Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Wed July 13


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. I felt this a bit more than I felt Shoulders & Arms last week, however, I upped my weight a bit. Since my shoulder is flaring with pain so badly and I can't seem to get it calmed down, I had to skip some of the pushups. I did some on the wall, a few on the floor and then I subbed chest presses and chest flies for some of them. I also had to do alternate exercises for the overhead tricep extensions and other overhead moves, as I'm not allowed to do over the head work. I subbed doing lying tricep extensions and lying cross face extensions. I was feeling fried towards the end. I also did Ab Ripper X and I added a 4 pound med ball. Next time I will have to add ankle weights also, as a lot of the exercises use your legs and the one time I tried to hold the med ball between my legs...it fell on my chest.

Suz - you're the one with the asthma? Yikes, I'm getting old. I asked Netta how her asthma was yesterday. I guess I got confused. What did you mean yesterday when you said you don't know for sure if you have asthma because of some kind of test or something? I'm sure you're inhalers are probably having more of an effect now. Did they put you on one that you're only going to stay on about 3 months or until your lungs clear out? Something called Serevent maybe? That's what they did for me and then they left me on inhaled corticosteroids and I have a rescue inhaler also. I also have to use 2 nose sprays cuz my sinus conditions feeds my asthma...it's a vicious circle. 180 is a high heart rate girl!! I've never hit that high.

Diana Sue - How are you ? Are you able to use your eyes yet? I could never have that surgery. For goodness sakes, I'm on drops right now cuz my eyes have been bothering me and it turns out these are the drops they give patients to use after surgery! What would I do if I had to have surgery? I'm a wimp.

Charlotte - Please check in. The place isn't the same without you.

Susan - Did you get your boss sent off? I swear doesn't that just make your job hard. My boss does the same thing and then it's even worse when they come back!!

Hi to everyone else. Have great workouts and I'll try to check in from work later.

ETA: I forgot to mention, the last week, I have not wanted to work out AT ALL when I get up in the morning. This is highly unlike me. I usually look forward to my workouts. I don't know what is up with me. I know I've been depressed and I do feel better once I get started working out. This has NEVER really happened to me before, other than maybe an occasional day here and there, but this has been for about a solid week straight. Any ideas or suggestions??
Good morning,
I am hoping to get in Gym Style Back,Shoulders, & Biceps and an abworkout today. I might get in a lttle cardio. I have to be at the eye doctor at 8 for a post op check. The surgury went well. They said no reading or computer for rhe rest of the day yesterday. I did not get much sleep because they tell you to sleep on your back and wear goggles for 4 days to bed so you don't rub your eyes. My dog chewed on my goggles last night. It is a good thing I don't need to see out of the with all of the teeth marks. Lost some of the padding on the edge too:( I'll check back later.

Lora, it sounds like you are keeping up with your rotation. Good for you! Sometimes when I am not so motivated to workout I read fitness magazines & websites. Once I get going though I am usually fine. Sometimes I pull out the planned workout and go ahead and do something else that looks like fun at this time hoping I will get back into my rotation the next day. As far as eye drops I am using 3 of them 4 times a day(Sysatane sp. tears more often) It gets old quick.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Diana Sue - Thanks for the encouragement with the workouts. I'm using Preservative Free Systane ampules (can you say pain in the butt) and 2 other drops, one is a stronger steroid one and I'm not sure what the other one is. I could never have eye surgery.....although he said my eyes can be helped with surgery. They all say that. I'm sick of doctors! I'm glad you're up and about and doing okay. Sorry you didn't get much sleep. I was up and down all night also, but I don't know why.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

I don't even want to talk about yesterday! Just a bad day!

So today I need to finish cleaning some as we are suppose to have a couple come by and look at the house this weekend. I just looked at another home myself and it was "too busy". I mean, I like flowers, but this lady front yard looked like a friggin' safari and I spend most of my time working out, not playing in the yard. Anyhoo, I need to work my arms again and my ttom is debating on whether or not it is here or not, after all the stress yesterday I am all screwed up with it. So I hope I have some strength today to keep up with the 65# curls, etc. I also will work my abs doing coremax 1 and 2 this time and I got to throw in some leg work...maybe 3 sets of bbm w/weights and substitute static lunges for 400 walking ones outside. The weather was miserably hot here yesterday and my son worked out and brought in the db's into the house as the sunroom was blazing again.


Got your message. Thanks for thinking of me as usual.

