Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment?

Well I have to chime in here as well, besides my new 8 lb medicine ball and stability ball, my husband bought me an entire new set of hex dumbbells 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, & 25. I also bought interlocking mats to put the dumbbells on and I just ordered 12 & 15lb medicine balls online (aren't they the greatest?). Sigh...now what can we buy????
Power Systems Med Balls

I am really happy to see all of the hilarious posts here!

I would like to clarify my post about the Power Systems Med balls purchased from fitnesswholesale.com. My 15 lb ball arrived yesterday, and it is not the Dura-soft ball used in Cathe's videos. The ball I received is called a "Power Med Ball" and is hard like a basketball, and slightly larger than a basketball. It also arrived dirty, and this is the way Power Systems has been shipping their balls to fitnesswholesale, as I learned from speaking with a customer service rep. this morning.

Fitnesswholesale is having me return my ball for a credit including the shipping costs. They do not carry the Dura-soft med balls, and judging by the cost on the Power Systems website ($64 and change), I think I will hold off on buying this.

Apologies if anyone ordered their med balls from fitnesswholesale upon my recommendation :-( , but know that the company is reputable and gracious about returns. Everything else I have ordered from them has been perfect.

New purchase this morning with my state tax return: Another Troy Lite bar with two five pound plates. This bar can replace the awful bar on my Walmart barbell, and the extra plates will come in handy for lower body work. :7

Yes , I have also. I wanted some workout equipment..like a machine...my son is getting into weight lifting so....I went out and bought a Bowlfex.......But Cathe is still my favorite....this would just be extra.......
Okay I admit it- I have 4 bars. I use 'em all, too! 2 are straight and weigh 12 pounds. The other 2 are e-z curl bars and one weighs 1 pound and the other weighs 12 pounds.

I also have lots of plates. My favorites are the Marcy grip ones with built in handles.

I got a B&TR but hardly use it. What I really need is a lat pull-down apparatus of some sort, or a pull-up bar... anyone willing to trade?

Ideas for making a lat pull-down type thing appreciated also.

Back to the original subject. I also have an 8-lb medicine ball, a stability ball, and 2 Firm tall boxes- 14 inch and 12 inch. They are so cute now that my DH has painted them. I can't wait for the mini topper so I can use the Firm boxes as furniture.

I also have a 6" Firm box and don't use it much for anything.

I have a weight bench that inclines, and has a preacher attachment, and a leg extension/hamstring curl attachment.

Lots of workout togs too!
Could you please tell me more about the interlocking mats you bought from Home Depot? I have berber carpet and have been looking for something to put down where I exercise in my living room. I mainly do strength work, but I also have Circuit Max, Kickbox CTX, and Cardio and Weights, too. Would these mats work for exercising on with these videos?

Thanks for any imput and information (price, size, thickness, etc.).


P.S. Does anyone have a "Door Gym"? If so, does it destroy your door frame molding? How's it on the paint job? Is it easy to put up and remove? Just curious. Thanks. Ann
>Could you please tell me more about the interlocking mats you
>bought from Home Depot? I have berber carpet and have been
>looking for something to put down where I exercise in my
>living room. I mainly do strength work, but I also have
>Circuit Max, Kickbox CTX, and Cardio and Weights, too. Would
>these mats work for exercising on with these videos?

The mats are 2 feet x 2 feet and about 1 inch thick. They come in packs of four. The first batch I bought was $19.99, but the second batch were on sale for $14.95. You can get either the charcoal grey color or a multi color pack with red, yellow, green and blue. They fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, so you can prepare a workout area that fits your needs for the day. I use them on a wooden floor, and find that I have to stabilize them a bit by either putting weights in the corners, or making sure that the mats take up the entire free floor space. That shouldn't be a problem on carpet.
Connie, or anyone: How do you store your bars? I just got a plate rack, so those are now off the floor, but I still need a better solution than I currently have for bar storage.
Thank you, Kathryn, for the info on the "jigsaw" mats. They sound perfect for my berber carpeting. Hope they are protecting your hardwood floors from dumbbell/barbell dings.:)

(who previously had hardwood floors that she cherished....)
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

I have a weight bench and 3 bars I keep one on the bench loaded and the other two (my curl bar & tricep bar) on the floor next to the bench against the wall so that they aren't in the path of the floor where I walk. I too have a plate tree or holder so I just take the plates off the bars. I have a highly active 18 month old so this is the best way to store them safely in my house. Plus, all my equipment is downstairs spanning between my living room and dining room so I never have far to go to grab what I need to set-up for my workout.
I put my bars on the floor against the wall. They are under the TV so they are not underfoot- unless they're rolled out 1 or 2 inches. So I have to keep them really tight against the wall.

