Hardcore Hottie Fitness Maniacs of the Universe Oct 2, 2008

Hey Amber,

lol, didn't care for composition, huh? You have to write quite a bit in your job, though, right? My dissertation is on a medieval and renaissance subgenre of devotional literature called the ars moriendi, or art of dying well. I'm pretty early stage in that, but I'm going to be doing something along the lines of looking at how features of this specific subgenre intersect other genres of literature, and by so doing drawing some conclusions (what I don't specifically know yet, lol) about the understanding of/coping with death in this time frame, and how literature facilitates that process...of understanding and coping...and stuff...lol, gotta work on this more.

off to workout!
Toffeedog- Let me explain what's going on. msbodyhard (one of her many alias's) is a stalker (and boy does it ever get old) that comes around about once a year to torment Debbie and cause trouble in this check-in. We don't like it and we know what we are doing as we've been through it all before. Sorry you thought we were being mean and judgemental to an innocent person, but we know who this person is and she's far from innocent. Some of us have been here a long time and we are here to look out for each other, as friends do. mshardbody or msbodyhard or whatever, is a stalker, plain and simple. She doesn't belong anywhere on this forum.

Thanks. I do not like to see anyone being nasty to the regurlar ladies in this section. You are all very considerate to others when help is asked for. Want you all to know I am glad that you post. I enjoy reading about how you are all progressing. Thanks for a warm and kind section.

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