Diane Sue,

When I read the Oxygen Magazine, it always makes me feel so inadequate and lazy. I am not sure how some of those women pack on the muscles like they do. Sorry to hear about your dog chewing on your goggles, but glad your surgery went well. I remember going to visit my hubby's uncle and the puppy there took off with his dentures and I was wondering why he didn't have teeth! he he. That dog was out of control though. It would jump up on the coffee tables, etc. Extremely hyper.

Where is Marietta? I really miss her.

Had a killer leg workout today. I was so energized for my workout this morning it was scary! LOL! I love when I feel this way.

I did Pyramid Lower Body mixed with Muscle Max. I did the Pyramid workout using 35/45/55 lbs. on the barbell. My weight bench allows me to stand in front of my barbell, bend down a bit and then back up against in. I don't have to curl the bar in front of me anymore so now I can go heavier if I want. I used dumbbells for the leg presses using 12's/15's/20's, the rest I used my barbell.

Instead of doing deadlifts I did hamstring curls on my bench using 20/30/40 lbs. I felt those big time.

Then I went to MM and did the leg presses and plie squats. Then went back to PLB and did the calf work and floor work. My legs are really shaking right now and I took my shower! It feels great!

Charolotte - I totally agree with you about the ladies in Oxygen. I workout like a crazy woman and even though I see muscle growth, I can't seem to get cut like they are. Its frustrating.

Diane Sue - I'm glad everything went well for you! I couldn't imagine having someone mess with my eye!

Lora - great workout! I'm glad you are continuing with this rotation. I hope you are enjoying it.

Where is Marietta???

Hope you all have great workouts!
Hi ladies,
Just a quick one as I'm watching the Tour on TV before heading to work so not much time to write. Today's workout was my new Cathe Supersets. I liked it, but after doing GS biceps yesterday, mine are fried. Time went by quickly.

My bike time trial (12 miles) was good yesterday. It was another windy day so much tougher as it's an out and back, meaning you might have a tailwind going out, but you'll fight the wind coming back. I beat my last time by a minute and a half so I was thrilled and that one was a windy ride too. My average was 19 plus mph. Think we had about 10 riders, me being the only woman (again). Doesn't matter to me as these efforts make me stronger.

Hi to all, sorry I don't have more time to write. You guys are all awesome and keep me motivated.

Diana Sue - I forgot to ask. Do you wear eye makeup? I find the Systane drops really oily on my eyes and it makes all of my mascara, liner, etc smear. I hate using them cuz of this. I was hoping you had some pointers?

I love Oxygen magazine and I probably look the worst of everyone here and slack on my workouts the most. It inspires me to TRY to be better. Key word is try.

Charlotte - you can PM me back or email me at my work addy. My boss has a few meetings this morning.

gotta run.
Hello Maniacs,

Got to be quick, need to get in gear w/the workout. Bike for 30 mins and GS chest and GS back today w/some ab work and all the leg work from PT.

Char, I read that magazine too and wonder how some of the women build that kind of muscle too. I feel like a Very big wimp compaired to those ladies. It's crazy. I like the mag, but am very tired of all the ads too many.

Anyway, I have to run and get started.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning,

Today I did PLB. In between each exercise group, I did 2 minutes of cardio on my elliptical. I then did Hillary Burnetts Advanced Pilates.:+ You all would have had a HUGE laugh watching me do this! I’m so clumsy looking flopping on back and trying to sit up, where she just rolls so easily. Then she did a bridge up! I haven’t done one of those since the fourth grade! Needless to say, I didn’t do it today.

Lora, no, boss man is leaving later this morning. Do you think maybe you just need a day off of working out to get your motivation back? I don’t think you ever take a rest day. Who knows, you could be rejuvenated.

Diane Sue, I’m SO glad your surgery went well! Oh…I remember the puppy days. I had lot of things chewed! Hide your leather shoes/sneakers! Those are favorites. Hahaha

Debbie, great workout! I love leg day. It seems like I haven’t had a hardcore leg workout in a while. Maybe I’ll schedule one for Sunday.

Charlotte, I’m sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I hope today is better. Good luck showing the house.

Jeanette, I really like Supersets. I wish I could figure a way to incorporate that workout more often.

Nicole, I’m doing these circuits for this week. Cathe has so many total body workouts that I hardly use and want to more often. I can’t remember the last time I did MM or ME. Yes, I do think you can do SS (Slim Series?) plus one body part. I did that, hmmm about two years ago, and saw some positive changes (except I only used Cathe’s). I remember noting that.

