Hardcore Rotation Checkin Sunday March 20


Hi everyone,
I'm on the fatloss rotation and did HSC today. I still think that's one heck of a workout. I love it. I ate a handful of cheerios and a small yogurt prior to workout and half of a protein drink after. I had shredded wheats for breakfast and snacks will be pear, apple, almonds and yogurt. Dinner today will be soft veggie tacos with cheese with rice and black beans. Yesterday's dinner ended up being a salad and black bean soup. Tomorrow's LowMax and I think I'll do a 20 minute stretch as well.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Good Sunday Morning!

I'm supposed to do SM today, but I think I'll toss MM in front of it. I'm feeling strong today! :) If the rain lets up, I might take a walk on the W & OD trail for a couple hours.

Breakfast is oatmeal w/ 1 Tbs of peanut butter mixed in.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Ladies , I'm taking today off . Have great days :) :) Well I might go skiing ,or rollerbladding , yep you can do both here this time of year :) :) :)
good morning everyone!
I haven't been posting my workouts all week. My daughter went into labor on Monday and I have my FIRST BEAUTIFUL GRANDBABY on Tuesday morning at 4:52a.m. He's 20and 1/8inches long and weighed in at 6lb and 12oz. He's beautiful!!!

I have been working out though.
Monday: HSC
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: lowmax
Thursday: HCextreme-hi/low segment
Friday: run
Saturday: firm cardio step mix ( don't like kickmax)
Sunday: instead of another HCextreme- alternating run/walk for 50mins

My eating is going GREAT! I lost another lb!! That's a total of 3lbs for the month of march doing cathe's fatloss rotation!!! yippee!!!!

I'll measure at the end of the month and see how many inches I've lost!

IT'S OFFICIALLY SPRING!!! enjoy your sunday!

take care:)
Hello Everyone:D
Today is my REST Day and I am HAPPY :7 I am feeling my body realy needs this!! Anyways I did the #2 of Hardcore X yesterday, and let me tell you I have decided I really WANT a rebounder. I think this would really help with those blasts.

Gloria Sounds like you are doing GREAT!! I can really start to see a difference in my body to :) My Dh even noticed!! (and he never notices anything) Hey I was not to sure of KM at first, but the more I do it the more I like it. I think those legs drills are really doing something for my legs I think they are shrinking:D

Congrats on your new Baby grandson!!

Next week is my last week of the fat loss rotation. Was wondering what should I move onto next strength or endurance?

Take care and have a wonderful Day!!
Hi Ladies,

I did Hardcore X #3 today instead of Kick Max it had the blast and leg drills in it. I also did tough core premix and stretch max segment 1. Tomorrow I start week four of the Strength rotation and then I am moving onto muscle endurance.

Gloria, Congrats on the grandbaby!

WD, Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of there weekend.

During the strength rotation week 4. Did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, biceps today. I have loss about 4 lbs doing this rotation and see nice dfinition in the arms and legs. This is excellent rotation.

Karen :)
Good evening everyone,
Boy I thought I might not get a workout in today but just finished. It has been one of those weeks with loads of unexpected changes in plans. Today I did the warm up and cardio only2X of HSTA, then gym style chest & triceps, finishing with Core Max #2 & #3.
Congratualations Gloria on the grandbaby. They are so precious. I am sure you will enjoy this time. Lunacat & Beverly thanks for wishing me a Happy Anniversary. We are leaving Friday to go camping for our anniversary and returning for our family Easter get together Sunday afternoon.
Diane Sue

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