Hardcore series, which first?


I don't have a lot of money to spend, but I'd love to get something weights and something cardio to include in my collection. Which do you all really like? Thanks!

I am in the same boat. I asked what people's favorite where on another forum, and almost unanimously, people said hands down Low Max was their favorite, with Muscle Max trailing not far behind. GS legs were also mentioned a lot. HSC has weights and cardio, but I know little about it. I did order it so when I get it I can let you know what I think!
my favorites:

-the gym styles (both uppers and legs! LOVE them!)
-muscle max.. love whole body workouts and this one is fun and works you good!
-kick max has actually grown on my.. i LOVE the leg drills! the bootcamp/blast portion is great!
-core max... #3 is my fave (with the medicine ball) followed by #2 on the stability ball!
-low max has grown on my too! i don't choose it as often as kick max.. but it is a good workout and love the lower body blasts!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I really like HSC for circuit, MM total body and KM or IMAX3 for cardio.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I'm fairly new to Cathe and I got Imax3 first and it still remains my FAVE!!!

For both a cardio and weight training, I have both HSTA and HSC. Both are good, and you get drippy, wet with sweat! ;-)

I also bought the Pyramids although those aren't Hardcores, which I'm still playing around with.

Let us know what you choose!!
Since my bday is coming up, I think I'll be able to get hold of Imax 3, Lowmax, and I have wanted KPC for a long time. Oooh I'm excited! I may buy one extra on my own. I think Muscle Max. I'm already getting bootcamp so I'll wait just a bit on HSC. Woo Woo!!!

desertbriez, we think alike.:)

The gym styles are fantastic. I've been waiting for something like this for a long time.

MM reminds me a bit of PH, and it'd be great using both in a rotation to keep the body from getting used to just one workout.

I love the kickbox portion of KM and the leg conditioning drills. My knees can't take the blasts though.

CM is now my new Ab Hits, only better.

And LM is one I use as a non-weighted leg workout. I mix and match the blast portion with the floor work in GS-Legs or the kickbox portion of KM.


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