Has anyone else experienced......


Hi all :)
Has anyone else experienced difficulty getting through a total body workout like MIS or PowerHour after doing long rotations of splits?
I did an 8 week rotation of PS Series, then a 4 week rotation of S&H, and this morning I did MIS after not having done it for 12 weeks, and I was STRUGGLING to get through it! I had to pause several times, I tried to make them constructive pauses by putting away weight plates I was finished with, or dumbbells I wouldn't be needing for the rest of the video, but still, by the time I got to shoulders, I was wiped out! It took all I had to get through shoulders, biceps and triceps~heck, I was so happy it was over I was actually giddy hitting the floor to do abs!:)
Has anyone else experienced something similar? Did I lay off the total body workout too long? And if so, how long might it take me to get back that endurance? It never occurred to me that there would be THAT much of a difference in splits and total body workouts.
By the end, when Cathe says, "I hope you feel as worked out as we do?!" Usually I'd smile and say, "yes, yes I do:)! But this morning, all I could do is grimmace and say, "yeah, yeah, whatever!"
Anybody else?
Hi Donna,
I dread total body workouts for that reason - I do splits a lot and find that total body workouts are just draining for me. When I am done with the chest workout and am feeling wiped out and realize that I still have a loooong way to go, I don't know how I am going to get through it! I just find I can focus on each body part better when I do splits. When I do total body, I am just too fatigued by the time I get to shoulders/biceps/triceps to really do my best. I do splits with total body tapes all the time and find that I can handle more weight with better form.
Thank you for the idea :)
It never occurred to me to do a split with a total body workout. I'm going to try to build back some endurance, but if I continue to struggle like I did this morning, I'm going to split MIS into lower body one day/upper the next.
Sometimes you need to just knock your workouts off and then it's great to do a total body but I much prefer my workouts in doses! I did Slow/Heavy this week one body part per day except for one day when I did two. If I do 30 minutes of cardio plus 1-2 body parts, abs every other day or so and a few yoga workouts per week (for flexibility), splitting is the only way to make it feel like I am not working out all the time! My sister likes to say, How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Biting off a little strength work at a time is the way to go!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif
Remember also that MIS and PH are more of endurance type work outs. I really struggle with endurance strength work. I am much more of a heavy weight "animal". I've heard people refer to S&H as "Sleepy and Hungry", but for me, it's PH that makes me feel ravenous and tired...just like I ran a 10K at my fastest pace!
YES! I did ps all fall, then 5 weeks of s&h starting on new years...thought I was pretty hot stuff...then tried to do power hour on Monday. I made it through, but I don't have what it takes to give my all to a total body workout, even if it is only an hour. Maybe that will have to be a goal, but I'm going back to a ps rotation on Monday. I'm sure I'd have to split up mis, too.

In spite of the struggle, I did totally enjoy power hour, and I think it will buff me up further...I always thought it would be ineffective with the high reps...OY! I found it to be not that different from any of the other workouts. The difference was very subtle. The workout was tough.
Absolutely! I actually had the nerve to think, "wonder if I should up my weights for MIS, I HAVE been lifting heavy the last 12 weeks between PS and S&H!" Serves me right! I still cannot believe how badly I struggled with those last 3 segments (shoulders,biceps and triceps), and crazy 8's aren't my favorites to begin with!
But before I split either MIS or PowerHour, I still want to give it another try, afterall, my very first strength tape ever was MIS! And to think I thought I might have "outgrown" it, what a reality check that was for me! :)

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