Late to check in - had a plumbing problem. A pinhole developed in a copper pipe downstairs - quite a bit of water from such a tiny hole

Not sure how long it was spewing. I learned how to solder [?] a pipe though. Also had some trouble finding the right adapter for DS, so he could hook his MP3 to his new stereo. Just a day like that. I did get in a chest, shoulders, tri workout in yesterday. DS wanted to work out, so we spent quite a bit of time doing that. I was out of steam most of yesterday and decided to call it good. Today, I did Brook Benten's Butts and Guts. As soon as DS goes to bed I'm going to run through Budokon Flow and Flexibility. I believe this one is a bit less intense than the other 2 - more pure yoga with some less complex kicking in there. I still feel pretty wiped out but think the yoga aspect will do me good (and some foam roller work afterwards).
Roselyn - You are so consistent and intense with your workouts. I hope you enjoy the long weekend too
Debbie - To set and then EXCEED a goal like that must have felt so great. Way to work
Theresa - Sounds like a good blend (the workout and the music/decluttering, today). All of it good for the soul, I think
Diane Sue - Short and sweet ... your workout, and I guess your grandaughter is too

I used to love going to movies with DS. Sounds like you're having a very good day.
Hermia - That's a good workout

I switch things up to moves I like better sometimes (or even more often than that), too - took me awhile (when I first started doing workout's with DVD's) to REALIZE I could do that. Funny huh? As if the video patrol would show up with a citation for not following a workout verbatim ...

Also, I saw your question from yesterday: the 'floor project' is not done. I sure tried, but there was so much prep work. Got all that done, but then DS came home before I got any further. Don't want to start the last step unless I'm sure (as one can be) there won't be any interruptions. The guys at Home Depot told me the leveler stuff sets up pretty quickly, so I can't walk away from what I've mixed mid-project. DS has kind of wanted to just hang out and do stuff. I've missed him and that's ok with me. He goes back to school on Tuesday. Hoping to finish it up this coming week. Then, really want to do something ... creative with how I paint it. That's a vague desire -- need to figure that out too, I guess.
Hi to everyone else - hope your having a good weekend.