Suz, so, Chili for dinner tonight? Hahaha I know how you feel when you want something and it just doesn’t work out right. I Love Chili.

Hi to everyone else. I’ll see ya a little later.

Susan - No ...that never crossed my mind cuz I just took a total rest day on June 20th when I had my eye appt and couldn't work out.
Jan Jan - I'm with you on the ads in Oxygen mag or any other mag for that matter. There are some that look like articles and I'll start reading them and then find out its an ad for a supplement. Frustrating!

Susan - Great workout! I love the Pyramids!
Hey, so we have some Oxygen readers here! I have a subscription to that magazine. Got a question.
Do you remember the issue with Jen Henderson (?) on the cover, and on the inside she did a leg routine?
One of the excerises was for the hamstrings, where you start on your knees, then fall forward in a push up position, then bring yourself back up to where you started from?? Huh??
I can only fall forward! hahahaha Was I reading that right?
Hey! Yeah I saw that too, but I had knee surgery so I could not try it out. I made my DH try it and he could do it and he did it the way you described, it was not that easy for him and he has really strong legs. Did you notice her legs in the pics? My goodness those things were really muscular!
Hey Everyone,
Today I plan on doing PS legs standing, and one of my short Tj cardio's.

Debbie where are you getting all this am. energy? I tell ya I my am. workouts have gone to the way-side. Will get back to those when kids are back to school.

Terri I am happy to hear you are enjoying your TJ's!! I am thinking of pulling out my SS again.

Diane Sue sorry to hear Jasmine chewed your goggles. If they are really bad...maybe call and I am sure they would give you another pair.Happy to hear you are doing well!!

Susan thanks for your input!! I just have the yen for doing some of that no brainer workout, but I want to continue doing my PS....... I am going to stick with it!! (I keep telling myself lol)

Lora thanks for the info about P90 masters....Do they break up wts in a split?? I have not heard much about the masters.....so I am happy to get the info from you>!! Btw I was thining do you think that maybe you are over training????

Netta how is your dog today??? Smelling better I hope!

Hello to everyone!!

Good afternoon,
I did Ab Jam this morning with my Jolie shoe weights and the weighted gloves, then I did 25 leg raises on the tower with the shoe weights,15 barbell rollouts on my knees w/65#,and 25 woodchops w/25# on the ball. That was all I had time for before my appointment. After I came home I did GS Back, Shoulders, & Biceps. Then had to go out again. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. My appointment went well. It was a little difficult not to blink and look up when they used tweezers to pull off a contact bandage.

Lora, I never noticed my eyelids being more oiler with the systane. I have been using Thera tears a lot lately. It is preservative free as well. I tend toward oily eyelids anyway. I have to really shop around for eye makeup that stays on. So far Bed Head after the party eye shadow works well, I have to blend it some with a sponge tip applicater but it stays. Mark liquid eyeliner stays real well. Pencil eyeliners smear and run. Also the best wearing mascara I have found so far was Avon waterproof Extreme volume. I have bought many of them and that has been the best. I have to use eye makeup remover to get it all off. BTW Oxygen is the main fitness magazine I like to read.

Susan, my dog has already chewed up my flip flops when I was napping. I set them on the coffee table and woke up and they were all over the place. She grabs the granchildrens too. I am just glad it wasn't one of my Birkenstocks.

Jeanette, it sounds like your rides are going well. I like Super Sets. I was going to try to do the upper and lower blast as my second workouts this week after Gym Styles.

Charlotte, I am sure you put in as much effort as those women in Oxygen magazine. I am also pretty sure most of their pics are done after some really extreme nutrition plans.

Diane Sue
Good morning!

This morning I did an odd workout (I was feeling a bit lazy). I did biceps (20# dumbells) - regular curls and then hammer curls. I did triceps extensions with a 25# dumbell. I did tricep dips and pushups. I did leg extensions on the Bowflex - 80# and then leg curls on Bowfelx - 50#. I finished it off with 100 Bowflex crunches with 45# - sets of 30, 35 and 35. AND THAT's IT! Told you I was lazy. I didn't want to work legs too hard since I've worked them once this week and that whole cycling thing of not wanting to wear them out. I have a tough ride tomorrow morning so I figured I better save them a little.

Lora - Oxygen magazine always motivates me when I don't want to work out. And let me tell you, 9 times out of 10 I DON'T want to work out when I get up but I do it anyway. Rare is the day that I get up gung ho about doing my workouts. But I love what it does for me (mental and physical - health and the way my body looks). I, too, wish that I looked like the women in that magazine, but I know for a fact I don't eat as clean as they do. Darn those Ding Dongs!!!

