Hardcore Fitrness Maniacs for Wed Dec 19

Hey Everyone!

Today I finally did that Step Reebok Power workout. That was one of my first introductions into step aerobics so it was kinda fun. Such basic choreography. My HR only got up to 174 once, which we know for me is not too high, but it was in the 160's most of the time after I got warmed up, so I'll take that. It's only about 45 minutes I think though. I forgot it was that short. Then I did biceps and triceps from the 4DS Bootcamp workout. My bi's and tri's are fried now. :)

All this talk about weight and bad eating - I'm right there with you all. My weight has been fluctuating between 117 and just under 120 (like 119.5). Yesterday I weighed just a hair under 120 and we went out to eat and I was positive I would be over 120 today for the first time in a long time and I got on the scale and I was 118. What the heck??? My weight has never fluctuated this much. And Dallys - what are you so worried about? You weight what Char and I weigh. Are you calling us fat??? :p

Yesterday we cleaned out our basement. It is amamzing. We took FIVE boxes of books to the library and a couple of bags to the Salvation Army. And you should have seen our dumpster before the trash guys came today. It was a great feeling to lighten our load.

DH has had my computer all day. He had to wipe it out and reformat the whole thing b/c it's been getting so slow. It's getting to be time for a new one. But we're trying to save it for a bit longer.

Anyway, sounds like you all have had rockin' workouts! I'm glad I finally got my computer back so I could let you know that not only did I do cardio today I DID WEIGHTS!!!

And I haven't eaten any cookies or candy. Only because there is none in my house. Because if there were, I'd eat it! Off to make chicken for dinner...


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I ended up doing 4DS bootcamp leg circuit prmx then calves and abs from LIS . Chest and back is tomorrow:)
Hellow you Maniacs!!

Just popping in to say HELLO and to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!!

I am doing great, just busy with work, kids, and working out. I keep thinking things will slow down...but it never happens.

Toasty - Just had to say that I think that Debbie hit the nail on the head regarding your weight issues (I don't think I've ever weighed 118-120--EVER!!). You really have nothing to worry about...but I know how you are.

Hi Suz - Congratulations on a great workout today. Miss ya!

Hi Debbie - I see you are still hittin the weights...HARD!! You go girl!

Anne - Still crazy as ever!! Hope that it wasn't a RAT that was under the sink...maybe a CAT??

Dallys - You crack me up....what's up with the assisted cardio...was it you that said that one day?? Luv it!!

Hi Lora - Hope all is well with you.

Hi Randi - How's it goin??

Hi Diane Sue - Hey...don't I know you??!!

Hi to everyone else...If you don't know me, I'm an ORIGINAL Hardcore Maniac and these ladies will always hold very special place in my heart!!

Take care...

Hey Maniacs! I'm supposed to be doing legs and backX, but I'm way to tired. That's ok though, cuz I did a leg workout earlier this week.

***Suz- I may weigh the same as you and Char, BUT... I'm like 3 inches shorter than you two! HELLO! :+

***Marietta- Nice to see you around here again.:) Debbie is the one that started with the assisted cardio thing. So now of course, we all want to get that workout in too! LOL!

***Randi- Great workout!

***Diane Sue- Great workout for you too! Yeah, the P90X+ workouts are available Jan. 2. Your log in should be the same on Million Dollar body. It's just your email and whatever password.

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

All of you are funny about the weight. This is so typical of this time of year. I tend to pull away from the scale to avoid that stress. I try to do the best that I can and know that I will be back to normal after the holidays are all over.

Penney, so glad to have you back. I was gone for awhile but noticed that you had not been posting.

Suz, how is the sewing projects coming? I am working on crocheting a strawberry shortcake doll that looks like ET without the clothes. Big head tiny arms and long skinny body.

Marietta, so good to have you check in. Of course you know me LOL Wish we could hear from you more here but I do know how busy you are. Merry Christmas:D

Marietta - HEY GIRL!!!!! So good to see you! We miss you a ton around here. Wish you could visit us more. But we understand. Doesn't make us happy though. :( You are so hardcore and such a motivation. I hope you can pop in every now and then just to let us know how you're doing. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Dallys - Well then, just grow a couple of inches and you'll be all set. :p

Diane Sue - I'm just about finished with my Vogue top. I might even finish it tonight if I can get focused. I was just working on it but DH just baked a Sara Lee cherry pie so there goes the "no bad food" for tonight. I'm taking a little break. Your ET doll sounds cute. Maybe after you get your yard back in order you can talk Bill into posting some pics of everything you've made before you give it all away to your DD.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Here's my workouts from last week to today:

I am working shoulders a little extra, to coax them to get stronger!

