hardcore fitness maniacs sat sept 18

Today was Shoulders & Traps and I had a great workout! Had a little pain in my right shoulder but it's ok now.

2 minutes rest between each exercise except when I went to the 25 repper set. Went right into it after the 3rd set!

Overhead Barbell Press - 30#/12 reps - 2 sets (warmup)
Overhead Barbell Press - 55#/6 reps - 3 sets
Overhead Barbell Press - 30#/20 reps
***This is my worst exercise, especially high reps. I only managed 20 reps on this one.

Upright Rows - 45#/6 reps - 1 set
Upright Rows - 50#/6 reps - 2 sets
Upright Rows - 25#/25 reps
***This is where my right shoulder started to bother me. That's why I didn't go too heavy with this exercise.

Seated Lateral Raise - 12's/6 reps - 3 sets
Seated Lateral Raise - 7's/25 reps

Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise - 15's/6 reps - 3 sets
Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise - 10's/25 reps

Barbell Shrugs - 65#/25 reps
Barbell Shrugs - 75#/25 reps - 2 sets
Barbell Shrugs - 65#/25 reps

That is all...

Have a great weekend everyone!
I got my workout in and it was a good one. I also weighed in today and dropped weight
I really thought I ate terribly this week.
This morning I started with Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpting Kettlebell 2 w/up, and smoker minus the finisher 19 minutes 128 calories Max HR 161. Then my next workout was Amy's Step Challenge 4 w/up and combos 1, 2 and 1&2 combined c/d stretch 47 minutes Max hr 171 calories burned 381. I followed this with Lauren Brooks Killer Abs 13 minutes, 73 calories, then I did MMA Kickbox abs and stretch 15 minutes 64 calories. Total workout was 95 minutes and calories burned was 645.
Roselyn, nice workout. My eats today has been nothing at all so far. Getting ready to go grab some grapefruit. Dinner last night was leftover roast and salad.

Debbie, nice workout. I am having some neck and delt pain this morning so I think that it is a combo of pull ups and tubing work.
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Good morning -

Roselyn - Nice workout this morning :D How long have you been doing TF now?

Debbie - Glad your shoulder's ok now. Very good workout today :D I'm trying to figure out when to incorporate the rotation you shared into my schedule. It's cool to watch as you do it. Hope Charlotte will keep checking in.

Diane Sue - That WAS a good one :) Not surprised at your drop in weight with the workouts you've been doing, either. I'd think you'd be able to eat like a teenage boy and still be ok. Well. Maybe not quite THAT much :p I have one of those now (a teenage boy). It is sort of awe inspiring to witness their hunger level :eek: Anyway, great job today.

Cheryl - Saw your post yesterday - something about not being inspiring very often (in response to Theresa, I think). Just wanted to say that isn't so. You had me pulling out the Gauntlet not so long ago. I think you (and everyone in this group) may not realize how much you help/inspire me -- daily. K. Done scolding :p

Yesterday, I did STS Meso 1 chest, shoulders, biceps. Also did some interval training on my elliptical: 7 rounds 1 min all out effort, 3 min. recovery at steady state (that was tough) and Athletic Step. My energy level was not as great as the day before when I planned this workout. Made it through though. Legs today, Budokon practice tonight and lots of cleaning/finishing up projects and stuff I'd like to do. Also, only have 2 Chapters left in my textbook :D , then I need to review, take the pre-test and schedule an exam (oh. and also take a cpr course) ... :eek: Think I should take at least a month to review though. Mostly cuz I've taken so bloomin' long to get through all the chaps initially, I'm afraid there's a good deal I may have forgotten from chapter one :confused: It's all pretty straight forward stuff, but the way the information's presented is very specific to the test and I've read there are sort of trick-ish questions. So. Anyway. That's my plan.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Lori, I remember how much my son ate when he was growing like crazy. It was hard to keep food in the house. Then right out of highschool he got a job with a place that made concrete beams. You should have seen him eat when he came home. Let alone he would take several sandwiches with him. Still stayed a string bean. I guarantee I would gain lots of weight at that level of eating LOL
Diane Sue - It's something, isn't it (their metabolism)? I guess I noticed it with DS last spring and like you mentioned, he's very lean. Definitely on a growth spurt though. I don't think it will be long until he's bigger than me. He only just turned 13 :eek: I can't remember how old your son is now [?]

Anyway, I was quite the go-getter in my post this morning. Pretty embarrassed by that. I spent a lot of the afternoon on the couch with Skyler (that wasn't even on my to do list). She looked very cute lying there. I should NOT have stopped to pet her. DS brought the greatest, SOFTEST blanket back from his trip to CA. Not sure why, but it too was just ... right there ... :eek: I think I was a victim of circumstance :rolleyes: The 3 of us (me, Skyler, blanket) combined - and that was that. Plus, it's been COLD here today. The heater actually kicked on. I wore long johns and gloves when I walked Skyler this evening
:( . Pretty bummed about that. Aside from her walk, I did get a leg workout in (disc 12 I think) - and I cleaned the oven. Not much more than that. Guess it was a semi-rest day.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend.

Sounds like everyone had great workouts. =)

Lori, isn't it nice to have a day that's a bit lazy sometimes, though? I guess it's hard not to feel guilty. I had a semi lazy/semi work day today, and I feel bad that I didn't get more done, but my work week is pretty demanding. I'm looking forward to mid october, just four more weeks, when my night class will end.

Last week I only worked out four days, and this week it looks like it's gonna be four as well. I did yoga Wednesday and Friday (my fave yoga class is getting cancelled..boo hiss!), then earlier today I did Tracey's Glute Camp then the balance section from her yoga dvd.

With my schedule as it is right now, five days is the most I could get in. I really want to get all five, so I'm going to try hard to do that fifth workout, even if it's just a bit on my fiance's eliptical or something that would be more of an add-on. Hopefully I'll be able to manage a bit more, but at least something will make me feel better than nothing! =)

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