Diane Sue - I'm sorry about you not getting a good sleep. I'm glad the surgery went well though.

Charlotte - I hope your day is better.

Debbie - all I can say to you is WOW!!! Did you post a new biceps pic yet? I need to go check.

Netta - way to go on your time trial! That's a FAST average!!! Can you believe Floyd Landis? How sad!

Janjan - how's it goin'?

Susan - I love the idea of the elliptical for cardio during a weight workout. So smart. I think I'll try it. I love my elliptical but haven't used it much since I just got it before cycling season hit. I have a subscription to Oxygen too. LOVE it!

Marietta - WHERE ARE YOU??????

Gotta run!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Lora - I forgot to answer your asthma questions. What I meant about the test is that the doctor sent me for a complete pulmonary function test. But the tech who administered the test told me that they can't tell if you have exercise-induced asthma with this test because although they used to have a bike, they no longer do so they can't look at your lung function during exercise. So I asked her how they tell then and she said that it's all clinical - based on what I tell the doctor as to whether or not the inhalers are working. Hmmm...and that's the test that had a $200 co-pay up front.

She has me on a steroid-type inhaler that I use every night - asmanex or something like that. Then I have a rescue inhaler - albuterol - that I use only before exercise. That's the one that I thought would start working right away but didn't. She didn't really say how long on them. She just wanted me to try them and then come back in 6 weeks.

I just have a high heart rate. It can get into the low 190's, but hasn't recently. On hills it usually gets to 189 and that's it. I think Lance's gets over 200.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I feel like I was in a battlezone today! The boss ripped me up one side and down the other. She even took the phone off of me and told the person I was talking to off (I was discussing a messed up Purchase Order with a company and was on the phone a long time and she wanted me to help her with something and got aggravated). I'm still standing though!! LOL! I've had a horrible migraine all day too. I'm whining!

Suz - That's the same meds I"m on except for the nasal sprays, as mentioned, however, when I first got asthma, they put me on an additional inhaler to clear my chest out for 3 months. When I was first diagnosed, I had bronchitis like symptoms really bad and they had to get all of that out of my lungs. The funny thing is that I only had asthma attacks if I got real upset (still do) or when I was 10 minutes into doing aerobics. That's the reason I finally went to the doctor....cuz I couldn't do aerobics without having an asthma attack and wheezing horribly. Sometimes even now when my sinuses are draining real bad (like now) and I do Imax, I might have to use my rescue inhaler after a hard interval. They never said I had exercise induced asthma, but that's what really seemed to bring my attacks on the most in the beginning until I got on the steroids for a while. I remember feeling "defective" when I was first diagnosed...LOL!

Diana Sue - I don't mean my eyelids get oily, I mean the drops simply make all of my eye makeup come off. I'm not allowed to wear waterproof mascara, etc. as it leaves a waxy deposit on my contact lenses.

It finally hit as to what I did to my shoulders to make my pain so bad. I was trying to remember the last time I was in this much pain and I thought back to that Yoga DVD where I did the behind the neck stretches with the stretchy band. I did that same Yoga DVD and shoulder segment on Saturday, but I used my yoga strap and thought I'd be okay...but apparently, because of my injury, my body won't tolerate behind the neck stretches like that. It's the same motion as doing a lat pull down behind your neck/back and I remember reading that this movement can cause a disc to bulge. Well, I already have a bulging disc, and I must have flared it up. GREAT....last time this happened it took a month or so before I got back to normal! I'm so upset.

Well, I'll quit chattering......nobody's probably even around to listen to me! I'll talk to everyone in the AM.

Your boss sounds like she is on crack all the time! :p :+ Sounds like she amused you more then anything today cuz you didn't do anything wrong. She is a real ding dong!

Anyhow, let me know tomorrow how your neck is feeling. I hope it isn't too bad for you. I will talk back at ya tomorrow. Gotta finish up as I got walking lunges to do and ab work. Gonna be a long night and I love it cuz I am working out all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole - I've always been an early riser and always seem to have most of my energy first thing in the morning.

Suz - I haven't posted new pics yet, I took some more and once again they were really blurry. I need to set the camera up on a box and let it automatically take my picture. I'll hopefully do that this weekend.

Lora - Your boss sounds like a nut case. How do you deal with that? I don't understand how people can treat other people that way. Thats just wrong.

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