Hardcore Fitness Maniacs - Thurs June 3


Morning Maniacs-

This morning I did IWMBB Original workout 1A. Max HR was only 143 and I only burned 420 calories. I skipped some of the ab exercises (due to time constraints - and the fact that my side - rib injury - has been flaring). Workout was 63" with a Cathe stretch. I wish I would have burned more calories ...than that cuz I'm not really doing much cardio on this rotation.

Have a great day everyone.
Today was Meso 1, Disc 3, Legs and I had an excellent workout. I remember the first time I did this workout I could hardly do any of the paper plate moves with weights. And the Double Leg Wall Squats w/Stability Ball was impossible for me, especially using weights. Today I could do every exercise with fairly heavy weights without a problem. Even those wall squats, it's hard for me to go all the way down to the ground to pick up weights but I made up my mind that I would give it a try and I was able to do them.

Walking Lunges & Plie Squats - BW
One Leg Touch Down Squats - BW/15 reps each leg
Firewalkers - 10 times 4/4 each way/Green band
One Leg Elevated Lunges - 6 reps/15# (3 low pulses then up)
Wide Stance Deadlifts - 20's/15 reps
One Leg Slide Back Lunges - 10's/16 each leg
Side Slide Lunges - 15#/16 reps each leg
Wall Squats w/Stability Ball - BW/10 reps (4 counts down, lift one leg, pulse up 3 times then place it on the floor and up)
Wide Stance Squats - 25's/16 reps
Calf Raises - 25's/40 reps
Front Lunge Same Leg -15's/15 reps each leg
Stiff Leg Deadlifts on Platform -20's/15 reps
Double Leg Wall Squats w/Stability Ball - 5's/8 reps (these are what I was talking about above. Hold weights, go all the way down to the floor and put them on the floor and come back up, then go down again, pick up the weights and go all the way up. It kills!)
Lateral Step-Ups- 15#/15 reps on each leg
Drop Side Lunges & Stand w/Leg Lift - 15#/15 reps each leg
Sequential Lunge into Front Kick - 10's/15 reps each leg
Narrow Stance Squats - 25's/15 reps
Calf Raises - 25's/40 reps
Wide Stance Deadlifts - 20's/15 reps

Didn't do the bonus section but did do the Extended Stretch. Not liking that too much, the stretches aren't held long enough for me. But at least it was something.
Yesterday was weights followed by 10 min soln kickbox. Total time was 42 min and I burned 364 calories. Supersets of 3x9
sissy squat/bb row
sumo dl/ incline chest flyes
lateral raise/reverse lunge w/ trunk rotation
skullcrushers/rear delt flyes
...back extension/plate knee ins (abs)

NOt my most amazing workout ever but it's better than nothing....

Debbie-good work on STS. I agree on the extended stretch, but it is better than nothing. :) and I have yet to do the bonus section b/c my legs were always fried after meso 1

Lora-that is still a great calorie burn. Good work
Good Morning - I posted last night -- ended up taking a rest day. Hoping today will be better. Gym Style Legs today (we will try this again :confused:). It's very muggy today.

Debbie - Yah. Some of the exercises in STS (and not just the legs) are so unique. I hadn't seen them -- at least not quite like Cathe did them -- anywhere else. I grew to really like the plate and "balls against the wall (so to speak)" moves. You kicked it today :) . That must have felt good. I do wish the stretches were held longer -- just starting to settle into them and then they'd move on. I skipped the bonus sections, probably more often than not, but somehow ended up hitting them all at least once. The one with the supine work that uses 2 plates is a great hamstring move. I use a tupperware lid - the plates fell apart on my workout room's floor (unfinished wood in there). I stole DS's frisbee for the 2nd plate. Got in trouble for that one :confused:

Theresa - That's still a good mix (I like the way you sequence) - and it far surpassed what I did (held onto my butt and just tried to get through the day :confused:) Not sure what was up with me. Sitting upright felt strenuous. Hopefully today will be better. Is DH still working out with you? Is it ok to

Lora - Some of the hardest workouts don't necessarily torch calories, huh? One reason I'm kind of glad I don't have a heart rate monitor. If I work my butt off, I don't really want a number that doesn't seem to know that mocking me. I keep meaning to ask, outside all the negatives at work, are you still liking your new position? Do you get much time to do it?

Hermia - Saw your post last night. You worked out late! Good on you, girl :D! I really thought about pulling it together last night and trying to get my workout in, but never got past the thought.

Have a good morning.

I started with Brook Benton's Kettlebell Butts & Guts 15 minutes cardio Express 18 minutes with the w/up and c/d 101 calories Max HR 135. I only used a 15# kettlebell for this today and I did the lunge option instead of the burpees because balancing on the kettlebell that fast for burpees has my kettlebell falling over. I then did Amy's SloMo legs 2 sets premix 45 minutes going a little heavier than Amy for most exercises, and added the Core 14 minutes and burned 217 calories, I finished with Cardio & Weights Premix cardio and compound weights using 10# dumbbells. I like that this premix has the abs on it. 47.5 minutes 293 calories. I think the calories might have been better but I had a phone call and then after I started again dil came in with my grandson and used our printer. So, I had to get the HR back up. Total calories burned today was 611 workout was 2 hr 4 minutes. Those jefferson squats were making my left low back hurt and there was some clicking in there:confused: Glad I only did the two sets(felt like more) The last round I just didn't go as low and do the in and out toe thing. I think next time I will sub something else for that one.

