Hardcore Rotation Checkin 3/1/05

Hi everyone!

I am blown away by some of your workouts.

Yesterday I recovered enough by the evening to do IMAX 3, but I felt a little weak, especially during the "plie jack" interval--those things kill me.

Today I did Muscle Max and went up in biceps weight.

I think shoveling definitely counts as exercise:)

take care:7
hey Tracy
yeah, I was having problems w/ the front shoulder raises using the barbell. I decided just to use dumbbells. Lots better and I'm sore!!

I did muscle max yesterday and I read someone post they felt like they were having an "out of body experience". That's how I feel right now...VERY VERY sore!!! lol...

take care:)
I guess everyone is posting here now. I posted on the Hardcore Challenge yesterday. Yesterday was I Max 3, GS chest & triceps, and tough core&complete core.
Today was Low Max and GS Legs and one segment of stretch Max. I am upping my weights on some of these now that it is my third week.
Diane Sue
Completed GS Legs this morning. Really loved the deadlifts on the high step. Had a little problem with the glute work on the ball had to cheat with fingers touching the floor. But the quad muscles were popping. Love this series. I am planning on doing 12 weeks of Hardcore. I have wedding in May that I am in. Want to get down about 15-20 pounds.:)

Eating had been good the last two days.

Karen Williams
Hi everyone!

Today was shoveling snow in the a.m., then did Muscle Max. Then had to go back out and shovel snow again.

lorajc - 2:15 am!!! Wow! What time do you have to go to bed at night in order to do that?

Tknelsen (Tracy) - What area of Michigan are you from? I'm in Michigan also. I sure had enough of this snow now!!
This is the great thing about these checkin's. Reading some of your post makes me want to step it up a bit. But I'm sure there won't be a 2:15 am rise for me any time soon. WOW!!
Hello Everyone!!
Had to just kick my dh of the computer so I could post:7 I did Muscle Max this evening:eek: I'm so happy we have this check-in it really keeps me motivated!!

Just finished MM and a 4 mile run (in totally thats 7 miles today:) )Now its time for a nice warm bath and I think I'll hit the sack!
Okay....so today was MM...still low on energy (another 'thank you' to PMS, my friendx( ).
I tried the 'do 10 minutes' thing...didn't work ...oh sigghhh..I hate fatigue. I remember the days when I actually could really push it around the PMS time. That was a few years ago. The closer I get to the BIG 50, the more I notice the changes in myself.

But I'm still hangin' in there and I ain't givin' up!!

Tomorrow is Kick Max! :7

Positively positive thinking, that's me!:7

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