Roselyn -

- about your stamina. Can't tell you how many times I've almost purchased Insanity. Hearing so much consistently good feedback about Turbo Fire doesn't help, either. Would you favor one above the other? Anyway. Must be a great feeling. I've seen some vast improvements in mine as well - but can only imagine what sticking with those programs has done for yours. Well done. You surely earned your improvements.
Diane Sue - Nice workout this morning

. Have you noticed anything like Roselyn mentioned? I haven't heard our town is even having an event today, but the first thing I saw on my home page was a picture of the building. Something haunting about that.
Debbie - It amazes me how many musicians from when I was younger are still out there creatiing new stuff. I remembered you liked Robert (btw, we need a new trivia question

). Also remember how quickly your body snaps back (stamina wise) with different fitness aspects -- thinking about the push-ups from STS

It is hard to find time to fit everything in, though. That is for sure.
Can't think of anything to add to other's reflections about today. Leaves me a bit speechless. Sending out some prayers for all the lives it touched. Cardio today and I can't decide

Will probably go with Cardio Fusion. Haven't done that one in quite awhile. Used to do it all the time (one of those).
Hi to all who follow -