I do keep at least 2 bars loaded just because I don't have any reason to unload them every time. But my e-z curl bars I usually keep unloaded (because I change the weights more often and they are lighter than lower body ones) so they take up practically no space.
Q for Connie about Marcy Grip Plates

As if I needed another piece of workout equipment to obssess over! :7

Where did you purchase your standard plates? I checked every sporting goods store in my area and no one carries them. Then I went to Walmart on Saturday and lo and behold - they had grey olympic Marcy plates in 5's, 10's and 25's. I didn't want olympic but they were so cheap. I bought four 5's, two 10's, and one 25 to substitute for dumbbells as a change of pace. The 25 is great for lat rows and overhead tricep extensions!

A web search brought up very little on the standard plates (which are all black in color - I want these badly!), and the couple places I called quoted $35 shipping fees for a package of four 10's or eight 5's. The set of plates is only $21 and I don't want to pay that much in shipping. It seems that Impex, the parent company, doesn't sell the Marcy plates individually, only in sets.

Any info would be helpful! These are great plates.

>I got a B&TR but hardly use it. What I really need is a lat
>pull-down apparatus of some sort, or a pull-up bar... anyone
>willing to trade?
>Ideas for making a lat pull-down type thing appreciated also.

Have you tried exercise tubing? I 've been using Spri XerTube that comes with a door attachment and allows you to do all sorts of pull-downs, chest presses, etc. I don't know what I'd do without my lat pull-downs!!!


Hope this helps!
Sarah :)
Thanks, Sarah! I have heard of it but I somehow get the idea that it's too weak- I mean that I might tear the door off the hinges. But that's after I build some strength. My aim is to work up to a pull-up.

Or more than one.

Well I'll check out spri products. I got my step risers there. Thanks!
I, too, was worried about breaking my doors seeing as they swell and don't always even match up correctly - but you stick the door attachment in as you pull the door in toward you to close it. That way, it's the whole frame and not the door hinges that are providing a good resistance (?I hope I'm making sense here, oh well).

Sarah :)
Marcy grip?

I thought you said "standard" so I assumed you were asking someone else. I got my Marcy plates at Play It Again Sports in the city where I work, Pleasant Hill, Calif. There are Play It Again Sports franchises all over, and they sell new and used sports equipment.

My husband got me one a while back at another store, I think it was Big 5 Sporting Equipment in downtown Walnut Creek.
Aha. Thank you Sarah!

I went to Spri's site and asked them to send me a catalog. It was hard to tell what all the different products were for! So I hope the paper catalog is more clear!
Hey Connie1!

Have you checked out Busy Body? There are stores in your area. I have bought extra risers for my step there ($10/pair) and I like the Cap dumbbells and plate weights they sell. They also carry other fitness gadgets. I'm sure I saw some kind of a system that attaches to the door jam there as well. Check it out. www.busybody.com


Keeping with the content of this thread, my wish list includes a Troy Lite Barbell system and a BOSU Ball. It looks like fun!
Thanks, Jilliana and Vickie!

I checked out those 2 sites and the things look so cool. However I think my DH could rig up a pulley system with weights on one end and a bar handle on the other. It might be cheaper and take up less space.

All I really need is a monkeybar to hang from, really. If I just found one nearby (in the house) and really used it, I think I would get a great back workout. Until then I will keep doing rows of all kinds, pullovers, dead lifts, and supermans.

My house floor plan is open and only has doors at the bedrooms, and I work out far from there at 5 a.m., so I would need a freestanding one or something.

I have a high slanted beam ceiling so anything hanging from it could turn into a swing! and I would rather avoid that (I can just see myself inadvertently crashing my feet into the TV screen, LOL)

If I had experience using any of the overhead type lat equipment (resistance tubing, etc.) I would be more likely to want it. But I don't want to get another thing I will not use. So I will hold out for something very space saving, cheap, and simple.

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