a Firm/FP tape in the afternoon and they don't seem that challenging to me anymore, also, I worry that I loose some of my hard-earned definition if I stray too long from Cathe. Especially FP tapes seem to turn my UB into mush really quickly.

I don't use all my tapes but I keep them.
I got rid of all mine! I am now totally Cathe! Some days I feel like I should try someone different... but I just can't!!;-) She's the best in my opinion! Susan
I'm only doing Cathe's and Yoga and Pilates now days.

I don't know what to do with my other videos like all my FIRMS and Gin Millers. I am gonna keep them for now but every once in a while I give a FIRM away to someone interested like that I work with or in my family but that's about it.

Just can't beat Cathe.

I've stored all my non-Cathe tapes for a "just in case" moment. However, I haven't done any other tapes except for Cathe's exclusively for almost 2 years now. She's the best out there IMHO.
I have over a hundred videos and DVD, so no, I haven't gotten rid of all my "non-Cathe" workouts. I tend to do more of her weight work than any other weight tapes, but I still keep them, and I find that alternating Cathe with a bit of the Firm is a good combo for me. Somehow the Firm hits some low butt areas that don't quite get the same work as with Cathe.

I am in the process of reducing my collection, so I will be getting rid of some non-Cathe tapes (but also a Cathe tape or two, as I don't really like the more recent step tapes, or MIC).

How do those of you who do it get by with only Cathe cardio? Since she does mostly high intensity step, with the exception of Cardio Kicks and part of MIC, I'd think it would limit your cardio variety and lead to repetitive stress injuries. I hope at least you are cross training with some kind of cardio, even if it's not on video.
Same here. I have all the Firms, some Karen Voight, Gin Miller...
I pulled out the Firm's 5 day Ab's yesterday. I did two Cathe ab routines and two Firms. I could not feel ONE thing with the Firm but I could tell I was working out with Cathe. I decided 'why bother with anything else?'

I don't know what to do with my tapes either. I heard one girl got $120 for her Boot Camp video on ebay. If I tried selling over there, I'd probably have to Pay for somebody to buy my stuff. That is how my fortune goes...LOL

If one needed a lighter day, I suppose one could modify Cathe's tapes to an intermediate level. ? All I know is the other tapes just don't 'do it' for me anymore.
I sure do have lots of tapes just sitting there doing nothing. :D
Hi sunnyside and everyone,

I have to be honest, although I tend to reach for cathe tapes more than the others, I still like to do other instructors tapes as well, as I like variety.
Just yesterday I did Chizel it 2 with Charles harris, because I just felt like it, enjoyed it also, and I am not ashamed to say it. why should I be? they are my workouts and I paid for them.
I am not sure, I mean I could be wrong! but sometimes when I read these forums they could almost make you feel pressured to conform only to cathe and give up everything else. There have been times when I have had an injury or sprain and there is no way that I would have been able to work out to cathe, sometimes I have had to do an easier workout, it was common sense for me.
We know that we all love cathe workouts or we would not be here, however, we should be able to all have our own individual tastes and should not feel guilty for deviating.

Like a friend of mine said.

"we were born originals, but we die copies"

I apologise beforehand if I offend but it was not a personal attack.

I have all my non-Cathe tapes. I use them when I'm recovering from having been ill...or just having a day where I don't feel I have all the "advanced" energy I may need for Cathe (which is rarely). I'm like Kathryn, I have over 100 tapes and I do dust one off from time to time.

Also, in answer to your question Kathryn, I cross-train with running, biking or an elliptical trainer. The only other person I cross-train with is Mindy's interval tapes. Other then that, I stick with Cathe for cardio.
I, too, have kept all of my videos. I have several firms, Karen Voights, and 1 Gin Miller. However, most of them I stopped using even before I started using Cathe's tapes. I still love some of Karen Voights videos, even though they definitely don't have the intensity of Cathe's. They are just pleasant to use when you're not totally "on" that day. Gosh, I can't even remember the names of these videos anymore :\ Oopsie. I will honestly say that Cathe's tapes are the most intense and enjoyable I have ever found. I keep my others for family or friends if they want to use them, or for my really low-energy days. I have been looking into some stretch/yoga/pilates type stuff, though, because I feel that those would compliment the intensity of Cathe.

If I were you, if you're thinking of selling, I'd keep a few of your other "favorites" around to have when you want to mix things up.

I'm slowly going that route ; I got rid of all my Firm classics and I'm really debating on getting rid of those clamshell cased Blast series that was made 'just for firmbelievers' was I ever mad x( after a few months after paying all that money for them to see them being sold for cheap!

