Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment?


Ever since the Intensity Series arrived I have spent an enormous amount of money on new equipment! First I had to have the Walmart barbell, the Super Step, the 8lb Power Systems medicine ball, and a 55cm stability ball. That sufficed for awhile.

Then I bought the 10 lb Walmart medicine ball and another 55cm stability ball. Why two stability balls? One is inflated to capacity (harder), and the other a little softer to challenge the core in different ways.

Now that I have been doing ME step-ups on the tall box for several workouts, the 8 and 10 lb med balls are no longer challenging. Add to the pile a 12 lb strength training ball from the Nike Instructor catalog (which is hard like a basketball - also got it in 8 lbs!) and a 15 lb med ball from Power Systems.

One day last week I decided to change all the plate weights on my Firm padded barbell because the old ones were peeling and looked shabby. So were my 8, 15 and 20 lb hex dumbbells, so I bought new ones. While shopping, I couldn't resist 7 and 9 lb Neoprene dumbbells. Oh, and let's not forget my new curl bar with a full set of plate weights, another splurge!!

Today my new Challenge Bars in 9 and 15 lbs arrived from Fitness Wholesale, as well as the Troy Lite Barbell from Fitness1st. I never thought a barbell could be so beautiful, lol!

My living room looks like Cathe's studio and I love it!!

I'm right there with ya! I just got a new Troy Lite Barbell too and think it's "beautiful"! Also, I already have a Reebok step, but just ordered the Original Club Step from Fitness1st just because! I don't KNOW!! I guess I want an extra one "just in case"...someone else wants to workout with me????

I have 3 medicine balls...dumbells ranging from 3 lbs up to 40 lbs!!! Two stability balls. One is shaped like an oval/Egg and the other one is ball shaped. A Body Bar and a Curl Bar!! Oh, and 2 Firm Fanny Lifters!! When that Mini step comes out that Cathe uses, I'm getting that too!! My living room looks like a studio, and I love it too, but I really need to STOP!!!

Danielle :+
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

Hi Roe, I know what you mean. I brought 8lb dumbells, a step, and now I want to go and buy 7lb, and 12lb dumbells. I do have alot of stuff now because my husband has been lifting weights ever since I met him 17 years ago so I didn't have to buy much thank goodness. Oh and I also brought weightlifting gloves and of course I just brought Cathe's 12 title DVD special about 2 weeks ago and still thinking of getting the Bootcamp:)
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

Hahahaha... I know exactly what you guys are talking about! I don't really think there's anything wrong with any of it, as everybody has their "thing". Unfortunately, only the very very few understand a love of fitness, and especially fitness videos. I actually just had a friend not even 5 minutes ago refer to them as "your silly girly videos". Of course, all I wanted to do was stick him in front of my TV to let Cathe have at him for just a few minutes! That made me angry, to a degree, because most people never take workout videos seriously. So, needless to say, when i want to buy an extra pair of dumbells, or a medicine ball, everyone thinks I'm crazy. But, what matters is that my parents don't mind (I have my mom just as excited about step risers as I am)... my dad is only slightly annoyed by the clutter, and my boyfriend has just been Cathe-ized himself. He's actually asking me to buy videos for him (he's in love with the ubber body section of Body Max ). :D So, speaking of fitness purchases, do any of you know where I can buy some good medicine balls? :)
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

Glad others are sharing my obssession! Nothing beats a Cathe workout. She justifies every penny of equipment purchases!!

I have been doing Firm videos for years and have the 14" wooden tall box, a 10" box, a 4" box, and the stupid "Fanny Lifter". I think I will forfeit the new mini-step, at least for now!

I bought my 8 lb med ball through Power Systems, but Fitnesswholesale.com carries the Power System balls at a cheaper price, so I ordered the 15 lb through them. Wallmart carries an almost identical med ball in 15 lbs - very slick black color for only $16 and change. That is where you should get your 10 lb ball.

I was really peeved when my 8 lb med ball arrived in blue, not orange like the Cathe set! I almost returned it to Power Systems and ordered the orange through fitnesswholesale. Now that would be really over the top! }( :7

Walmart Barbell

Has anyone else purchased this? I couldn't find it in any local store so ordered from the website. The shipping was an outrageous $21.80, more than the barbell itself!

It arrived in very poor condition. They just slapped a shipping label on the original box - no extra tape to keep it from opening. The box was crumpled upon arrival, the bar scratched, and the plate weights filthy. I cleaned it all up, filled in the scratches on the bar with a black permanent marker (no lie!), then called Walmart customer service who refunded the shipping cost to my credit card.

I am almost tempted to order another to see if it arrives in better shape. Anyone else have a Walmart barbell and what was the condition upon purchase?

The Troy Lite set was beautifully packaged - each component came in sealed plastic wrap for protection.


Oh my gosh, I'm sitting here laughing my head off, BUT...I would be just like you. (VERY upset about scratches & dirt!) The permanent magic marker is just too funny! I know our equipment gets marked up eventually but when we pay good money for it, not to mention a LOT of money for shipping, we expect quality equipment. Glad they refunded your shipping costs. BTW, I join all you sickies...if you could see my workout room. I am starting to run out of room to WORKOUT! I have it ALL except the min step. My DH had the nerve the other day, when I told him that Cathe is coming out with the mini step soon, to say, "At last you won't need that since you have the Firm tall boxes." I just looked at him with a grin on my face. Don't know where I will put it but I'll think of something. My B&TR is in my bedroom. Does that tell you anything? Ha! Thank goodness our addiction is HEALTHY! You go girls!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Can sooo relate!

