Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


I have my tickets for the 6:40 show tonight! Has anyone else seen it? What did you think? It's getting amazing reviews!
i saw the 3D version at IMAX on wednesday morning....

although i enjoyed it.... i was disappointed....

my emotions are really conflicted.... i mean i'm really happy i went to see it and all-in-all i enjoyed it.... but i was upset about the changes they made to the storyline.... blatent changes... and of course... dissapointed in some of the things left out...

considering this was the longest book... it should have been the longest movie.... they really needed to extend it out a bit....

you'll enjoy it!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

I am fed up to the back teeth with the whole HP phenomenon.

But: I love the films. As a Brit ex-pat, they bring home back to me. The characters fly on their broomsticks around the London skyline, fly past the Houses of Parliament, past Tower Bridge, along the Embankment, love it!

Although she is a hateful character, the film is worth watching just for Imelda Staunton alone! The woman is truly fabulous!!! And the entire collection of excellent British actors makes the whole thing a good experience for me. We see a new, softer side of Prof McGonagall, Helena Bonham-Carter excels at evil, Gary Oldman is excellent, Rickman's diction remains delicious, unhurried and sends shivers of delight down the spine, and the three main characters are gradually moving away from the stereotypical, uni-faceted characterizations that they have been saddled with since the beginning. Hermione is more than just "the cleverest witch of her generation" who always has the answers, she has a great sense of humour and attempts to enlighten Harry and Ron about female psychology; Ron seems less awkward and less devoid of a decent vocabulary than usual: he shows great loyalty to his friend; Harry, thank god, is more than his usual "I'm gonna face the evil baddie alone even though I'm only 10 and let's face it, the odds are that I'll be blasted off the face of the earth"; he starts to look outside himself towards others. Others have answers too, others can help, and he can share what he knows and can do with others to empower them as a community against the evil.

Subtle changes, but very good to see.

The film is worthwhile. Enjoy!

I saw it and thought it was a lot of fun!

They had to leave some of the subplots out of course, but overall it's thoroughly enjoyable, and you'll have a great time! :)
I absolutely LOVE all of the Harry Potter books and movies. I think they are the best thing that has happened to reading. I haven't seen the Order of the Phoenix because we are just really busy. I hope I can see it on Sunday and I plan on reading all day next Saturday!

I haven't seen the Order of The Phoenix yet, but I'll tell you that I'm one of the few who hasn't read one Harry Potter book yet. I was introduced to Harry through the first movie, and I've been following the films as they come out. I think I will actually wait until all the movies are done, see them as they are, then when my kids are older we'll READ the whole series. I don't think I could take watching, expecting something from the book, and not have it be there. I love these movies, and I don't want anything to spoil them!

I know I am going to hate admitting this but I haven't read any of the books and I've only seen like half of the first movie on TV. For some reason my boys aren't interested in Harry Potter. My sister is at the movies seeing it tonight. Am I really missing out??? The previews look good and kind of scary to me.


no, none of you is missing out. There were brilliant books before HP and there will be reams of them afterwards, none of them penned by J.K. Rowling. Yes, the woman can write. But the whole world acts as if she were the only person who could!

If I were you, I'd leave your kids to pursue their own reading interests. Forcing them to read something they would never choose for themselves could lead to instilling a hatred of reading, exactly the opposite of what you want.

And if you are not into the phenomenon, and your kids aren't either, give the films a wide berth because again, there are plenty of other excellent movies for them to see.

HP is not a requirement.

My son has a baseball tournament this weekend but we're going to do our darndest to see it if we can! It's been so long since I've read the book it'll be a challenge remembering all the characters and details.

Does anyone know if they've started filming Half Blood Prince yet?


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