Has anyone else noticed


that there are some clips that are repeated in Meso 1? I was doing week three back and tris and legs and at some points I had to double check that I was doing the right DVD. Sure enough, some are the same clips...not just the same exercise. The side lying tri extensions on the ball and the back lunge with the paper plate are the only two I double checked, but maybe there are more. Just an observation...I thought I was back on week 2!
Hi Lala1,

Yep, that is the case indeed. After the first week of Meso 1, many of the clips/exercises are rearranged & repeated in the 2nd, 3rd & 4th wk, with a few new exercises added each week. The editing is so good that in week 2, 3 & 4, it is easy to think that each workout was separately in the Mesocycle! If you read Cathe's blog postings in early-mid 2008 (and I think the thread titled "Helping you understand STS"), She explains this & the reasoning behind it. Keep enjoying STS! :)
There are repeats, but it seems like less than what was originally planned.

From their original posts on STS, SNM was going to use more repeated footage (or perhaps the same footage, but taken from a different camera angle) throughout the series, but they ended up filming more original footage.

I think the 'recycled' footage and the new footage is put together pretty seamlessly. When I previewed, I was looking for the repeats (because I knew they were there), but they were sometimes hard to spot.
I must not have paid much attention to the "helping you understand". But I agree with you, Kathryn, it certainly is seamless
They did an excellent editing job. Although in Meso 2 in week one we use 70% of I RM and in week two we use 75% of 1 RM. When the footage is repeated, they are using the same weights.

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