Reading this post really proves why I LOVE this board. We are ALL crazy! hee hee It is so nice to know everyone else's living room looks like a Cathe studio. Now, I am even taking up the office, around the corner. I have 2 medicine balls, 2 stability balls, 1 barbell (in the market for another) a universal wt system w/leg presses, extensions, overhead pulldowns, hamstrings, etc. elliptical machine and am thinking about a treadmill!

How much are the TroyLite barbells? Are they the ones that are $85? does that include the wts and everything?

Anyway, great post! Glad we are all fitness equipment looney bins. I look at it this way... there sure are a lot worse things to be addicted to than LIFE! I see this as life, fitness and happiness.
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

NEOPRENE DUMBELLS IN 7# and 9#???? How did I miss those?? and I REALLY need them too!:D
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

Hello My Fellow Shoppers!! I too have gone a bit nuts buying equipment. I have various dumbells ranging from 1 - 15 pounds, The Fanny Lifter, body bar, leather gloves and yesterday I recieved my Intensity Series and Slow and Heavey from Cathe! I did the muscular endurance tape - it kicked my butt but I finished it! I'm a bit sore this morning but it's a "good" sore. And yes, my living room looks like a gym - BUT I LOVE IT!!!
I named my Troy Lite Barbell Slick!

:D It is so cool looking. The cost is $49.95 from fitness1st.com. Shipping is calculated by state. I paid around $23 and am located in MA. I wasn't happy to be paying over $70 for a barbell that cost $50, but could not find it anywhere locally. It contains the bar, spring collars, and 35 lbs of plates. The bar weighs 5 lbs.

There is a fitness store around the corner from my house that sells Neoprene dumbbells in all of the in-between sizes. The 9's are perfect for lying tricep extensions. I have been using 8's for years and could never progress to 10's without a lot of early fatigue. The 7's and 9's are also sold on fitness1st and fitnesswholesale.

So no one else has the Walmart barbell? I thought Cathe would start a craze on those! ;-)

While I'm on a roll typing replies...

Ladies, several barbells are easy to justify! Who wants to change all those plates during the pyramid workouts? Having several barbells pre-set at the proper weight capacity really saves your low back from injury! My first two weeks with the Intensity series left my low back in agony from all of the quick changes.

RE: While I'm on a roll typing replies...

One needs at least two barbells, but three is better yet. Now, mind you, I've been collecting stuff for a while, but I got the 6'barbell like the one in the PS series, then I got the (Ivanko?) Firm padded barbell which is great for the leg work and then I had to get the troy lite when Cathe had one of those....I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the mini-step topper. I'm wondering why the manufacutrer didn't know that they could sell bunches when the intensity series came out. For that matter, I tried to get one when I got the PS series...
Troy Lite Price-->for Luv Cardio

Hi LuvCardio!

Here's the one I ordered:

>2- 5 LB, 2- 7.5LB STANDARD RUBBER PLATES 45 LBS.." $49.95

I also ordered two additional 10 lb plates:


So the sub total was $67.90

The shipping was $23.49 (I got it in only 2 days w/ground shipping!)

The grand total: $91.39

Danielle :7
Here's my list of recent purchases:
Interlocking mats from Home Depot (great for absorbing that extra impact in Bootcamp);
A troy light barbell, plus extra rubber-coated weights, including a set of 1.25#ers for microloading;
A new EZcurl barbell, to replace the one I have from Walmart that has too much of a curl for comfort (the center looks like a rounded letter "m") (Because of a mix-up in my first order of rubber weights, I have an extra set of Olympic rubber weights. My EZ curl order was mixed up, too---I checked, it wasn't my error--and I received the more expensive Olympic EZ curl bar instead of the standard bar. Is someone trying to tell me something?).

That's all I can think of in terms of equipment, since I already had stability balls and medicine balls (an entire set of Ooof balls).
Well after reading this, I'm off to buy a 15 lb medicine ball.

LOL! I just bought the 10 pound one at Walmart, what a great piece of equipment it is! My husband and I are both fighting over it.

I recently bought two new barbells, assorted plates & dumbbells (so hubby & I don't have to share!)and tons of clothes! Oh I forgot, I also bought a step & extra risers for my husband, 4 new workout dvds and yet another yoga mat. I'll need to buy some new running shoes & I want a heart rate monitor.

This never ends!LOL! But it sure is better than buying increasingly larger sized clothes!
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

I can sooo relate, ever since I received my tax return the UPS man has been making regular trips to my front door at least once a week.
First, I bought new dumbbells, second, I purchased a 12lb body bar, then decided I needed new plates for my barbell. After all this I felt that I needed a plate holder for my weight plates as I have been running out of space to store them. BTW this is a great site for plates and equipment. http://www.newyorkbarbells.com/
While browsing I then decided I had to have a Curl bar, then a triceps bar (my triceps are horribly weak and I have trouble keeping good form on the lying triceps press) then I bought more dumbbells and plates (they sell hex dumbbells up to 100lbs) and now I'm eyeing a lat machine/smith machine this way I can go heavier on back/leg work. As if my house isn't crowded enough with equipment and machines galore. I wonder if we should start a fitness equipment shopaholics anoymous?
RE: Has anyone else gone crazy buying workout equipment...

All of you are a bad influence on me. }(

I own a single 16lb bar and various 2.5lb, 5lb and 10lb plates, but I have often thought about purchasing a second bar. I really love the idea of having 2 bars (light for upper body and 'heavy' for lower body) pre-loaded so that I can switch quickly without having to keep adding and removing plates on the bar.

I've been talking myself out of buying another bar. I told myself that only a person who is nuts would buy another bar, just for the convenience of not having to switch plates during exercises. It's nice to know I'm in good company. I think I'll check out some bars this weekend.

Lisa :p

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