Hardcore premix reviews


I haven't tried any yet but would love to hear reviews of each premix. I am sure alot of others would love to read these reviews as well. Anyone tried the premixes yet? Please post your reviews here .
I have done one premix on Kick Max and loved it. I was short on time and just had to try a new workout.

I did the 50 min "blast and bootcamp" and loved it. I was so pleased to get in a good workout in the limited time I had.
I just did the 53 minute (I think) one on Kickmax due to time constraints . I think it was called Kickbox challenge (??). I opted not to do the timesaver one because when I previewed it last night, it was only 23 minutes of aerobics and 15 minutes of leg toning drills and I wanted more cardio than that, but needed a short workout. I did the challenge premix and it was extremely high intensity with a lot of kickboxing "blasts" and then the last segment or so was more low impact with lots of punching and kicking. Good workout. I made a mistake when setting my calorie burner on my heart rate monitor so I don't know my exact total burned, but my heart rate stayed pretty elevated!! I had to modify some of the impact d/t neck problems.
I was just getting back into working out after a bout with a stomach bug so I did the Step Only (no blasts) premix of Imax3 on Sunday. It was a good way for me to get used to the choregraphy before I did the whole thing yesterday. I appreciate that she doesn't break down the moves in this one. It makes subsequent workouts more fun. This little step routine was a lot of fun!

I love how premixes make the workouts so versatile! You can take a very intense workout like Imax3 and make it nice and easy if you need to.
The step only premix of IMAX3 might be a good way to get the step routines down. I might try it for a non interval cardio day before stretch max. This series is so versatile already!!

I did the premix of KM with cardio and leg conditioning drills. It consists of the warm up the blast series and the leg drills. 52" it moved right along. I'll probably put it in a rotation. Oh, and I followed it up with core max#1. IMO, it was a doable combination in about 75" total that exhausted my legs, abs and counted for cardio too.
AKA "Likes2bfit"

I tried GS Legs timesaver premix (33 mins) today. My routine today is about 30 min legs, 30 minute upper body (I did timesaver GSBSB) and 30 minutes aerobic exercise (haven't decided what to do yet). Anyway, I hate to add to the negative comments, as I definitely think that Cathe is the best instructor out there, but I was disappointed in the timesaver GSL. I did not really feel worked out, and I used heavier weights than the group did on every exercise. I don't think the band for legs is nearly as effective as weights. When I do the Pyramid Up for Lower body (also about 30 mintues), I really do feel worked out. So, at this point, I don't think I'll use the GSL timesavers very much. In contrast to GSL, the timesaver for GSBSB was very, very good. I definitely will feel my shoulders tomorrow. The band was great for these body parts, especially the smaller muscles groups of the shoulders and biceps.

While I am at it, I'll chime in about the music. There is a clear difference between the HC series and the others (I have almost all of them). For a company that prides itself on customer friendly service, I don't think SNM has handled this issue very well. I would even be satisfied if they just said "we goofed. sorry you guys, we will deifinitely make the music options and sound quality a priority next time. please stick with us." That sort of acknowledgment would not cost them a thing! Instead we are getting loads of excuses that frankly are ridiculous.
I haven't done any of the premixes, nor have I seen them all, but some of them I have seen (Low Max or Imax3--I forget==step only premix, and Back/biceps/shoulders back/bicep premix, have very choppy editing. In back/biceps, Cathe is holding two dumbells from the lat rows, then, as if by magic, she's standing holding the barbell for bicep curls. In Lowmax or IMAX3, the transitions between segments is jerky: the picture freezes or jumps...though the blast only premix is much smoother. As smooth as transitions can be when combining two or more different workouts.)

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