Hardcore Rotation Checkin 3/3/05


Hi Everyone

Well...I've had to make today my rest day! I could hardly turn over in bed (DOMS), let alone do Low Max! Let's hope I feel less achey tomorrow!

See you all tomorrow,
Hi all,
I just did Muscle Max Timesaver version. I lifted as heavy as I could and my muscles feel heavy right now. I could hardly do the Core part of the workout since I did a segment of Core Max yesterday. I wonder why Cathe has us working our Core 2 days in a row in the fat loss rotation. My core was kinda tired from yesterday!! I just ate some yogurt and I'm off to have a bowl of oatmeal now. Lunch will be salad again with fruit and granola bar for snacks. Tomorrow I'm doing Lowmax for the first time. I can't wait! I feel fat today and I'm depressed. I usually do a little more cardio than she has in this rotation (this week's at least - next week looks better). I hope I don't gain weight slacking off of my aerobics. I usually do at least 5 days of aerobics a week.

Have a great day everyone.
good morning everybody!

today's workout: day 5 of Hc fatloss rotation: did my 30mins of running! yeah!! I'll do the other part this evening.

I feel like you, I have to do more aerobics. But, I'm gonna trust cathe that she has us doing this rotation in the right way. I'm trying really really hard to eat clean.

hope you have a good one
take care:)
Good morning! I woke up feeling light-headed and achey - I think I'm getting sick which wouldn't be too surprising since all 3 of my kids have been ill over the past 2 weeks. I hauled myself out of bed and did LowMax intervals 1-5. I stopped early because I wasn't feeling too good, and certainly wasn't putting forth my best effort, but at least I did something, right?

Have a good day.
Good morning!

Today will be Gym Style Legs followed by the Kick Max leg conditioning Drills. Then Core Max 2 and 3. I think next week I may start to follow Cathe's fat loss rotation a little more closely so I don't have to spend so much time figuring out my own rotation for this month!

Breakfast is coffee and slow cooking oatmeal with raisins.

Have a great workout!
Good Morning,

I did Timesaver GS BSB and CTX Step Interval. Boy, Step Interval seemed easy after doing IMAX3:D
I have to work tonight, I'm hoping I'll still be able to get up and do Kickmax tomorrow.

Have a great Day!
Good morning ladies,

Everyone has some great workouts so far! I did Kickmax combos 1-4 and GS BSB along with Core Max Tough Core Premix. I plan on doing Lo Max tomorrow since I did some of Kick Max today. Have a great day everyone!

Hi Ladies,

I did a 3.4 mile interval run last night and Gym Style Legs. I love these gym style workouts.

Tonight I plan on a short run and Kick Max.

I hope everyone starts feeling better and gets some rest.

Have a great day!

Good morning, today was Muscle Max again. I like the muscle endurance rotation, but I don't think I can keep doing Muscle Max over and over. I don't want to get bored with a brand new workout! I know I can tweak things with the premixes, but I don't know if that is the way I want to go with this. We'll see..

Have a great day all!
Hello, This morning was my rest day, so I did Stretch Max 1 and 3.
I wont mention my breakfast today (darn those Girl Scouts!!)

Have a great day!
Susan C.M.
Good morning ladies!

Today is GS Legs for me. I'm slightly scared. I previewed it the other day and it looks TOUGH! But deep down i just can't wait to do it!! }( I have a feeling i won't be able to walk tomorrow ... :p

Its almost friday, hang in there! :+
I did GS: BSB, and some leg blaster routines.
You guys are doing great.
Have a good one.:)
By the way, I have a question for you!
GS: BSB is about 50 minutes, right?! Since its cover says 62 minutes!
Am I missing 12 minutes of workout somewhere?
Thanks in advance for clearing this for me.
This morning since I did the KM drills yesterday on the HC Extreme Hi/low, I did KPC through the high intensity drills to the combinations, then did Kick Max Low Impact premix stopping at the stretch, went back and did KPC abs, then did Muscle Max abs and Lower premix minus w/up&st, Bowflex calves 3 sets of 20 at 310 resistance then did the floorwork & stretch of GS legs.
Diane Sue
I did Low Max today. I love that workout! However, I do feel a little tired today.

tknelsen - I'm in Chesterfield which is about 30 miles north of Detroit.:)
Hi everyone,

I suppose I am the last poster for today:p

Today was my rest day.

My son is in Little League and has to sell candy. I had my husband hide it last night, so that I would not be tempted. We don't usually have huge boxes of candy bars in the house:9. All in all my eating was good.

take care,

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