Debbie, good job with the wall squats and plate moves. I am usually off on one side when I do those slide back lunge pick up the weights moves. One side I am perfect but the other side I tend to wobble and want to lose my balance.

Lora, that still wasn't too bad of a calorie burn. I agree with Lori on our HR monitors. I can work so hard and feel like I am giving it my all while dripping sweat and burn hardly any calories which makes me feel like maybe I didn't work hard enough or I should be doing something else. I have to remind myself that getting benefits does not mean I have to be burning tons of calories.

Lori, it is muggy here today too. Good luck with Gym Style Legs.
Happy Thursday everyone!!

Forgive me if I come off as "happy and uppity" girl today - LOL. I REALLY am having so much fun (? not sure if that is really the right word) between work, camp, working out, socializing, etc. The past few weeks have been quite the marathon for me, but today 3 people commented on my weight loss. I am down about 15 lbs since the beginning of the year, and again, I didn't think it really showed. Sooooo.........you guys will have to stomach my bubbly happy mood for the day (don't worry it should pass rather quickly :)).

Today was Boot Camp since I missed my circuit workout yesterday. I had a pretty good workout considering I haven't had much sleep in the past few days.

Debbie - I'm so jealous - I wish I was doing STS again. I know my DH will buy me my own copy this fall, especially since I have been moaning and groaning about it for the past few months!! I bet your legs will be feeling those wall squats tomorrow!! ;)

Lori - Good luck with the workout today. I read your post from last night and I know just what you mean. Some days just the thought of putting in that much effort is just daunting!! We definitely need some days off at times, and you have been working out...well.....like a "maniac". LOL I'm interested in the results of the sleep study....let me know, k?

Hermia - OMG...that was quite the late night workout. Good for you!!

Lora- I think we should borrow that HR monitor Theresa had about a month ago. She was burning about 800 + calories per workout - sounds good to me!!

Theresa - That sounds like a GREAT workout to me. BTW.....is DH still motivated? I was wondering because I have been trying to get mine interested - no luck yet. :)

Ok....gotta get back to work. Sorry if I missed anyone.

Cheryl/Lori-DH is still going strong w/ me, thanks for asking. I kept telling him that muscle was the fountain of youth and he would feel amazing. I don't know what clicked w/ him to start trying it but he did. So far he seems to like kettlebell work best, and that is fine by me. I think I am going to nix the workout above b/c it just isn't challenging. I think we change the workout above to a TRX/Ropes gone Wild circuit. I want to try and utilize as much equipment as possible :)

Lori-sorry you are dragging still, but when I get the way you described-rest is always a safe bet. Hope you get some mojo today :)

Cheryl-yay for you and your 15 #'s ^^^^^^^^^^^^5's. Hopefully, I will be following suit soon. I would be chipper too if I was down that much :eek:

Diane Sue-I bet your legs were talking to you after that workout :)
Lora - What rotation are you following?

Theresa - Nice workout last night! I did the bonus section of STS legs once, the first time I did STS, but I remember some of those moves hurt my knee so I didn't want to chance it. Plus, I'm not too fond of leg floor work.

Lori - LMAO on the frisbee. Good idea, though. The tupperware lid is also a good idea. Luckily the plates slide really good for me so I have no problems with them. I remember hating the paper plate moves at first, now I love them. And I think Cardio Fusion is about the only workout I don't have. I'll have to go home and check, I'm not sure.

Diane Sue - Nice workout today. Don't you just hate interruptions? I remember looking into Jefferson squats and thought those looked unsafe. I think it's a good idea to find a different exercises when you do it next time. And I also agree about the BM2 ab work where you do the side plank. My shoulders hurt a lot yesterday doing those. I had to come down before the last 8 counts finished up. I remember I use to do that with no problems. Bums me out. I need to really work on my abs again.

Cheryl - Being happy and uppity is what this is all about. This is why I workout, to make me get through my day with a smile on my face. I'm glad you are in such a good place right now! That is awesome! Congrats on your 15# loss!

Hermia - Wow, I can't believe you worked out at midnight! Nice job getting it done, especially since you were so tired. :eek:
Just got home from work.....eating.

Lori - they took the new position away from me at work. My boss is talking out both sides of her mouth....saying the Clarins rep might come and talk to me and they might decide to do it....but they are supposed to hire someone for that counter full time. I don't want it full time, as there is not enough customer base to make it over there. Actually, Valerie's workouts aren't the "toughest". You can make them harder by lifting heavier and not taking breaks....but I don't find them particularly killer........but I do get a good workout with the above modifications.

