Has anyone had....


A breast augmentation. I realize this is a personal question, but I would like to know if anyone has had a BA and if so, do you work your chest the same as you would if you did not have one. I had one about 6 months ago and I have not really been sure if I should do all the chest exercises. Thanks to anyone with any input.
Hi there.

I had a BA 2-3 years ago. It took time but I am now lifting heavier than ever on chest exercises! I stayed very light with chest work for quite a while because it felt "funny" to me but in time that feeling went away. I have no issues in regards to my BA when lifting heavy with chest work.

Thanks for the info. I do the chest exercises now and it does feel weird, I was just afraid that heavy weights would "mess" something up. Its good to know that it won't, thank you again.
I am almost 2 years post-op and 18 months post revision to the right side.

I did no chest work for the first few months and then just stuck to push-ups. That wasn't cutting it so I started back to doing all chest work and glad I did. It does feel funny for a while but as long as there is no pain, you are fine. It is just a strange and sometimes creepy feeling to have the pecs contract so hard against something thet wasn't there a few months ago.

Expect a weird sensation but if it hurts, never proceed. Eventually, with continued chest work, it will feel 100% normal again.

For me, the strangest feeling came when doing tricep dips!
Yes. And did you ask your dr. Mine are under the muscle. I have an odd situation in that my body builds up very little capsular contraction and I have to wear a bra almost all the time for support. One dropped 1/4" after my first surgery which my dr. attritbutes to: my odd situation, lifting weights, and not wearing enough support.

And also...I would rather save the time. Even if I could work out I don't think I would. How much is it going to change? And I like the look now so I confess I would be lazy :)

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