I'm still holding on to those plus a few more just in case but I think eventually it'll be all cathe here :)
Where do you get rid of your tapes?

I know this is off the subject a little bit, but I'm curious.
I just went to DVD's in October (as a birthday present/you did it present on the birth of our daughter), My DH got me the 12 pack! Needless to say, I have just about everything I could need on DVD.
I had just bought Pure Strength, MIS/MIC and several others in the fall of 2001 and got pregnant January 2002 - I just didn't get to use them. Now I have them on DVD. I would love to sell these to a worthy Cathe fan, and be able to expand my own DVD Cathe collection with the money!! I wish Cathe had an exchange policy, so her fans could get these tapes.....Anyway,can anyone tell me a good website for selling fitness videos?

RE: Where do you get rid of your tapes?

I sell mine either at ebay or firm ya yas. I like firm ya yas better since I like to set my own price, shipping and payment method. At e-bay sometimes you could make quite a lot of money, but with my luck, I hardly have. You have to register at Ya Yas, but it's free. Then go to the 'Swapmeet'. Here's the link:


I don't think it serves Cathe to have a Swapmeet here -- she's already paying to have this site and forum up. It's almost like shooting herself in the foot by having a Swapmeet; she would have less sales. Just my $0.02.
RE: Where do you get rid of your tapes?

Thanks for the link! I just got registered and am waiting for my email confirmation - Duh, I guess it wouldn't be too smart to have a swapmeet here. I don't always think these things through!! I appreciate your help, maybe now I'll be able to complete my DVD collection!!!!}( }(
RE: Where do you get rid of your tapes?

Hey Hotchick, I don't think you said anything bad, no need to feel bad for saying something! But I think the emphasis on this thread is the fact of whether or not to keep other videos, not to be ashamed whether or not you are doing other ones, I think? Anyway, I have many videos that are collecting dust, and I almost feel bad for them :)
I have wanted to do them and try to work them in to my running/Cathe as of lately, but I haven't been able to do it/been that dedicated to try..

I don't know, I always hear that people should keep their tapes as "backup" just in case their favorites get old..I guess this is a good plan, but I would sell the ones that you never never do, and hold on to the ones that you remember liking just in case. Heck,you can always rebuy some of them!
RE: Where do you get rid of your tapes?

I sold most of my other tapes to finance my switch to DVD, and although I have a few other DVD's (coupla firms) I really don't ever feel motivated to do anything but my Cathes. It's not really an issue of being proud or ashamed either way, that's just the way it has worked out for me....in other words, I didn't set out to be a Cathe monogamist, but I think I am!!


P.S. I do have quite a few yoga DVD's that I try to do a couple of times a week...now if only Cathe would put out that yoga DVD...
I'm going for it! I'm selling!

Thanks everyone. I can always buy them back if I miss them, right?

I think I will go thru my videos, just keep a few favorites(I can't even remember what they are LOL!) and sell the rest. I'm trying to go all DVD. I do alot of other cardio things like, hiking, mountain biking and running. So I'm sure I'll have enough variety to keep me motivated.(crossing fingers)
I'll post them over at the ya ya's (user name, sunnyside) in a few days if anyone is interested.. Fitprimes/firms/cathe video. I might even throw a Cher one in there too!;) :+
RE: I'm going for it! I'm selling!

Hi Sunnyside,

The one firm I bought back on DVD for some cardio variety was super cardio mix: this one in particular is a good alternative to Cathe because she doesn't really do anything like this. I do find with cathe cardio I end up doing alot of stepping. Now that it's warmer I too am doing more outdoor cardio (running and cycling) but during the winter I pulled out super cardio mix a coupleof times, for sure. I also picked up karen voight circuit DVD but honestly haven't used it more than twice, and only the step section at that.

I haven't purchased the powerstrike DVD (kickbox) but I might take the plunge if there's no kickbox in the next round of cathes!

edited to add: I have also hung on to Mindy's strength express on DVD, cause I LOVE this workout, and recently picked up Mindy's new interval and new strenght workout on DVD...so I guess I'm not a true monogamist!

RE: I'm going for it! I'm selling!

Hi Christine.

If I get bored I might pick up one of those powerstrike DVD's. I do love the kickboxing. I hope Cathe puts it in her next ones too.
I almost feel free... now that I've made my decision! It's almost like spring cleaning.:) Out with the old, in with the new!

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