Seated side raises: 8'sx12(warmup), 10'sx12, 12'sx12, 15'sx3(fail)
I am going to start with the 10's next week. I also made the mistake of doing the raises before the presses ... big mistake!

Front Raises: 10'sx12, 12'sx12, 15'sx6

Shoulder Presses: 3x15'sx12
Whew, I had to do alot of rest and pause with this one. Probably because my shoulders have already been worked alot, with the raises. Next week, the presses come first!

My attempt at skull crushers with DB's: 12x8's, 12x10's, 12x12's
This was at work, no bb, so dumbells had to do. It was .... interesting.

30 minutes on the treadmill, hills, incline levels 0-6, 3.7-3.8 mph. Burned 220 calories

Horizontal Bar Lat Pulldowns: 3x12x70
Tim put these in place of the assisted chins for a while. I'm glad, because I need to get stonger in my lats. I love lat pulldowns.

Trotter Row: 3x12x40
A favorite, glad it's back in the rotation.

SLDL's: 12x45, 12x65, 12x85
I am being cautious on this movement 'till I get the form down PERFECTLY. I love this exercise but I know how easy to throw your back out doing it. I was happy to get up to 85 lbs on the last set! I felt my grip weaken when I was pulling 85 lbs, which enforced the desire to work on my grip. IMO grip training is vital to anyone who wants to lift heavy weights.

Incline DB curls: 3x12x10's
I wish our gym had 12 lb DB's. On the first set, the 10's were rather light. I went and got the 15's, but could not get one rep, so had to get back to the 10's. The 10's got heavier as each set progressed. I think Plate Mates are on my personal shopping list, along with grip trainers.

Rope Cable Hammer Curls: 3x12x40
This is an interesting exercise. I know that your elbows should not fly up while doing this, and I noticed mine were during the last segment of each set. During the 3rd set I rested and paused, which helped maintain my form

Treadmill: Random incline setting, 3.6 mph, incline 0-7
This is the first time I did post-lifting cardio for 30 minutes since starting Keto.

Lifecycle Chest Press: To be honest, I am not sure how to jot this down! I did 3 sets of 12, with differing resistances. Tonnage: av positive resistance around 800, av negative resistance around 1100-1200 lbs per 12-rep set

BB Incline Press: 12x45, 12x55, 6x55/7x45
I am slowing increasing on this. I am being pretty cautious because I don't want to be pinned under the bar! It would be harder to get out of it on the incline.

Trotter Shoulder Press: 7x50/5x40, 5x50/7x40, 3x50/9x40
Did drop sets on this one to coax my shoulders to increase strength. I love drop sets.

Nautilus Lateral Raise: 3x12x60
This is getting easier. I will increase next week.

W-Bar Tricep Pushdown: 12x30, 15x30, 15x40
The 30 lbs was VERY light. I may try to increase this to 50 lbs next week

Tricep Pushdown (Trotter Machine): 12x105,12x115, 8x115/4x105
Getting stronger on this one again, as well.

Treadmill: 25 mins, on hill setting, 3.6 mph, inclines 0-7
My hamstrings were still a little sore from Sunday's SLDLs, so I took it easy with cardio tonight.

Nautilus Single Leg Press: 3x12x110 each leg
Stable from last week. My energy is better now, so hopefully I'll be able to increase soon.

Strive Inner & Outer Thigh: 3x12x70 for both
The Inner Thigh was largely partial reps. I want both inner and outer to be equally strong, so it'll be a while before I increase weight on this exercise. I did not realize 'till I did this how much stronger my outer thigh is. My legs were shaking after I was done with this.

Strive Lay Down Leg Curl: 3x12x65
Getting better at this one. My hamstrings were still a tad sore from Sunday's pounding.

Planks: 3xBWx15-20 seconds
The first week I did these, my lower abs were sore for a week. They definitely work your core.

Crunches: 3x30xBW
What I like about crunches is that they don't kill your back. What I hate about them is ... my abs are screaming during the last 10 reps!

No cardio today.
Penney - You've been working really hard! Way to go!!!

Diane Sue - I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but have you ever tried Airborne to help ward off a cold? It's that stuff that was started by a school teacher since she was around kids all the time. A few of us in our office use it if we feel like we're getting sick. It really seems to help if you catch it in time. I was using ColdMD and that stuff worked like a charm, but they quit making the kind I liked and now only do the rapid tabs that I don't like. But I really like the Airborne. You use it up to 3 times a day - in water. Anyway, you'd think all of us at work get commission from the Airborne folks the way we push it. :) It might be worth a shot since you're around your grandkids so much when they're sick. Might save you a few colds a year.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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