Deb - I'm doing 3 Tracy Anderson Mat workouts a week and 2 (or 3) I Want My Bikini Body by Val Waters. The latter are paper workouts. I am only doing straight cardio 1 or 2 days a week. The Bikini Body workouts are weights with a cardio component. Here are links. Valerie is known for training a lot of celebrities, but mostly for Jennifer Garner's physique. Her method is supposed to slim the lower half and are very core intensive. She uses gliding discs that are called Val Slides. I go heavier than she suggests....and usually don't take breaks to make the workouts harder. Tracy Anderson is a very contraversial trainer that is popular for once being Madonna's trainer (for many years - went on tour with her) and Gwyenth Paltrow.


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Gym Style legs is done. Before I actually started the workout, I did a few extra sets of heavy squats (5) with the weight I'd used in the first week of meso 3 for the first three sets. Then I dropped some weight for 2 more sets. I took about 60 - 90 secs between sets and did 12 reps. Quite the pre-exhaust - my legs felt pretty "full" from the beginning. Worked them hard. I also did a short interval workout: 40/10 for 24 rounds. It was only 16 minutes, but it was a doozy. Needed all that - or at least felt better afterwards. It was still pretty tough to get started. It just has been lately. DS spent the night at a friend's. When I called him this afternoon, I found out I’d lost my voice :confused: Guess I hadn't spoken until then - I’m squeaky :eek: My throat is a little bit sore, but not too bad. Maybe it’s allergies? I guess this could be, at least in part, why I felt extra wiped out the past couple days. Other than my throat hurting (not really badly), I feel ok. I sound horrible though. Weird.

Diane Sue - That whole Slo-Mo leg segment calls pretty intensively on the low back and stabilizers (in my opinion) - not so bad in itself but the exercises - a lot of them - have that low gravitational pull to them. It adds up. And I’m with you on the Jefferson Squats. If I go into them “fresh,” I do ok and can sure get a burn. But two sets, really, seem more like four to me. You’ve switched arms but everything still works pretty hard either way and that out and in with the toes with that odd angle pull ... that's a lot going on if you're getting tired. Subbing something else for them is wise, I think. She doesn’t put much of a break between sets either. It gets tough. I like the exercises (in a love/hate sort of way) - but maybe in smaller doses than the way she has them sequenced. Very impressed (but not surprised;) ) that you went on and did so much more afterwards too.

Theresa - I’d love to have a trx. I was even trying to figure out if there was a way I might jimmie rig one myself. Workouts with equipment changes are fun - seems like they go faster - stay fresh. Also, I’ve created a few workouts that weren’t as challenging as I’d hoped, too. It’s hard to tell until you actually try them. Frustrating, but in retrospect, they did me good. I sure learned a lot from them - what to do differently next time if nothing else. I really like hearing about your work with your DH. Thanks for sharing about it.

Cheryl - When you first decribed your schedule and how you move around from place to place so much, it just sounded tough (and confusing) to me. Now though, I’m starting to get it. It sounds like a wonderful lifestyle. Very fun! Also, I’m with Debbie on this one - do NOT apologize for feeling great or for your successes. When it’s our turn, we’ll want to be bubbling just the same way without feeling bad about it. Yay you :D - you go!

Roselyn - Plyo Legs is always a good one. I may pull that one out - just because - very fun. Good to hear from you.

Debbie - The sit-n-slides took the longest for me to adapt to - partly because I wasn't sure they looked safe for the knees and felt sketchy about doing them. I really like them now. I wonder if initial difficulties with the plate moves had more to do with new motor unit/neural pathway recruitment than anything else. They just felt so different - but I really dig them all now, too. All this talk about plate work's making me miss STS :p. I think every disk in that series stands on its own as a very good workout.

Lora - If you posted about them taking the job from you and I missed it before, I'm really sorry I dredged it up again. That sucks :mad: Excuse my word choice, but - it does. I can't even think of much else to say :confused: It just makes me mad, and I'm not even the one it happened to. Btw, I almost skipped over the Gym Style floorwork - I actually thought of you. I think there really are benefits to the more "detailed" work, so I dug in and got it done. I leave it off too often - but I didn't today and sure felt it. Also, thanks for posting the link. I've been curious too and will check it out.

Ok then - Guess that's all for now

Grandchildren spent the night so got to bed late. Got somewhat of a workout in. Was annoyed with the calorie burn. Once I did a few minutes of Yoga Meltdown I was ready to quit when my grandbaby started calling for me. DH got her up and was getting ready to go to work. She was so unhappy to have Papa leaving. DH called later when Olivia was having a nap and my grandsons and I were playing Rummicube. We finished t off with a close game:D Got the grandbaby up and went to meet Papa for lunch. She did not want to go home. She kept telling me to "stop Nana" when I pulled into their neighborhood. I guess she was having a lot of fun:D Bill 3 and I went back to town to do some shopping. I really do need to do some house cleaning before the weekend gets going:eek:
Workout was MMA Kickbox 51 minutes 276 calories( I have had 329 with this.
Then 12 minutes of Yoga Meltdown Level 2 32 calories. Total calories burned was 308 and workout was 63 minutes.

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